
Monday, May 24, 2010

I will ask for the cheque to be prepared

I will ask for the cheque to be prepared!

Tuesday, 18 May 2010 admin-s
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If money cannot get votes, what do you have left? 
Mr Prime Minister you said it loud and clear to the people. You vote my candidate in and I will help you! A very basic tit for tat situation that leaves no doubt to the people of Sibu that they need to teach you a lesson in eating humble pie. A lesson in the possibility that maybe, just maybe, money cannot buy everything.
By Steadyaku47
I watched the spectacle that Najib made of himself just the other day in campaigning for the Sibu by-election. Wiping spit and sweat off his face as he horse-traded with the people of Sibu. “If Robert Lau becomes the MP on Sunday, on Monday I will ask the cheque to be prepared. Do we have a deal or not? We do! You want the RM5 million, I want Robert Lau to win,”
You help me and I will help you! You scratch my back and I will scratch yours! The audacity of our Prime Minister to horse-trade with the people he has sworn to serve! Why? Has he taken it upon himself to “turun padang” - down to the level of those corrupt government officers and PDRM who is so fond of reminding us that to help us, we must first help them? It brings back unpleasant memories of my time in the immigration department at which I have spent a good many hours trying, without any success, to get PR status for my family.
I remember that one day when the Napoleonic immigration officer across the counter arrogantly told me that my wife is to be “denda” the sum of $1000 a day for each of the three days that she had overstayed. It took a lot of control for me to not spit in his face. With all the self-control I could muster, I turned and walked away. I then went to get a “support” letter from one UMNO big wig which “selesai” the matter without any “denda” being imposed. 
As I watched our Prime Minister sweating away on center stage, it brings back to me those unpleasant encounters I have had in the past when corrupt mata-matas happen to find me making minor traffic infringements while they are doing their “cari makan” rounds. Their routine is precise. “Lesen Encik … Encik dari mana, … ke mana … kerja apa” … out with his “summon book” and the start of his scribbling to nudge us closer to the “selesai” talk. Now we start to do the asking … "Tolong Datok … or as the Chinese say “Latok”… And he comes back with the “Macam mana saya nak tolong ni?” Sound familiar?
With the policeman, the deal is done there and then. He gets his money and we are off. With Najib, he does not know if his “offer” is good enough for the people to accept. Whether they want more or whether they are prepared to get a summon or even go to jail (as the policeman had threatened to do if no “selesai” takes place) … but Najib is game. He makes the RM$5 million offer and promises to deliver if the other party reciprocates by giving the Barisan Nasional candidate their votes. After the offer, Najib must have felt it was a done deal after all it was a promise that would cost a few million ringgit to deliver and all they had to do was “pangkah” Najib's man. But, as in all deals with Barisan Nasional, it is always a one way trade. Damn if you do and damn if you don’t. But now we know that the people of Sibu could not be bothered if they are damned even as they said “NO”.
With Najib, as I watched him wipe away the spit and the sweat of his pudgy face, my initial compulsion was to turn away from the spectacle of our Prime Minister telling the Rakyat that they must help him first before he can help them. But, like watching an accident as you drive past, even as your head wants to turn away from the blood and the gore, you will find yourself continuing to look and watch this sad man trying to win over voters the only way he knows how – by buying their votes! But as we now know, to no avail because when I awoke on Monday morning, DAP had won.
What now, Mr. Prime Minister? Because if money cannot buy votes then UMNO is in trouble! If UMNO is in trouble then you too are in trouble and by elementary deduction, so would Rosmah, Muhyuddin, Rais, MCA, MIC … in fact the whole gang would be in strife. The beginning of the end, perhaps? The harbinger of things to come in the not-too-distant future?
Mr Prime Mister Sir, I would suggest that you refrain from “punishing” the people of Sibu for not voting your candidate in lest they punish you again in the coming general elections next year. Lashing out at the voters who deserted you will bring more harm to UMNO than to the people who did not vote you in. Making an example of them will only lead to more votes going to PKR. In retrospect, that might not be such a bad thing after all ….
Mr Prime Minister you said it loud and clear to the people. You vote my candidate in and I will help you! A very basic tit for tat situation that leaves no doubt to the people of Sibu that they need to teach you a lesson in eating humble pie. A lesson in the possibility that maybe, just maybe, money cannot buy everything.
That the people of Sibu was not bought over by his usual attempt at “BUY election” must be worrying for Najib. It was not Muhyiddin that was making the offer. It was the head honcho himself. I only have this to say to Najib - be afraid, be very afraid. If money cannot get votes, what do you have left?
As Billy Joel said “Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you”.
It is back to the drawing board for the UMNO guys.  

