
Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I have been wanting to say something about this for some time but the topic was too hot, the assumptions too wild. I already heard about this some time ago. 
It was only recently that what some OTHER people have been saying has sort of confirmed what I have been hearing. It is all falling in place. 
I have been collecting reference material since then.
First let me quickly get some main points down.
1. The gomen does not know how to  turn around or fix the totally screwed up sekolah kebangsaan education system.  So the gomen has decided to concentrate on only the Top 10% of sekolah kebangsaan and the top 10% of school achievers.  
The rest of the gomen schools can manufacture future Mat Rempits, office messengers and pizza delivery boys. 
2. The Band System is now taking centre stage in the school system. There are FIVE Bands. Band 1 schools are at the top. Band 5 schools are at the bottom.
3. The former “missionary schools” (ACS Ipoh, Bukit Bintang Boys School, the Girls Convents etc) are being slowly wiped out. Some of them have become “Band 5” schools already.
 4. The gomen is treating the boarding schools (sekolah asrama penuh)  just like any other school. Nothing special about them anymore.  (MCKK, MRSM etc are going to be “down-ranked”).
5. The education system will continue to be a place to provide jobs (as school teachers) for the hundreds of thousands of  poorer Malay girls and boys who would otherwise not have a means of earning a decent income.   
Ok those are the MAIN POINTS I want to get across. 
Now lets listen to some important people who have spoken recently about our education system.  First up is HRH Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim,  the Tunku Mahkota of Johor .

country’s level of education will remain below par
easier to obtain votes, manipulate “stupid and uneducated”
Tunku Ismail says he was told by a certain important person recently.
  1. Tunku Ismail revealed shocking answer
  2.  I questioned certain important individual
  3. “Why can’t we improve education?”
  4. individual answered it was two simple reasons, 1st to obtain votes.
  5. 2nd easy to control minds of stupid and uneducated.
  • “I don’t want my people to be easily manipulated” he said
  • by others who “twist and turn truth”
  • distract people from main issues.
My comments :  The above interview with the Tunku Mahkota is dated May 30, 2016.  
The Tunku Mahkota’s views seem to tally with what I have listed down above in the MAIN POINTS. 
A friend who is deeply involved in education told me that about FIVE years ago (2012) he met another senior gomen official (from education)  who said the same things. The five MAIN POINTS above are from that conversation.  The senior gomen official said that this “Education Conspiracy” was hatched about FIVE YEARS earlier ie around 2007. 
The “ketuanan” thinking wants to totally wipe out the old missionary schools.   The “ketuanan” thinking wants to erase any memory that missionary schools exist in Malaysia or that they contributed so much to the country’s prosperity. 
Hence less resources are being channelled to the old missionary schools.  
They are letting them just rot.  
My friend says the Bukit Bintang Boys School in Kuala Lumpur is now a Band 5 school !!  
To give you an idea about Band 5 schools, some Band 5 schools are at a level where the Police may come to school once a week to confiscate drugs and stuff.  That is a Band 5 school. 
My old alma mater the Anglo Chinese School,  Ipoh is now a Band 2 school.  In my time it was a top school.   
So is the oldest English medium school in South East Asia the 201 year old Penang Free School (where I completed my Form 6).  PFS is now also Band 2.
Instead the gomen is focussing on gomen schools like SK Aminuddin Baki, SK Alam Shah, SK Putrajaya and SK Bukit Damansara as Band 1 schools. Band 1 schools get the most experienced teachers, the best headmasters / principals, the best school equipment etc. 
They are also downplaying the old established sekolah berasrama penuh (SBP) or residential school system.  The gomen has discovered (quite correctly though) that the sekolah asrama or residentail school system has unfortunately created a caste system whereby graduates tend to band together and look down upon people who are not from their college or school.  Politics, the Civil Service and the GLCs can become polarised according to the colour of the old school tie.  Ini Melayu punya cerita lah.
Hence my friend says that the Malay College Kuala Kangsar is now graded almost a Band 2 school.  Can you imagine ? MCKK close to becoming a Band 2 school ??
Ok here is some “support” to back up what I am saying:
  • July 17 — only fair Malay-dominated fully residential schools (SBP) be abolished
  • if vernacular schools were to go, Khairy  suggested today.
  • Khairy highlighting complexity of single-stream education system
Well, one way of “killing off” the sekolah asrama penuh is simply by cutting off the supply of money. And that is happening already.   
Here is my friend Ruhanie Ahmad  complaining that Tamil schools are getting the same amount of money as the MARA colleges !! Aiyyoyo !!
“Seig Heil Herr Ruhanie.   Die Nicht-Bumiputra sind unter 
menchen und unter klassen. Ruhanie über alles”
Budget 2018 made Bumiputeras 2nd-class citizen
it affords equal opportunities to all races, said Perkasa.
We’ve become 2nd-class citizens
Perkasa cannot accept this.
against Article 153 to provide non-Bumi equal access
govt putting Bumi struggle equal to non-Bumis.
