
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cakap Cakap...what now?

Let us be clear on one thing. Why do we want UMNO out? Very simply this: 

We are being conned by UMNO who are using their time in Government to enrich themselves. 

They use anything at their disposal to do this. Ketuanan Melayu, Bumiputra Status, Ugama – anything at all with no respect for even the dead! Why I say the dead? If Najib had any respect for his Father Tun Razak, he will cease and desist this rape and pillage of our country by UMNO – a party that Tun Razak once was President of. If he had respect for the dead he would tell us what happened to Kugan, to Teoh Beng Hock and to the others that have died while under Government custody, his Government.   

It is hard to believe that this has been happening for many years and it is still continuing today. Does Rosmah and Najib actually discuss over breakfast what money they can make out of Mindef tenders? Out of PKFZ. Out of this F1 ‘business opportunity’ that has just come out? Do their friend come up and tell them “Dato Seri boleh saya buat proposal untuk Bengkel F1 di Sepang?” “Boleh saya buat proposal macham mana kita boleh jual ‘corporate advertising’ untuk kereta F1 Malaysia?”. Is this really happening?

Does Rosmah’s ‘associates’ go around hawking their ability to get tenders awarded to those that pay them the best commission? Upfront money? Do business people have meetings arranged by these associates of Rosmah to meet her and discuss their business interest and proposals? Yes all this is happening yesterday, today and will continue to happen in the days to come.

So what does Pakatan Rakyat offers? Apart from  a brief from Zaid about the putting together of  an opposition cabinet nothing much has eventuated. I ask that Pakatan Rakyat now come up with a proposed Government in opposition that will be an alternative to the sorry excuse of a cabinet that we have now. That this Shadow Government will provide us with what they will do as and when they come into Government. This Government in Waiting will have shadow ministers capable of going head to head with their counterpart in Government and ready to take over power when the time come. They will have less then three years to convince the Public that they can do so. The sooner they start the better.

Who will be Prime Minister, who will be DPM, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Defence – Who will be Mentri Besar of Johor, Pahang or Trengganu? Do you have the people to fill these position. We want to know so that we can see how they perform in opposition. Give them enough time to prepare themselves for what is to come – and more important to enable the Rakyat to have a feel of what a government under Pakatan Rakyat will be like. Do not worry about getting enough Malays or Chinese or Indians – just get the best that you have. Can you do this? Can you set up a Government in waiting? If not then you are not ready to form the next Government!

I am afraid that we will gradually lose our current momentum – the Pakatan Rakyat tsunami that swept the country in the last election has now becoming a tide ebb – lapping at the shores of Barisan. This will not do.

Pakatan Rakyat have all the ammunition you need to start the tsunami again. Teoh Beng Hock is becoming a blip on the horizon. Kugan is almost forgotten. MACC has been given due notice by us that we will not tolerate their bullying of us– we need to bury them. PDRM? Expose their corruption. Take videos of them robbing us blind – put them on the Internet – if you cannot do that from Malaysia – sent them to me and I will put them on my blog. If you need to pay them RM50 so that you will not be fined RM300 – do so but get it on camera and bust them.

All this talk about the religious authorities coming down on Muslims drinking and being caught in close proximity. Hey you idiots – go look at the dangdut night clubs, go look at the massage parlours and health and spa centres where Malay girls are a dime a dozen, go look at the five star hotels, the discos and go follow those UMNO ministers and UMNO big wigs – see what they do – you will have your work all cut out for you. You will not have enough officers to handle the workload. 

And above all this sits Najib. What a joke of a Prime Minister. If you agree with what I write make sure that as many people read this piece as possible. E mail it, link it, print it and distribute it – but get this message across.

We want to change the Barisan Government because they are conning us out of our hard earned Ringgit.

We will vote Pakatan Rakyat – but they must show that they are capable of taking over from Barisan. Tell us who amongst you will form the Government in Waiting – the Shadow Cabinet. What are your Policies? What will you do when you are in Government?

So my friend let those of you who are with me on this start our own ‘tsunami’ – let us be together. If you have anything to say send me your thoughts – if need be I will ‘write’ it my way and publish it on this site. I make this promise to you – whatever you write to me, whatever you send to me will be between you and me and will stay that way – unless you want it to be otherwise. Let us start this journey together and move towards the next General Election. For now we have our sight on Bagan Pinang. What will you do? Tell me please?


