
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia? ...dream on !

I was in Singapore the last few days for work. Have not been to Singapore for over 20 years. The driver of the taxi that drove me from the airport to my hotel was Malay. On the ride to the hotel he pointed out that all the land along the coast that was now fully developed was reclaimed land. He said that Singapore could no longer buy sand from Indonesia or Malaysia – so Singapore now buys its sand from Vietnam. He suggested that maybe the Malaysian government should consider letting Singapore mine all the sand it needed from the Pahang and Perak river so that floods would not occur as frequently as they do now – this way Singapore would have their sand and Malaysia gets two strikes against Singapore: Payment for the sand and flood prevention! I quietly smiled at his logic. If only our politicians could think that clearly! 

At night I would watch TV as I ate dinner and what I saw on Singapore TV gave me some explanation as to why Malaysia is so far behind Singapore. No I am not just talking about the physical aspect of development where a comparison between the two countries would be an exercise in futility: Where would you begin? From Changi airport, the taxis I took, the buses and trains that I used to the presence of a city confident in its growth and secure of its place globally, Singapore is everything that Malaysia is not! 

Singapore TV is filled with programs that provides you with information of world events, knowledge about anything that you would care to know and learn about and many programs that tells Singaporeans that life out there is to be lived and enjoyed responsibly. No politicians in sight on their TV. Nothing that would allow any sensible, intelligent Singapore TV viewer to be upset at any attempt by the Singapore government to try and influence them on matters political.

Malaysian TV is pathetic and an embarrassment to watch. Talk show hosts that are so condescending to their guests that it makes me cringe! We have crowds of people being told about the latest government projects that will benefit them and the nation. What passes for Television programs is in reality government propaganda  - pure and simply drivel and unmitigated spew of useless information that benefits no one – not even the government because all it does is to turn the thinking viewer against such blatant propaganda of a BN government desperate to win a coming general election. I remember one episode where this Malay politician was opening a show or seminar of some sort by unfurling a banner with a giant size portrait of himself! It makes me want to spew! 

What was more disturbing to me is thinking how all this rubbish on Malaysian Television will affect those Malaysian watching Malaysian TV. If that is the only TV they watch then what chance do these people have of developing into a better human being? We have been told that we are what we eat…well I think what our government allow our people to watch on TV and read in the media is what we will be: a people blinkered and oblivious to the world outside.
But as a Malay what saddens me is that the politics within UMNO defines us Malays as we have never been defined before. Before this the Malays saw themselves as a people who went about their life with a quiet dignity secure in the knowledge that as a people, they had the respect of the other races and felt themselves worthy of being Malays – son of the soils. More important we had a sense of self worth.

Today the ugliness of the Malay persona is now no longer a matter than can be kept within the confines of family and the Malay community. How can it be kept from the public domain when Malays are ridicule and laughed at as they try to walk along the path where others have walked – and in trying to do so they have failed miserably. Failed because they are ill equipped to compete on a level playing field with the other races. 

This is not something that UMNO can sweep under the carpet anymore.

Today it is the Malays themselves who have realized the dire situation that they are in. This is what the Malays now know of themselves.

There are no great Malay leaders in this country of ours any more. All our leaders, without exception, has in one-way or another, failed us – and yet having failed they still insists that their right to remain a Malay leader is unaffected. The Malay leaders of today are a joke!

The education of our young has not prepared or equipped them to compete on a level playing field against non-Malays in Malaysia and against others when they go overseas. They have failed miserably from their ability to master the English Language to their ability to interact and handle the intricacies of living amongst non-Malays.

I have been shamed countless times when in conversation with Malay students in Australia – not only by their woefully inadequate ability to speak decent English but more worrying in the blinkered approach to education with the ‘them’ and ‘us’ approach to everything – from social interactions to having no understanding that we must celebrate diversity – not treat it as a threat to our Malay ethnicity, to our religion and to our way of life. That they have failed to do so is painfully obvious to me as a Malay – what more to the people they meet. But ignorance is bliss and these students are unable to comprehend that they are looked upon as an object to be pitied rather then laughed at. And so these students go about their education oblivious to their failings. Katak di bawah tempurong!
The Malays can no longer ignored the reality that the non-Malays are way ahead by leaps and bounds in all things Malaysians: Business, Education, civil society and even respect and dignity of their own race.