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written by DPG, May 18, 2010 23:49:39
The problem is what happened in Sibu need not necessarily mean it can also happen elsewhere in Sarawak. In the interior, most probably the headman or penghulu, a BN appointee, will be telling the natives who to vote and they will just follow suit.
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written by Stupid me, May 18, 2010 22:20:19
Like this also can ?
Where is the law and order that we are talking about, or the Government is talking about,? Are the relevant agencies heads all blind and deaf to notice this blatant transgression. Are they God fearing people to ignore this transgression or are they presuming that things said or done are by someone in a trance or by someone possessed..
We give up. 
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written by beautifuldisaster, May 18, 2010 20:45:43
This is like a woman who is making a choice between becoming someone's mistress vs her true love..

True, if she becomes someone's mistress, she'll get all the cash, all the gold, all the diamonds. That is, when she is still young and attractive. Once she's pass that stage, she'll be tossed aside like garbage.

If she chooses her true love, though it may be hard, but she will have her integrity (even if eventually it doesn't quite work out).

Same goes here. The people of Sibu will be tossed aside shortly after the elections. So, I'm glad the people chose their true love - SIBU.
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written by Hanuman, May 18, 2010 19:08:54
I hope Najib has learned his lesson and be humble and have a sense of humility! I am thoroughly shocked, to say the least, that a man of such stature would stoop so low and horse trade!
My Gosh, whats there to horse trade when the Rakyats deserved every single penny. Najib cannot threaten the voters with such money talk and bribery!
I am truly glad that the Sibuans see through the dishonesty of the present government and I hope the rest of the country will no longer fall for such tricks!
Please note that BN is no Robin Hood. They are just the opposite! They have been and are stealing billions and giving back to the Rakyats pittance! 
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written by NottyMaus, May 18, 2010 18:54:23
Yoohoo, Good news for all; another MP position coming up !! 

From the star :

"KUALA LUMPUR: About 15 women from Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) gathered outside Gombak Timur Syariah Court here on Tuesday to demand Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin quit as member of parliament for setting a bad example.

Bung and his second wife actress Zizie Izette A Samad had pleaded guilty on April 20 to entering into a polygamous marriage without the consent of the court and were expected to be sentenced Tuesday."
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written by ak_malaysia, May 18, 2010 18:35:08
Steadyaku47, welcome back. I am so happy that you are back, hopefully with all your website problems solved. Missed your articles and this one, a good piece indeed just like others before it!

Najib must know that money is not everything. For too long, we in East Malaysia have been largely neglected although as fixed deposits, we help prop up the BN/UMNO. Look at the mess in Sabah with millions of illegal immigrants (Project I.C Tun Dr M) having I.Cs and ripping off our oil resources but only giving us back 5% and lately surrendering our oil parcels to Brunei.

UMNO/BN is full of duplicity, treachery, corruption, abuse of power, bribery etc all crimes against Islam and yet they ridicule Datuk Zaid for trivial and mandane transgressions! These scumbags are hyporicites of the highest order and are not God-fearing despite their faith! By contrast PAS is now seen to be more tolerant and realistic although for years they have been demonised as `extremists/Talibanistic' thanks to BN/UMNO's control of mainstream media! With the internet and bloggers like your goodself, the truth is no more buried or suppressed.. your readers have the intellect to read between the lines. On this score, I am proud of my hometown Sibu for rejecting money politics!

You are right, without $$$ what other weapon does BN/UMNO have besides transferring out voters and manipulating postal votes.