  1. I doubt its so simple, this shadow cabinet.


    Its something I posted some weeks back.

    To take over the Federal Govt, we need to answer 2 questions, of which one is especially pertinent when we talk about forming the next Federal govt.

    The Sabah/Sarawak conundrum.

    Without Sabah and Sarawak with us, I can tell you no Federal govt is possible.

    We practically have to make a clean sweep of Peninsular if we want to take over without Sabah and Sarawak politicians jumping over.

    So if we need Sabah and Sarawak politicans to jump over esp after we proof to them in PRU 13 we can obliterate BeeEnd in PRU 13, how can we form a shadow cabinet now?

    I hate it but theres no 2 ways about it. We have to take in part of the corrupt SUPP, PBS, PBDS polticians somehow.

    Unless somebody can show me Pakatan can win in these 2 countries.

    Its not a coincidence that by election record is 7-1 now. The 1 is not there just by accident.

    My other point on the corruption , aisey, no need to be so difficult lah.

    Do somehting more simple.

    Anybody knows the mansions or houses our cabinet ministers live in or not?

    Just do a pictorial titled.

    'The Homes of the Malaysian Cabinet Ministers' Can google earth them also!!'

    You post these pictorials on some site like Malaysia Today and everybody will know and remember !!!!!

  2. Sorry I meant the 2 states, not 2 countries. :)

  3. Hi Sunwayopal - I am digesting your comments - tqs because it gives me food for thoughts. I will reply once I am ready. Can you send me the article you posted about the shadow cabinet? regards

  4. Encik HH,

    Your spirit and drive as felt through your article is very admirable. I hope more people will be won over by your conviction.

    Khir Toyo's palace was written about widely, supported by pictures and commented by Mahathir and yet, the MACC and police did nothing. He is left untouched.
    Many corruptions and wrong-doings have been exposed by Raja Petra on the Malaysian Today website especially about the IGP and his gangsters but the Prime Ministers (past and present) did nothing about it.

    The PM is going all out to harrass and attack the PR lawmakers in Selangor and I am sure you read about it. The MACC interrogated the PR officials till one died, one suffered broken leg and many more.

    How to go against the BN/UMNO animal farm when they have all the agencies to attend to them at their whims and fancies? Need to find some BN/UMNO betrayers who can spill more beans and expose their skeletons?

    Even with so many exposes done by Raja Petra, these BN/UMNO animals are so thick-skinned...they still cling onto their seats so that they can continue to enrich themselves using their positions.

    Look at the many Rakyat told the PM not to renew his contract. Did the PM listen? of course not. How to get rid of the corrupted and useless IGP?

    Must call upon supernatural power or H1N1 virus to wipe the entire animal farm out.

    How to get pictures of police beating up victims in lock-ups? People saw, talked about it, wrote about it already ...such as Theresa Kok (MP), a University student who locked up, those detained and beaten up for nothing, action was taken by Najib. How to handle these animals?

    The University student even reported on Malaysia Today website that when he was detained overnight, he saw an entire family with a 1year old baby in the lockup as well. The lock up was dirty, smelly and with choked drain. How can the police be so heartless? They have no human feelings anymore. They are all out with the intent to torture only.

    Encik HH, please help the helpless Rakyat with your ideas.

    Thank you.


  5. Siebel - i read about all those things that you mention and like you I am angry. i will continue to write what I can. Keep in touch. regards


  6. UMNO politicians are corrupted and on top of that they are really arrogant and think that all of us can be fooled all the time.
    They use all kinds of unreasonable laws to mismanage and hide things from us. In PKFZ fiasco they use OSA. To cling on to power they use ISA. To get rid of corruption ironically they use MACC. To stifle the bright minds of our young they use Universities and Colleges Act. To win any lawsuit they manipulate the judiciary and of course who can forget the infamous lawyer Lingam writing judgement for the judge, etc, etc
    We need to change this BN government because there is no way they will change enough to properly govern Malaysia.

    I think PR may not be fully ready come GE13 to govern, but I think if they win in the coming GE and BN does not resort to declaring emergency when they lose, it is a good bet to give them a try. Cannot be worst than what we have now I think.
    However if given that chance and PR does not perform well we still can vote them out later.