How is this possible when the Malays have complete control of government since Merdeka and should and did have control over all aspects of life in Malaysia?

How is this possible when the Malays have 9 Sultans and numerous Governors as the constitutional head of state?

How is this possible when the Malays numerically overwhelmed all the other races put together?

And yet all this advantages have made the Malays into a people that can no longer hold their head nobly whatever their circumstances simply because the Malay dominated Barisan Nasional government has failed in their much stated purpose of Ketuanan Melayu.

Failed not in the getting of the Ketuanan Melayu but failed in the manner in which Ketuanan Melayu is used to further NOT The Malay interest but to further UMNO’s interest.

And therein lies the tragedy of the Malays! AN UMNO that takes for themselves what should really be for the Malays.

And it is in the leaders of UMNO that we see the worst of the Malays acting out what the Malays have now become! These UMNO leaders are the epitome of greed, corruption and thievery of the nations wealth for their own pockets.

That the Malays have now lost their sense of pride and dignity because of the misdeeds and abuse by UMNOI politicians of the public office they hold is of no concern to these UMNO Malays. The behavior of these UMNO leaders now mirrors that of the Sultans who have long ago surrendered any dignity they might still have and any claims to being Malay leaders by their decadent lifestyle that they lead on the money they get from the Rakyat.

Are they Malays powerless to stop their leaders from taking them further down the road of lost respect and lost dignity. How not to lose respect for a Malay leader like Najib? In fact look at the families of all the Prime Ministers of Malaysia bar Tunku : Malays all of them: And all of them in one way or the other have profited hideously from the office of Prime Minister.

And with Najib he goes a step further. The emergence of a wife that thinks that being the wife of the Prime Minister entitles her to be styled First Lady of Malaysia!

What these Malays leaders are doing are being aped by other Malays in position of trust and power – where the getting of wealth by any means possible have brought into existence of at least two generations of Malays that have been brought to believe that Malaysia owes them a living: ask not what you can do for your country but ask what your country can do for you!

Two generations of Malays totally spoiled and weaken to expect something for nothing by a UMNO totally devoid of any interest in furthering the interest of any Malay what more other Malaysian, other then of themselves!     

I am ashamed of being Malay. Ashamed because of the deeds and actions taken by UMNO in the name of the Malays. How can I not be ashamed that a Malay Minister of Defense have seen it fit to allow a good friend of his to profit RM$500 million merely by arranging for the Malaysian government to buy French Submarines?

How can I not be ashamed of these Malay leaders when a Malay Prime Minister – well almost a Malay Prime Minister! – saw it fit to use the people’s money  - to the tune of RM$1 billion - to bail out the shipping company of his son!

How can I not be ashamed when a Minister, no less, is sent as our Ambassador in Washington after being caught out for outraging the modesty of a waitress serving him!

These Malays do more damage to the Malays at large then to themselves.

The Malays had Dato Onn, Tunku, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Ismail Ali, Ghazali Shafie …all great Malay leaders whose duty was to the Malays and to Malaysia and all Malaysians!

Who do we have now? Malay leaders whose idea of being great is having the latest model Mercedes and living in mansions paid for by their thieving of the people's money    and taking actresses or singers for their wives and mistresses! And the Malay singers and actresses who thinks that these ageing lotharios is a good catch probably defines the materialistic mind frame that permeates too many Malays everywhere.

It pains me to see the Malays like this. It pains me even more when the most concerned of people are not the Malay leaders but the other races who are witness to the Malay fall from grace. The non Malays worry for the Malays more then the Malay leaders because they know that until the Malays are energized to do something for themselves by getting rid of these useless Malay leaders, then they too would have to bear the brunt of the corruption and the rape and pillage of their country by these UMNO leaders.

Let us all realize that we are all in this together. What the Malays are now enduring the other races are also enduring and we can only get out of this impasse by working together. 