All Malaysians must demand the abolition of the PV system and and end to the declared emergency. After all, there is no more confrontation and communist threats and our security forces are not in the jungles of Malaysia. The gov't is full of abuse, and arrogance as epitomised by so-called leaders like Najib, Mooheedin, minister keris etc. Rise up people for a better Malaysia for ALL RACES!
We are lucky to have right-thinking true Malaysians like you Sir!
Good luck and take good care!
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written by cheekhiaw, May 18, 2010 16:44:15
If money cannot get votes, what do you have left?


His father's crooked knife...

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written by cheekhiaw, May 18, 2010 16:41:38
That's the thing with bossy thieves. He steals from you and then talks as if he is your financier.

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written by NottyMaus, May 18, 2010 16:23:04
Wah, Sibu was so much fun and satifaction !

Now the people are waiting for the next BN MP to die, wherever in Malaysia, or on Borneo.
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written by Bullchick, May 18, 2010 16:09:32
Pinklips does this horse-trading thing so naturally, he deserves an award for this natural talent! Actually he is not talented! He has been lying so much all his life that he cannot make himself tell the truth, because the truth HURTS! Jibby has been so blatant and arrogant in making this kind of deals with the UMNO/BN leeches and parasites all along that he forgets that he is dealing with an intelligent and well-informed electorate in Sibu who can spot a shady deal a mile away! It is good that the people of Sibu are now slapping him in the face for insulting their intelligence and integrity. No money no talk, got money also no talk, what now my love? Back to the drawing board for UMNO!
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written by arazak, May 18, 2010 15:59:10
Tun Kutty said UMNO is "rotten to the core". When he said this, the words was confined within UMNO's "politik wang' practices sphere. Now the head honcho of UMNO himself is exporting this “rotten to the core” culture outside the UMNO’s sphere. Imagine this ; the UMNO head honcho himself is trying to soil its’ own people. It is like Jibby shitting in the toilet, than opening up the toilet door and starts to shit everywhere he wishes; the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, etc!

Hahh! And the UMNO goons said they are on high moral ground above others . . ., they said they are champion of Islam till the last drop of blood!

This is what we have to tell Jibby, if you want to shit. . ., just shit within the confine of your UMNO’s house. Don’t taint and soil the people too!

In Zorro Unmasked blog today he posted these words with regard to Jibby’s attempted “selesai” thing with the Sibu’s Folks “Wa tolong lu, lu tolong wa”. No, no Mr. Zorro, what Jibby is saying is “I cuci your backside, you cuci my backside”! To that I would said “no way” Jibby. . ., clean your own UMNO’s backside by yourself. . .Yeacchhhh! And don’t shit anywhere you wish. . . , you dirty bastard! 
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written by artful456, May 18, 2010 15:10:16
HH you will know who this is. Good to see you writing again. Thanks for the email. Yes I agree what else is there to offer. Honesty perhaps!!
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written by JJFoo, May 18, 2010 15:06:03
What can be more insulting?

Freaking monkey, monkeying around with the people’s money. Rob the nation and used the Rakyat’s money as baits for more opportunities to screw the Rakyat.

That’s the whole problem, UMNO thought this nation belong to them only. They lie, rob, steal, jail and kill anyone at their own whims and fancies. This is insanity and this is Malaysia.
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written by Catharsis, May 18, 2010 14:25:48
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written by Eskay345, May 18, 2010 14:17:19
YES, I fully agree with you, Steadyaku47.
Najis and his Umno-warlords should be very, very afraid. Afraid not because some sections of the population won't listen to you or that they would point their middle finger at you instead of pointing the tired-index finger at the sky to symbolize your 1Malaysia.. No, not that.
You should be afraid because this is the first time they won't sell their votes to you for your money.
And seeing that your oldest, commonest and dirtiest trick of buying votes during elections, i.e."Umno's lethal weapon" is not working, so your BeEnd is habis come GE-13.
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written by Davy McChester, May 18, 2010 14:11:55
No wonder the whole Govt. machinery is corrupted to the hilt. The policeman and the lower rank have a role model in the pm. It would be doomesday soon if PR does not take over the country in the next GE. The prison cells need to be increased immediatley after the next GE should PR become the next ruling party.
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written by Wisdom above, May 18, 2010 13:54:52
...“If Robert Lau becomes the MP on Sunday, on Monday I will ask the cheque to be prepared. Do we have a deal or not? We do! You want the RM5 million, I want Robert Lau to win,”
BUT Robert Lau was miraculously DEFEATED ! So it is NOT Corruption to GIVE Rm5 million since the actus rea was not completed ? So NO OFFENCE committed at all ? MACC cannot prove ?
HOWEVER, In Hulu Selangor, it was a Clear -CUT OFFENCE as the actus rea was fulfilled & completed ?
To prove the case MACC must call all voters to affirm that they indeed did receive the MONIES and were fully influnced to vote for BeEnd candidate ? 
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written by lakian, May 18, 2010 13:51:28
can anybody,reporters try to ask Robert Lau Hui Yew,Datuk Wong Soon Kho,Datuk Tiong and so on....
in Sibu,TriGeorgeChan,how do they think Najib has had offer for the do they feel after losing the b-election.should this 5Million be given?do Sibu people need this 5Million?
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written by IbnAbdHalim, May 18, 2010 12:54:54