    At least it creates an atmosphere of competition to see who can govern better.

    Competition will bring out the best.

    So come GE13 do consider voting PR.

    Tell all our Sabah and Sarawak friends to do so.

  7. Congrats Encik Hussein,

    I like your article and I like your plan. Hope you will highlight this little effort at translating your article in Bahasa Malaysia: Cakap-cakap - bagaimana sekarang.

  8. Patriot - thank you for your effort - I have posted the translation on my blog and sending a copy to Anwar and Keadilan. Tqs.


  9. Thank you Patriot for translating Encik HH's article into Bahasa Malaysia.

    Encik HH,
    Pls send this article in Bahasa Malaysia to Malaysia Today, Malaysia Kini and Malaysia Insider so that many more will get to read it.

    Also, we need to email the article to voters in Bagan Pinang, an UMNO stronghold so that they will be alerted of UMNO's wrongdoings.

    We need to disseminate this article to as many people as possible. I have started with all my friends.


  10. Dear Sir,

    I read many good english articles written in various articles. I believe many can read english should know what to do next GE. We need to translate all these good articles/news into malay. Without majority malay support we will not be able to change goverment.

  11. i didn't know the topic.but i just want to ask opinion about issue MCA.DID U THINK WHO ARE THE ONE WANT OUST SOI LEK?
    B .MIC people,
    C .gerakan people
    d .orang utan
    e .MCA people.

    who just want to damages the entire BN?
    B .MIC people,
    C .gerakan people
    d .orang utan
    e .MCA people

  12. anonymous - what i know is that Soi Lek and BN have been given the opportunity by the Rakyat to govern our country. They have failed to do so responsibly. Their time is over.

  13. Encik HH,

    Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family. I forgot to wish you earlier.

    Your spirit is so strong and you are also very driven. It is admirable for someone your age.

    I hope you could join Pakatan Rakyat and contribute your mental strength and ideas. Perhaps, you are already a PR member in which case ignore what I just said.

    I gathered that you are an approachable man and you even publish your email address on your blog. Many bloggers do not do that.

    May you live to a ripe old age so that you can continue to contribute to the Rakyat. I am cheered up each time I read about about someone like you who cares about the Rakyat....similar to Haris Ibrahim, Raja Petra plus many others whose name slipped my mind....

    Many Thanks.


  14. Encik HH,

    Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family. I forgot to wish you earlier.

    Your spirit is so strong and you are also very driven. It is admirable for someone your age.

    I hope you could join Pakatan Rakyat and contribute your mental strength and ideas. Perhaps, you are already a PR member in which case ignore what I just said.

    I gathered that you are an approachable man and you even publish your email address on your blog. Many bloggers do not do that.

    May you live to a ripe old age so that you can continue to contribute to the Rakyat. I am cheered up each time I read about about someone like you who cares about the Rakyat....similar to Haris Ibrahim, Raja Petra plus many others whose name slipped my mind....

    Many Thanks.


  15. Abang,,

    What we have in Malaysia is a bad attitude of the people , being irresponsible and unaccountable , for their own Money. What ever that is happening , it results to , as long as poeple do not get a kick into their stomachs , they will keep going on with this henious habits.

    The other reason is these people are not getting the real truth , regarding the damage being done by all this corrupted politicians , government servant bureaucrats , and especially the corporate goons , who are financing these moves and especially our shit newspapers , which spins the news in favour of the culprits.

    What we need is the true message , going down to the grass roots and right into the grape wine. This would be the best form , to create a fair and level playing field for PR and BN , to pit in equal terms. Thats the quandry , how shall we make it work. At present to a quite an extend , it has worked , though but , how can we go deeper in effectively.

  16. Hi Doc..i agree with you - getting the message across is critical. What i do is to write my thoughts and as i have said before - if even one individual is able to grasps what i am trying to convey - it is enough. Do that too Doc - one convert a month to our cause would mean 12 a year - we still have time to the next GE. Do keep in touch.
    p.s I have an affection for Doctors - my grandfather Dr Latiff was the first Malay Doctor -and I remember him with much affection.



  17. The national morale is in deep depression. Everywhere I go people are talking about scandals and coverups.The country seems to have lost its direction and is sinking to new lows.

