
Friday, April 20, 2018

Johor...Pagoh, Tun Mahathir, Mr Sultan dan lain lain....

Selamat Pagi Malaysia..7.48 am di Melbourne. Normally I receive a few requests...about ten a day... to add friends to my FB. Today, at 7am in the morning, there is already 22 and counting. For the last one week the number of clicks daily on steadyaku47 has reached if not exceed, 30K and the comments on this FB numbers in the hundreds daily...over 500. 
This is not only fellow bloggers and FB users have shared with me the same news....the natives are restless. The hatred for Najib increases by the hour if not by the day. Mr Sultan down South is making things worse for Najib, BN and umno....and the Rakyat are hungry for any news to tell them that the end for najib, BN and people like Mr Sultan down South is near! 
And as they wait for polling day, the Rakyat have started voting with their feet! Every ceramah, every meet and greet done by BN is a "no go zone" for Malaysians of all race and of all religion while any ceramah by Pakatan Harapan is attended by the thousands. 
The Rakyat no longer keep quiet. 
The Rakyat are no longer afraid. 
The outpouring of adverse comments numbering in the many thousands heaped upon that so called Brigadier and son of Mr Sultan down South is a good barometer of how things are for those who are on the S.S.Umno aka S.S. Titanic. That sinking feeling must be felt by all within BN.
And what happened in Pagoh last night at Pakatan Harapan's ceramah says it all for us long suffering Malaysians. They came in the thousands in spite of Mr Sultan's "titah" for Bangsa Johor to NOT kick the umno led BN out. They came in the thousands to support Tun Dr Mahathir...the very man Mr Sultan had denounced as being the man who will destroy Johor and Malaysia if he does become the seventh prime minister of Malaysia. And worse of all, they came in the thousands to show Mr Sultan that Bangsa Johor has given their two fingers salute to Mr Sultan for thinking that HIS Rakyat and HIS Bangsa Johor will give two hoots to what Mr Sultan wants them to do.

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