
Friday, November 3, 2017

We in Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan make a firm commitment to defend and protect Tun Mahathir, and that no physical harm should befall upon him at anytime.

Who is that individual who had ordered the withdrawal of the personal security for Tun Mahathir? Earlier, the personal maids were withdrawn from his house. What else will be withdrawn?
This decision by whosoever is to me childish, irresponsible and demeaning for a former national leader who had led the nation for 22 years, and had brought many accolades for the nation. Regardless of what he is today, a man who is so rightly opposed to the present ruling government for reasons that we all know, he certainly does not deserve such an unprincipled treatment by the government.

Now that he is deprived of a personal security, Tun Mahathir is therefore exposed to threats to his personal safety and well being. And if it was intended that he be exposed to threats, then it is incumbent upon all right thinking Malaysians to gather around to provide the security protection to Tun Mahathir wherever he goes.
I don't think Malaysians who are Patriots would want to see their respected and deeply appreciated former national leader who is leading a call for a better Malaysia, be threatened and weakened in his highly spirited desire for an ultimate change in the current national leadership. Should anything untoward happen (God forbid) to the personal well being of Tun Mahathir, the members of Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan will apportion full blame upon the national leadership and the guardian of law and order, and will demand an investigation to expose the failure of the government of the day.
We in Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan make a firm commitment to defend and protect Tun Mahathir, and that no physical harm should befall upon him at anytime. We also call upon all those that claim themselves to be Patriots to make a similar commitment. One cannot be a Patriot of this nation if he or she disowns national leaders who had served the citizens, nation, Rulers and Institutions.
This latest action taken upon Tun and his family challenges us Malaysians to show courage in the belief that defending their rights for a better Malaysia is a cause that they all rightfully deserve.
Brig Jen Dato Mohd Arshad Raji (Retired)
Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan

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