The irony that I as a Malay is mocking and putting down my own race is not lost on me. Cutting off my nose to spite my face! For me UMNO has cut of the Malay nose a long time ago. PKR is not far behind because here again is a Malay dominated political entity that is run by Malays who presumes it is their right to do as they please in PKR because they are the leaders of PKR. If UMNO has cut of the nose of the Malay face then PKR is working on the ear!

I say all this because it needs to be said. It cannot be ignored that the Malays have now lost their way in a country they call their own. If they cannot see themselves being so then I will point that out to them. If you want to assail me for being a turncoat to my own race by living in Australia – let me tell you this. A Malay is still a Malay wherever he or she is. 

Open your eyes, engage your brains. Think and ask yourself if you are proud to be a Malay in Malaysia today. I am not. I no longer wish to refer to myself as a Bumiputra because being a Bumiputra does not make me any more a Malay as a Chinese would be more a Chinese if he lives in China or an Indian in India!

Being a bumiputra is an embarrassment to anyone today because it denotes an unfairness within a society that tells you that birth, race and religion entitles you to being someone else other then what you are not – a first amongst equal. Today privileges of birth no longer hold any sway over civilized societies  - be you a Sultan or the son of a Prime Minister. Everything that you want to be must be earned through hard work and decent labor. And this is why the position of the Malays in Malaysia have long ago been compromised by an UMNO government that sees the Malays only as a tool to further their hold on power in this country.

But having had power for the last 53 years UMNO has not discarded the Malays  - no they still have need of the Malays to win the next general elections and the next and the next!  The question now is whether we Malays will let them use us anymore!

My fellow Malays look around you and ask yourself why we now like this? We allow our leaders to engage in gutter politics! They no longer talk about extra marital sex as being against Islam – today it is sodomy! Today it is Malay leaders who take second wives without the knowledge of their first wives. Today it is about using religion to threaten and cowered the other races into threading softly in their own country on pain of being branded anti Islam and anti Malays.

Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia!

Let me tell you Malays this. We Malays were never on the world stage! The Chinese were. The Indians were. Not the Malays. So please wake up from the UMNO induced slumber that our people have been in for so long. Fifty-three years to be exact! Our Malay Prime Minister today does not have half the respect the Malay Penghulu used to have in the days when the Penghulus in the kampongs were leaders of the Malays in the rural areas.                  

But this I know. As a human being we are responsible for who we are and who we want to become. Against all odds the Chinese and other races have survived in Malaysia. Survived better then the Malays. It is time we Malays cast aside these useless Malay leaders that lives off our ethnicity to only further their own vested interests not the Malays.

They are Malay leaders amongst us now that can provide us with an enlighten leadership to take not only the Malays but also all Malaysians towards a better Malaysia. Nurrul for one. But only because she has not had the time to be what her father and so many Malay leaders have now become : UMNO in their thinking, UMNO in their actions and UMNO in the promotion of no other interest but their own. The worry is that given time Nurrul would be what her father is today – a man who held so much promise for the future of our race and our country and yet delivered so little. Let us make sure that Nurrul will not fail. The Malays will not survive another Najib or another Anwar! 


Dear Hussein
I've been looking at the responses to your article. It's heartening to know that there are indeed many Malays like us (if I may make the claim to solidarity) especially academics, though I must say many are proverbial frogs too don't you worry, no shortage of them there. 

There are also idiotic responses from idiotic people, this bit gave me quite a shock in my earlier years of reading Malaysian blogs, that there are so many people out there in Malaysia who are so racially bitter, acrid, venomous (Chinese agnst Malays vice versa and dozens of foul mouthed Indians as well in the foray), so inadequately informed, so uneducated in their way of communicating and relating, so deeply disturbing. 

But what I wanted to say was, just like the students you refered to, these Malaysians are the realisation of our education policy (or lack of one) and our education system. You just need to look at our youngsters, they have all become rude and blatant, they are ignorant of their culture I don't mean the singing and dancing, but decorum, the way of treating each other - neighbours, colleagues, especially elders. I am tempted to say that they have not been educated by their parents, they have no idea of discipline, but their parents are also products of the whole Malaysian politics and society. 

