
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Simple heartwrenching and compelling story...please vote!

This is the voice from one of our young brothers who works in Spore. Hope that you can spend a bit of your time to read it... 
It's a letter to all Malaysians who work away from Malaysia, and Singapore in particular...
It takes less than 10 mins to read thru -- but it may save a country... 
I'm 26 -- a foreign worker working in Spore. Compare with others, i can consider lucky as I can still been able to rent a room space in Spore -- dont need to go to n fro from Malaysia to Spore . Its been 5 years since I started work in Spore. 
From the very starting where I can immediately go up to my rented plc from the custom check point, I now hv to wait for my turns in batches to go up to my room,just like performing dragon dance turning here and there to reach my room ; from the beginning where I can wait below the signboard with ample space to squeezing with each other at the glass door n now hv to line up till the exist door. All these developed within this 5 years. 
As the exchange rate grow stronger and stronger, foreign workers also become more and more ...Just like last good friday , scenario has become worse n worse -- the two check points were jammed the whole night thru till the next morning . 
My colleague started off punctually from Boonlay reached Segamat at 4am the next morning ! Ya, not wrong -- it jammed for 9 hours -- to only reach a small town of Johore -- Segamat... There were simply too many people.... 
The custom check points were also trying to be difficult ; lesser counters were opened ....but what could we do....? It has been reported in the net that there were some who started off at 10 pm Thursday only to reach KL 10 am the next morning !! Everybody is totally exhausted was the bus driver ...

It's 60 years already ...the exchange rate has dropped from SGD1=RM0.90 to SGD 1 = RM 3.00 , this is the creation of the same government -- BN...
Our people has to go out to earn Sing $...look down upon by the locals... And often been made fun of by their people over the " jokes" been made by our government... 
When I started my first job in Spore , my Spore employer would off n on take our country as laughing stalk by making such remarks : hey your country is really capable wor.. air plane changing routes n flew back to Msia also never been blocked by the military ...if in Spore , the plane will be shot down long ago....U all didn't do anything... even the whole plane has gone missing still dont know ....And your Malaysian currency can also break few records high in a month.... Really boleh... I can only kept quite n smiled at these sorts of sacarstic remarks .... I can't argue as it really happened in my country...I'm born in this country.... This is my fauth... 

I feel sad ach time when I saw foreign workers met with accident...all bcos of earning a bit more money, going out early n coming back late , working tirelessly , now even lost the life... Imp is not bcos eating salt fish n endure the thirst ; it's bcos if our Malaysian currency is not that weak then we won't be that attracted to the Spore currency wch is 3 times stronger than our currency ... And bcos there are more n more people going to Spore , we hv to wake up more n more early to curb with the jam ... From last time of 530 am to 5 , 4. N 3 times go, bcos of waking up early n sleeping late , n bcos rest n sleep is not enough , mistakes happen n accidens occurred... We hv to tolerate all this bcos we are born in this country... This is our faith... 
Dear big brothers n sisters ,pls come back to vote.... In this 60 years our beloved country years has become worse and worse, value of our money has dropped , our people has to go to some other countries to work just bcos money value in our country has become smaller n smaller... 
We sacrifice our rest time, sacrifice our time with our fmly , our wife n children -- in order to get more money -- all bcos our government is incapable... crime rate has gone higher n higher.... Many just bcos of not enough money to use has resolved to robbing and kidnapping....everybody is worrying , living in fear -- not knowing when is their turns to come... 
Our country debt has grown to a giagiantic 8000+ nearing 9000 billion... If BN wins again this time country debt breaking the trillion mark will be very soon ... 
The only hope is to send PH to Putrajaya only then the country debt will be reduced, our currency can be stronger and investors will then hv hope and trust in our country... would only then be willing to come back to invest ...
Now the whole world knows about MO1 -- that this is a corrupted n failure country... MO1 abuses power to cover n hide everything -- the whole world knows and scared of this... many countries have pulled out and gone to other countries for investments...resulting in devaluation of our currency....

