
Thursday, October 12, 2017

How will the Malays vote?

We Malays are now divided. Irreversibly, totally and completely wrecked asunder by Malay politicians to serve their own vested interests. Wrecked asunder by religious zealots who think religion is to be used to serve their political masters if not their narrow religious sensibilities. And as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, this division among the Malays will widen not narrow, will become more pronounced over time not mellow, and will herald not only the demise of Malay political hegemony over all others, but, thank God, will bring into reality our aspiration for a future that will see a Malaysia far far removed from the one that Umno has imposed upon us for the past six decades and counting. But this will be a long time coming given that the division among the Malays would first need to be healed. 

The Malay narrative focuses on the position of Islam and the special position of the Malays. Both no longer hold sway over the Malay populace. It is now being replaced by these words "INCLUSIVITY" and "MODERN POLITICS." Two words embraced by right thinking, rational and responsible Malays...and non-Malays.  

Malay privileges are Umno privileges. That we all now know to be a fact. Malay privileges is now a toxic mix of greed, corruption and easy money abused, used and embraced by Umno Malays to the detriment of the Malays. To compensate for this void, the surge of "Taliban" laws and morality has spawned its own undesirable extremism totally at odds with the needs of a multi racial society that we have had in Malaysia from time immemorial. 

But it is these Umno's racist sentiments together with the medieval ideas that PAS has of Islam that will win the election for Umno and PAS...if they can impose their will upon the Malays through these sentiments. Can they do this when the Malays are now not only with Umno and PAS, but, many among them have also pledged their loyalty to PH? How will the Malays vote?

The Malay votes are split three ways. 

BN     45%
PAS   25%
PH     30%

It is the non-Malays that will decide who governs in Putrajaya.

Who then has the support of the non-Malays. 

It does not matter to the Chinese who governs Malaysia. They roll with the punches and weather the tough times better than any of us can and will adjust to whoever hold the reins of power in Putrajaya. But how will the Chinese (read non-Malays) respond to the Malay Agenda? How will the Malay "special position" be addressed? How will the Malays respond to sharing government with the non-Malays? What will we all do with JAKIM, JAIS and JAWI and how will we deal with those Malays who will not stand for their race and religion to be insulted? 

All these fears and uncertainties can and must be addressed by a responsible and good government far far removed from the Umno/PAS trajectory that is now being put into place by BN and PAS as they desperately try to find a way out of the deep deep hole that race and religion has dragged them into. We know they will not succeed because what they are now formulating is just more of the same toxic combination of race and religion  - for in their mind, race and religion has kept them in power at Federal and State level, and more of the same will be needed to further their hold on government at State and Federal level. 

All things considered,I am certain that the solid support of the non-Malays lies within PH. The  PH of today not only has Lim Kit Siang to carry the torch for the non-Malays for "INCLUSIVITY" but there is also Tun Dr Mahathir in whose hands the Malay Agenda can be said to be safely vested. In these two we can see the coming together of the real change that people want....and our beloved Malaysia will be saved!


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