
Saturday, May 5, 2018

Zabedah P Mastar

(Berkongsi dari siaran Zabedah P Mastar )

Saya penduduk tetap Singapura. Bangsa melayu . Dilahirkan dan dibesarkan d Singapura. Saya cukup hairan rakyat malaysia (terutama melayu) yang menentang Kerajaan yg sedia ada. Ekonomi bagus. Taraf kehidupan semakin baik. Masjid tumbuh bagai cendawan. Hak Bumiputera dijaga. Kalau nak marahkan barang mahal..barang d singapura lagi mahal. Kalau nak marah tidak ada kerja , di serata dunia ada pengangguran. Besyukurlah, Kerajaan kamu antara yg terbaik didunia di mata kami. Mungkin mata kamu telah dibutakan oleh pembangkang yg hanya gila kuasa. Diracunkan agar menbenci kerajaan terutama d kalangan anak muda. Dapat saja mereka kuasa tahulah kamu saudaraku d Malaysia tinggi rendahnya langit nanti. Jaga apa yg ada.
Ambillah iktibar dari kami disini dah tak ada peluang utk ceramah agama secara terbuka azan dimasjid pun tak boleh kuat macam di Malaysia.Hal2 tentang lslam semua disekat .Sedarlah saudara lslam Ku .Jika negara dah terlepas kpd kafir laknat menangis air mata darah pun dah tak guna.Kamu akan menumpang dinegara sendiri jika pilih pembangkang.Jaga dan sayangilah apa yang kalian ada sekarang

Hamidah Mastar

The above was a posting in a whatsapp group I am part of which wants to tell me why we Malays must keep voting for umno...and following was my reply...

steadyaku47 comment : 
For every Zabedah P Mastar siaran I can come up with countless number of Malays who will tell you that life in Singapore for the Malays, is good. That opportunities for Malays in Singapore will depend on your abilities not your connectivities. That the Malay rights and ability to practise and worship any religion of their choice - be it Islam or whatever beliefs they choose to follow - has not been, in any way, prevented or curtailed by a Chinese dominated government. And there will be many many Malays who will ask why are the Malays in Malaysia so stupid as to keep electing and tolerating an umno government that steals from their own race, an umno that has put Malaysia at the very apex of countries that steals from their own much so that it has earned Malaysia the dubious honour of being included among the top ten most Kleptocratic nation ever to exists in the world as we know it now !!! And there will be many Malays in Singapore who now shake their head in disbeliefs that the very man who was Prime Minister of Malaysia for twenty two years is now leading the opposition to rid Malaysia of a BN government, led by a Malay only political entity call umno, that has as it's leader a man, pursued by many many countries including Singapore and the US of A for corruption, money laundering and theft of many many billions of rinngits from the very people who have elected him to office. And that my dear AK, in a nutshell, explain why the Malays in Singapore, by and large, looks upon the Malays in Malaysia as being still at sea in the matter of good governance and in our ability to choose fair and decent leaders who serve the people......and.....last but not least.... they know that the Malays in Singapore can stand shoulder to shoulder with the non Malays in Singapore and can, with pride, claim Singapore to be a country they choose to call their own bar any other country...especially the one you now call your own.

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