I know a lot of Malaysian working in Spore want to see Malaysian currency dropping more n more so that what they earn in Spore will become more n more -- if Malaysian currency has become stronger what they earn will become lesser, money for installments for car n house will become lesser...for those who are having this thought , what I can say is if Malaysian currency has become weaker, Bank Negara will increase interest rate to remedial its devaluation... That time your loans will be added on with more interest , thus paying longer and more . Once Malaysian currency devalue, things will become more expensive -- one loaf of bread might be selling Rm 10 , one plate of nasi ayam Rm 35 or even Rm that time you are not practically earning more money ... U become earning lesser... Inflation will kill you... Don't underestimate power of investor start throwing off Malaysian currency....
Thinking further, we think that we are hell lot of lucky when we can earn 3 times more money when we work in Spore ...but hv u for one moment think whether u want your children to be like u when they hv grown up .... caught in the jam going to n fro in the check points for 4,5 hours, been looking flat by others , been laughed at...? Do u want your children to be like u.... Are u sure your children will get a job easily in Spore... will u be sure the employer will be paying the same as they are paying to u now ...It's not easy to get a job in Spore now... People are starting to lower their rqst in salary in order to get a job .... The trend is different now -- til when your children grow up, what you think the trend will be, will they get what u are getting now... Even if they get a job, the salary by then might b much different ... The trend has been spoilt... 
Therefore, the only solution out is *to change government.* I know we all want to go back n vote,but it will be hell lot of jam at the check points... All these might be done on purpose -- cut down and open only a few immigration counters -- let the jam be more serious to deter we all to go back to vote... finally making us fed up n didn't want to go back to vote.... If u don't go back to vote now , the check points will be more jam the next time....because our country is almost incureable now ...more people will be going to Spore to work.... you hv only 2 options at that time: either stay in Spore n don't come back ..or u still hv to go thru the check points with the jam n with less counters open n purosedly delaying time....
Dont b worried, once PH take over, Malaysian currency will turn stronger thus affecting your income bcos Spore legal reserve is even stronger than Brunei . They will definitely maintain their rational rate . in the contrary, if BN governs again, our money will become weaker , GST will be increased to pay off national debts...  
We must take this opportunity to go back to vote, whilst Tun M and our Uncle Lim are still healthy, especially Tun M, he has the power to persuade n influence our Malay comrades ..we must use this opportunity to change government .... This is also the very last time for Tun M n Uncle Lim...with their age, what happen 5 years later can never be known... We all understand... Besides, for those working in Spore, u may hv to vote only this time... U vote only this time bcos u don't need to vote any more in the next election... Once PH takes over, ppl will continue to vote for PH in the next n next next elections...PH will definately show to u all they are the right one to choose ...

Dont keeps thinking BN will win no matter what we do... PH won 51% of the total votes ... they lost only in seats ...And this time , BN is playing their dirty tricks again --- on their redelineations -- thinking that they will win again with this dirty trick...We all know BN is of no class , they are low grade we must not admit that we hv lost... let's go back to vote for PH...We must let BN know that no matter how they do, what they do ....they will still lose -- bcos the people is angry now....
Dear big brothers n sisters , go back n vote for this election ....60 years... It has been 60 years BN has shown how hopeless and incapable they are ...No matter how jam is the check points , no.matter how bad is the delay , no matter how purposely the officers be ...go back to vote for this election... *IT'S NOW OR NEVER*
This article don't hv copy right reserve, all of u can viralised , can copy n paste , can frwd to others...Most imp of all : pls spread it to those working in other countries, talk to them, persuade them *to go back and vote* For those having better command in bahasa , pls translate n viral to our Malay comrades .Those already PR in other countries, I hope u won't be selfish our country ...go back n vote...esp those in east malaysian, u hv greater urgency to go back n vote...We hv two states in east malaysia..they hv the most natural resources in Malaysia ...but see what happen today ...they are far behind west Malaysia ...Pls come back, talk to each other -- -- don't believe in BN anymore... Vote for PH.... i wish to add here... I'm a EP holder... I''m confident to get a PR if I apply...but I choose better to save the country, to help the people... I hv written this article to urge people to go back to vote...My aim is to go back to Msia to company my mother, wife n children when I'm 30 but I'm afraid I can't sustain til that time.. With corrupted BN, our country won't sustain to that very time ... Therefore I hope that all of us can go all out to save our vote for PH...
Lastly I must say that not all Singaporeans will look down upon Malaysian,but I hv met it n worried that my children would encounter it...even if all singaporeans welcome us to work in Spore, won't it be much better if we can work comfortably in our country be able to meet our fmly members everyday... No check points jam for hours , no waking up early in the morning and no reaching home almost mid night... 
May everything works fine for u n may good health be always with u...
*Go back and vote*

Simple heartwrenching and compelling story
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