    Our image among foreigners is also taking a battering. In the 1990s we were called a TIGER nation but today we are increasingly being branded a fundamentalist Islamic state. Everything seems to be going wrong. Negative news seems to be making global headlines in Forbes, NY Times, Wall Street Journal etc; Katika, cowhead, Teoh, PKFZ.

    We were once a shining example of racial and religious tolerance. Even this is being questioned by foreigners.

    Najib and the government has to act quickly to stop this rapidly deteriorating situation and to instill confidence in the people. Every Malaysian, irrespective of race , religion or creed, should feel that there is a future for themselves and their children.

    Unless there is ONE LAW for all, it will be difficult and even impossible, to regain the trust and confidence of the people.

  18. Just as you have taken the trouble to share your thoughts with all of us - so must we all continue to ask others to see and understand where we are coming from - as one of us have said - close to 50% still voted for Barisan in the last election. We have work to do. Help us.

  19. Dear HH,
    Selamat Hari Raya to you and family.
    I'm your contemporary in terms of age and I'm as frustrated as you are. It doesn't appear that the entrenched Barisan Neraka is ever going to listen to the rakyat. Having fed on the rakyat for so long they ain't gonna stop until they spit out the bones. So the only way is to vote them out. To do this we need to make every vote count. Convince anyone we meet on the need for change and encourage them to do the same. Convince those who have not registered to do so. If they think their single vote is immaterial, show them this message....

    The power of ONE
    A Japanese proverb states: "The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour." The actions of just one person have even changed the course of a nation. Edward Everett Hale wrote:

    I am only one.
    But still I am one.
    I cannot do everything,
    But still I can do something;
    And because I cannot do everything
    I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

    Long ago a woman named Esther saved the Jews from holocaust. She was the wife of a Persian king. The king was about to be tricked into a decision that would lead to the extermination of the Jews. Esther's predicament was that if she tried to save the Jewish nation, she would have to risk her life. Her adoptive father gave her this message: "For if you remain silent...your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this." She chose to risk her life. By doing so, one person helped save an entire nation.
    Centuries later, one person made a decision that had a detrimental effect. In 1923, by one vote, Adolph Hitler gained control of the Nazi Party.
    Never underestimate the power of one person, one vote. In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England. In 1776, one vote gave America the English language rather than German. In 1845, one vote brought the state of Texas into the United States. In 1941, one vote preserved the Selective Service System just 12 weeks before Pearl Harbor was attacked.
    If you occupy a position of leadership then your actions profoundly influence those who follow your example. Considering the many qualities that are necessary for successful leadership, Desert storm hero General H. Norman Schwarzkopf said: "Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy."
    Thank you
    Best regds.

  20. many thanks for your thoughts and contribution...i already have an idea with which i want to incorporate what you send me - but it is late now (just past 2am) will do it esok. Keep in touch and do share with me those ideas. regards.


  21. Encik Hussein,

    Where are you based? From your reply above, you seem to be in a timezone about 2 hours ahead of Malaysia. Are you in Sydney Australia?

    Just curious to know.


  22. Hi Brother HH, may I call U brother because I'm a 5 gen. Penang chinese malaysian.
    Tis the 1st time I got into ur blog.I'm not much educated but ur one of the true Malaysian I'd try my best to share some thoughts with U.
    Since the 308 sunami the PR got 5 major states and yet the BN MSM has been spins after spins against Pr. Is it BN had the full control of the NEWS?
    Now what I'm wondering is can't PR gov of the controlled states intiate theit own NEWS portals to counter the BN? Maybe a trilingua newspaper will do, and I am sure there PR bisinessmen supporters who are more willing to support the venture.
    I am really surprise that after almost 2 years, the PR people never take this improtant step to counter the BN?????
    HH over to U now to make the sujestion to PR. Thanks and Selamat Hari Raya to U and family.

  23. Kapitan - you can call me brother -it would be good. As for countering BN spin I think PR feels that there have more pressing matters to deal - but I agree with you that there should be more organized rather then depend on websites of Anwar, LKS or the other alpha bloggers that provide 'the truth' to the people.PAS is very well organized in this but as you know their 'news' are aimed at a particular sector - not to all of us. I think they will read your comments - let us see what comes out of it.
    When anybody says Penang...i think of food lah...aiyah miss the char kueh teow!