In my observation, the Indian youngsters are still safe, because they keep close to their culture and tradition (and they have great tradition that Malays should learn from), the Malay kids - at one end have no self confidence or no opinions, and on the other - impertinent, rude and totally disagreeable but overall uninformed, ignorant, and inarticulate. The next government has an enormous job to overhaul the whole education system, how I wish I can be a part of that!
BTW if you have Patrick Teo on your side, you are ok, and please ignore the rude ones, don't even comment on them, not worth it.



  1. Dear Pak Steady

    "A masterpiece"

    Powerful and provocative

    a lonely and desperate voice that call for his people to change

  2. Sir

    what a brilliant article!

    not only you've articulated your reasons and feelings realistically and beautifully, you've also managed to put into words accurately what nons (me at least) felt in this sentence:

    "The non Malays worry for the Malays more then the Malay leaders because they know that until the Malays are energized to do something for themselves by getting rid of these useless Malay leaders, then they too would have to bear the brunt of the corruption and the rape and pillage of their country by these UMNO leaders."


  4. Failure implies lack of achievement, a neutral state, or at worst, incompetence. As the Red Queen told Alice in Alice In Wonderland,
    "It takes all the running you can do, to stay in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!"

    Here what we have is the result of plunder on a truly stupendous scale. But dumbno should not get all the credit. Will writers from the the races expose their own chauvinist heroes?

  5. Sir,

    Setuju 100%. I like the part "what you want to be, you must work hard and earn it"..

    I hope UMNO will not spin and accuse you of being a DAP lackey?

  6. Quote:
    "2 generations of Malays totally spoiled and weakened..."

    I would like to add: and 1 generation of Chinese and Indians!!

    The oresent young Malaysians; Malays, Chinese and Indians are all spoiled and weakened. No wonder we need more than 2 million migrant workers.

    Our leaders are bad role models and our education system sucks. Many young Malaysians are either apathetic to what is happening to their country or they complain until they are hoarse but refuses to play any part to correct the situation.

    If ever change is going to happen in Malaysia, it will take at least another generation to have Malaysians who at least have the correct 'mindset' to work hard rebuilding the country.

    Yes, we have lost the last precious 30 years but we need to have hope to reverse the decline...

  7. Pak Hussein..phewwwwwwwww!Timely and impactful.

  8. Well done. Honest and sincere. I wish the Malays 'buka mata dan minda'for their own survival.

  9. We share the same sentiments bro.....this one is without doubt the best that you have ever dished out.

  10. Bravo Pak Hussein. Notice that I call you Pak this time and not the HH that I refer you when you 'wander off'.My tabik hormat to you this instance.
    Your vivid description of what the Malays are today is indeed brilliant (the Malays that I refer to in my comments are UMNO Malays and their offsprings who are UMNO by birth and remain so).
    The military has a saying that there are no bad soldiers but only useless officers/leaders.
    It does not apply to the UMNO Malays; the Malay followers who remain gullible to UMNO's propaganda and the crumbs fed to them.
    I hope all the ABU bloggers will publish your piece and the alternative media will also carry it.I cant wait to read the UMNO porn bloggers' responses if at all they are readable!

  11. Melayu akan hilang tidak lama lagi becos the MAMAKs are here to STAY!

  12. A great heartfelt outpouring of emotions that seems very sincere.

  13. You are a Malaysian and not Malay..

  14. Do not be ashamed, just work hard.

    Do not be disheartened, just vote Pakatan.

    Anything But Umno.


    Let us spread this to our Malay brothers and sisters vie email, maybe?

    Oh yes, I would like to introduce myself briefly. I'm a Malaysian Chinese with MORE Malay friends than Chinese friends.

  16. Dear Pak Steady,

    You have written the truth and very well indeed.

    But are our Malay brothers and sisters reading or listening to you?

    We are more worried about them than ourselves.

    Any negative repercussions suffered by the Malays are eventually blamed on others.

  17. I'm a Malay. I feel ashamed to say that because being Malay today in Malaysia is associated with most things negative. I'm sure many of my fellow Malays feel the same way. I for one am seriously thinking of migrating from this failed 'Malay land' but the thought of striving to change the mindset of my students has made me stay so far. It's not the race that has failed but the Malays themselves who have tarnished whatever values that we associate with being Malay.

