
Friday, May 4, 2018

Calon Pakatan Harapan : Terbaik !!!

This morning...I am overwhelmed listening to two of our Pakatan Harapan "calons" talking at their ceramahs...Nik Omar Nik Aziz in Putrajaya and Yeo Bin Yin Calon P145 Bakri.

This is what Pakatan Harapan is all about...this is our future...this are the leaders we all aspire for! And the two of them cannot be any more different from each there then they are now !!! One a Man the other a Lady. One from a state down south close to Singapore and the other one originating from a state that far removed from Singapore that a comparison of the two would be hard to do. And yet what they spoke about touches my heart strings. 

They spoke about the things that matters to all of us...about what is right and what is good, what is important in our lives and what we should all aspire to. All done with grace and clarity and spoken in simple clear language that we all understand. The truth said with clarity and a passion that tells us that it all comes from the heart....that these two were good people! 
They will be good for Pakatan Harapan, good for our people and good for our Negara...and at the end of their ceramah, if I was there listening to them. ......I would stand up and cheer and be grateful that we have people like them on OUR team! Tonight I will go to sleep knowing that in these two, the audacity of hope...hope that we can win within my heart strongly and without missing a beat. 
Lawan! Lawan! Lawan!

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