You're one out of a few among UMNO diehards that possesses different thinking and opinions. Unfortunately you're unwelcome and considered as problematic within UMNO. It's of your kind that should be the leaders, not Najib or Muhyiddin type but that's not what UMNO wanted.
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written by Tohoen, May 18, 2010 12:50:36
Well if our government has failed in everything else, I can give you at least one that they have passed with flying colours - CORRUPTION! How else can one grade the government if the Head Honcho himself blatantly practised corruption. What else can we expect from our leaders? The best brains have left us, exported out to other countries. The good brains left fighting are sent to Kamunting from time to time to give others a clear message. AND all we have left to run the nation are murderers, thieves, gangsters, frogs and prostitutes.

So with that pool of 'leaders' what can Malaysia expect? From what I heard and saw in the video, perhaps Najib don't even understand that he had actually committed an election act offence and/or corruption - I mean after all, he can only think of 'blowing' things up, right?
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written by ibabonma, May 18, 2010 12:45:38
I once stopped in front of a police station (with three blocks of living quarters) and saw two, three solid waste compactor vehicles belonging to a local authority collecting rubbish at the dump site within the police station perimeter. The amount of kitchen solid waste produced by the Police quarters was almost equivalent to the amount produced by a small township, practically!

I asked the workers what caused the rubbish to heap up like a mountain? The reason was that the collectors were on a long public holiday (Hari Raya and Chinese New Year). The reply I received, “Ini balai Polis, kalau Hari Raya memang macam ini. Sampah menimbun. Cuba encik fikir, berapa banyak wang mereka belanja sedangkan sampahnya pun berlori-lori!”

In another words, the Police station produced rubbish by the tons during Hari Raya and just imagine the amount of money they spent.

To cut matters short, are you thinking of what I am thinking? Yes, mana ada Police hidup senang tanpa rasuah.

Tell me; Whom Police will favour to rule this country: A God fearing lebai from Pas or the corrupt from Umno? 
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written by Pegasus, May 18, 2010 12:26:39
Those thieves and crooks always thinking that money can buy them anything my foot! No more ! Perhaps only a few greedy ones may ....
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written by gaman, May 18, 2010 12:22:48
My soul is not for sale to the devil. My soul is priceless! Amen.
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written by Midvalley, May 18, 2010 12:20:07
this lowest class pee am of my beloved Malaysia is acting like a spoiled, never suffered a seconds with golden spoon in his mouth BEHAVE LIKE A 3 YEARS OLD - YOU BECOME MY FRIEND I GIVE YOU SWEETS.
I am shy and sad to have a PM of such low class.
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written by mick_err_stan, May 18, 2010 12:04:50
These leaders have no standard and no substance. They are fighting for survival to maintain power so that all their corrupt activities remain un-investigated and unchallenged. In any political rally, speeches reflect on short term and long term plan to forward the nation, imparted to the populace. However in Malaysia, it's 'I give you 5 million you help me'

With leader offering bribe to buy votes and 'I'm Malay first than Malaysian', it's no wonder we as a nation is lagging behind in many areas - Education, Foreign Reserve, Sports (Football down the drain and now we can even be beaten by Japan in badminton), ........however our gomen specialize in corruptions through many failed projects with no accountability. Macam Sial
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