  18. Uncle Steady, very good read. You have my utmost respect for a Malay man. I am glad you disassociated yourself as a Bumi. To me and many others a bumiputra equates to a retard.

  19. Great piece, and believe me I feel for you.

    I have just come back from UK and boy do I notice a difference - the place is a S'hole.

    You are right when you say both UMNO and PKR stink but i don't think Nurul is the answer.

    Come on, what has she done in her life, what experience does she have ?

    She is just like all the rest of them - where they are because of daddy and mommy.

    Fg useless.

  20. Pak Hamid, the trouble with the umno bumis, as I have been saying for the last 20 years, is that they still believe in Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu, Hang Kasturi...never realising that to umno, depa semua Hang Kena Tipu.

  21. To be honest, I don't think you reach the intended audience by writing this piece in English nor by publishing it online

  22. Sir, I sense sadness in you for Malaysia the country and for the Malays.You desperately want the Malays to wake up to face the reality of what is happening to our country. Like you, I am also hoping against hope that PR will take over Malaysia. Another win for BN esp UMNO will see the sinking of Malaysia into a bankrupt country.

  23. Dear Pak, I came across your blog by chance. I am a Malaysian Indian the sense of belonging living in Malaysia is lost. Gone are the good old days where we can invite the malays to our homes for festival as the question of halal always arises. The halal is a big word for the malays but what about the hindus when they visit a malay house and beef is served? we quietly avoid and continue eating what can be eaten by us. let me tell you an incident which happened in my office. Beef was served for a function and this indian girl accidentaly took it thinking it was lamb, than someone told her that she had taken beef. So to double confirm, she asked her superior and guess what she told her" you push it aside and continue eating the rest!", The question is what if it was the other way round if pork was served? I let
    you readers think and answer. I think Malaysia is going backwards and not forward. God created all of us including the PIG, COW etc we are children of God. I think the most important thing in life is to have good values, integrity, respect etc. After all. life is temporary on this this earth Have a good day Pak.

  24. By the way the word "Halal" was never rampant in the 70s or 80s, why is it now? Does this make the Malays extra powerful or unique? If your religion says stay away from pork so be it. You don't eat, just don't make a big issue. A few months ago Jakim found out there was some traces of pork lard in some branded butter in Kuching. They did their ritual by cleansing the supermarket. I asked my malay friend what happens to those who have consumed how are you going to clean yourself, since it has already gone in your blood stream. Guess what was her answer, "can't do anything". I bet 100 years ago life was much simpler and beautiful as for now people are creating their rules and regulation on religion in short they are becoming GODS in their own way.

  25. Malaysia Today is linked to a Translation Tool

    English- Malay

    Saya berada di Singapura beberapa hari lalu untuk bekerja. Belum ke Singapura selama lebih 20 tahun. Pemandu teksi yang mendorong saya dari lapangan terbang ke hotel saya adalah Melayu. Dalam perjalanan ke hotel, beliau berkata bahawa semua tanah di sepanjang pantai yang kini dibangunkan sepenuhnya adalah tanah tebus guna. Beliau berkata bahawa Singapura tidak lagi boleh membeli pasir dari Indonesia atau Malaysia - jadi Singapura kini membeli pasir dari Vietnam. Beliau mencadangkan bahawa mungkin kerajaan Malaysia perlu mengambil kira membiarkan Singapura lombong pasir diperlukan dari sungai Pahang dan Perak supaya banjir itu tidak akan berlaku sekerap seperti yang mereka lakukan sekarang - cara ini, Singapura akan mempunyai pasir dan Malaysia mendapat dua mogok terhadap Singapura : Bayaran untuk pasir dan pencegahan banjir! Saya diam-diam tersenyum pada logik. Jika hanya ahli politik kita boleh berfikir yang dengan jelas!