Although not wrong, it is against Article 153 of Constitution
affirmative action policies cannot be same level to other races
  • Ruhanie ex Mara chairman
  • could not accept that funds allocated to MRSM equal to Tamil schools.
only 10 to 12 pupils in the Tamil school.
Bumis should be (getting) more.
My comments : This story is dated 19th November 2017. Ruhanie Ahmad says that MARA colleges are getting the same amount of funds as the Tamil schools.  Since Tamil schools are always considered ‘bottom of the heap’ it simple means that MARA colleges have now been downgraded to Tamil school rank.
As I said, there is a move to down grade the sekolah asrama penuh or residential colleges.  They want to undo the sekolah asrama “caste” system.  
Instead the gomen wants to focus on the top 10% of Malay students who will eventually run the country. They are creating an elitist system. The remaining 90% can become Mat Rempits, office messenger boys and pizza delivery boys. Meaning the ‘free handouts policy’ will continue for a while.  The elite 10% will take the cake and drop the crumbs for the remaining 90% dumbnuts.
In Singapore it is forbidden for Singaporeans to attend “international schools”. International schools in Singapore are only meant for foreign expatriates. Singaporeans can only attend government schools. 
In Malaysia, we went the other way.  Also about 10 years or so ago, the gomen decided to allow private international schools to mushroom in Malaysia. They were allowed to enrol even Malaysians.   
Since international schools are so expensive, only the children of the very rich can afford to attend private international schools.  Many rich Malay kids (and non Malays as well) are enrolled at these very exclusive schools. 
The Marlborough School charges fees of about RM90,000 per year for Form 1 to Form 5. That is almost RM500,000 over five years. More than the cost of a private medical degree in Malaysia.   Eton College is also here. They charge about RM80,000 per year. 
But market talk is that the top international school in Malaysia is the one in Melaka owned by Tan Sri Halim Saad.  
These schools prepare Malaysian students to take the UK GCE O and A levels. Some of them also prepare students for the Singapore ‘O’ Levels.   They are in a different world altogether. 
These schools teach in English. Most importantly the lingua franca outside the classroom is also English. On the football field, in the dorms, in the cafeteria, at school plays etc the kids speak English.  This alone gives them light years’  advantage over the ordinary sekolah kebangsaan kids. 
They will become among the top 10% Malay elite that will rule over the Malay people in the future. The remaining 90% of the Malays will wait for BR1M, listen to the Ostard Wal Retards, watch ulcer-causing Malay dramas on TV3 and shop at the pasar malam and eat at the warongs (since the supermarts are all closing down).  
Now here is another news report, also  from Johore  :
8 of 10 Johoreans want return of English-medium schools in state, survey
survey by Spore’s Yusof Ishak Institute (ISEAS) 
82% support for English-medium schools across all races 
support strong across all demographic segments, among Malay rural 
in the past were not supportive of maths, science in English
survey released Nov 13 
highest among Indians 88%, Chinese (87%), Malays (77%).
Johor’s preference for English-medium due to success of S’pore
making them more internationally employable
  • strong support from Chinese, Indians for single stream education 
  • if Johor education modelled after S’pore’s English medium system 
  • which was actively promoted by Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar.
survey conducted in May and June, 2,011 respondents interviewed
1,104 (55% ethnic) Malay,  758 (38%) Chinese, 149 (7%) Indian
My comments : HRH the Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar wants a return to the English medium of instruction in Johore’s schools. 
The Sultan and his Crown Prince speak with much wisdom.  
They speak like ordinary folk. 
Indeed if we return to the English medium of instruction, it will be quite easy to have a single stream education. We can do away with not only Chinese  and Tamil schools but we can also do away with the ‘private international schools’.  
When I was in school, Tamil and Chinese schools were only meant for students whose parents were illiterate, stupid or both. Few Chinese went to Chinese schools. Few Indians went to Tamil schools.  Everyone went to the missionary schools and the government English schools. Because the medium of instruction then was in English.
For the bukan orang putih like us, in the 20th and 21st century, with English you can progress very quickly. 
Without English, you only imagine that you have progressed. 
It is called bodoh sombong and katak bawah tempurung.     
My suggestion is that we introduce  strong competition into  the administration of the education system.
Return the missionary schools BACK to the missionaries. Let ACS Ipoh, Kampar, Melaka, Sitiawan etc revert back to the Methodist Church. They have been doing a fantastic job of educating hundreds of thousands of Malaysians in the past.   The country has progressed well because of their education methods.  
Then let the gomen also manage the sekolah kebangsaan, the sekolah asrama etc.  See who does better. Then compete to outdo each other. ‘You shall compete in righteous works’.  
Right now the Malays (largely) are headed to the Club of Doom under the present “ketuanan” system of education. I have different views about the Chinese, Indians and others. 
The gomen should revert back to English not just in Science and Mathematics but in all practical knowledge subjects.   
Singapore is a good example of a society that has progressed very well because of English.  The Philippines will soon be another good example.  
The choice here is betwenn doom and boom. 
Doom as in destruction. 
Boom as in super growth and expansion. 

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