Just heard this today. Talk is Kepala Bapak wishes to see an end to the libel suits filed against Claire Rewcastle Brown (Sarawak Report). They are planning to despatch “Khalid” to see Claire and get her to agree if the suit against her is withdrawn.
At the same time they also want Claire to cancel her counter suit and her counter claims. I checked with someone who knows Claire who says she is in the dark about this plan.
If that is the case, do get ready Ms Brown. They must be prepared to pay big money to get out of this really stupid mistake. Another one of their strategic bungles.
By the way, did you know that Kepala Bapak’s entire team of media advisors are all “slow learners”? Yes they are UITM graduates. That Tengku fellow, Farid etc. I think even Sup Kambing Kuala Kangsar. No wonder. Dudsville.
If Kepala Bapak seeks to have the suits terminated, please ask for costs, plus, plus, plus. If a high school failure (an MCE dropout) can be paid RM5 million for writing rubbish, surely withdrawing a suit which will embarass Kepala Bapak and his entire team of slow learners must be worth a lot more.

Christmas can come extra early Ms Brown. Do take them to the cleaners.
They are realising now that the defense filed by Claire Rewcastle Brown will embarass them to the sky.
Plus they have hired the most expensive lawyer in the UK to file the suit. Who is going to pay the legal fees, believed to run into a few million Ringgit ?
What if that Bawang fellow just drops the suit because there is ‘no more money’ to pay the lawyers? That would be doubly embarrassing.
They cannot ask the ahli lembu to donate more funds. The ahli lembus know the number plates of all those expensive cars that have been bought with that money. They cannot be that stupid. Or can they?
As the stomach churns.
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my