    Pada waktu malam saya akan menonton TV seperti yang saya makan malam dan apa yang saya lihat di Singapura TV memberikan saya beberapa penjelasan mengapa Malaysia begitu jauh di belakang Singapura. Tidak, saya amat tidak hanya bercakap mengenai aspek pembangunan fizikal di mana perbandingan antara kedua-dua negara akan menjadi usaha sia-sia: Di mana anda akan bermula? Dari lapangan terbang Changi, teksi Saya mengambil, bas dan kereta api yang saya gunakan untuk kehadiran sebuah bandar yang yakin dalam pertumbuhan dan selamat tempat di seluruh dunia, Singapura adalah segala-galanya bahawa Malaysia tidak!

  26. Malaysia Today has a translation tool.

    Singapura TV dipenuhi dengan program-program yang menyediakan anda dengan maklumat peristiwa-peristiwa dunia, pengetahuan mengenai apa-apa yang anda akan peduli untuk tahu dan belajar dan banyak program yang memberitahu rakyat Singapura yang hidup di luar sana adalah untuk hidup dan menikmati bertanggungjawab. Tiada ahli politik di sisi di TV mereka. Tiada apa-apa jua yang akan membenarkan mana-mana yang waras, bijak Singapura TV penonton kecewa pada sebarang cubaan oleh kerajaan Singapura untuk mencuba dan pengaruh mereka mengenai perkara-perkara politik.

    TV Malaysia adalah menyedihkan dan rasa malu untuk menonton. Talk show tuan rumah yang begitu condescending kepada tetamu mereka yang membuat saya merasa jijik! Kami mempunyai ramai orang yang diberitahu mengenai projek-projek kerajaan yang terbaru yang akan memberi manfaat kepada mereka dan negara. Apa yang pas untuk program-program televisyen dalam propaganda kerajaan realiti - memuntahkan tulen dan hanya beromong kosong dan tak tanggung-tanggung maklumat yang tidak berguna yang tidak memberi manfaat kepada salah satu - bukan kerajaan kerana ia adalah untuk menjadikan penonton berfikir terhadap propaganda yang terang-terangan kerajaan BN yang terdesak untuk memenangi pilihan raya umum akan datang. Saya masih ingat salah satu episod di mana ahli politik Melayu ini telah membuka menunjukkan atau seminar seperti beberapa dilempar dengan menyentap banner dengan potret bersaiz gergasi dirinya! Ia membuatkan saya mahu untuk memuntahkan!

    Apa yang lebih membimbangkan saya adalah memikirkan bagaimana semua sampah di televisyen Malaysia ini akan memberi kesan kepada orang-orang Malaysia yang menonton TV Malaysia. Jika TV hanya mereka menonton maka apa peluang yang orang-orang ini telah berkembang menjadi seorang manusia yang lebih baik? Kami telah diberitahu bahawa kita adalah apa yang kita makan ... baik, saya fikir apa yang kerajaan kita membenarkan orang-orang kita untuk menonton TV dan membaca di media adalah apa yang kita akan: kepada orang-orang yang blinkered dan sedar kepada dunia luar.

  27. Malaysia Today has a translation tool.

    Tetapi sebagai seorang Melayu, apa yang menyedihkan saya adalah bahawa politik dalam UMNO mentakrifkan kita orang Melayu seperti yang kita tidak pernah ditakrifkan sebelum. Sebelum ini orang Melayu melihat diri mereka sebagai orang-orang yang masuk kira-kira kehidupan mereka dengan maruah yang tenang yang selamat dalam pengetahuan bahawa sebagai rakyat, mereka telah berkenaan dengan kaum-kaum lain dan merasakan diri mereka layak menjadi Melayu - anak tanah. Lebih penting lagi, kami mempunyai rasa nilai diri.

    Hari ini keburukan persona Melayu kini tidak lagi menjadi perkara yang boleh disimpan dalam lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat Melayu. Bagaimana ia boleh disimpan daripada domain awam apabila Melayu ejekan dan ketawa ketika mereka cuba untuk berjalan kaki di sepanjang jalan yang mana orang lain yang sudah - dan cuba lakukan supaya mereka telah gagal teruk. Gagal kerana mereka sakit dilengkapi untuk bersaing di padang permainan tahap dengan kaum-kaum lain.

    Ini bukanlah sesuatu yang UMNO boleh sapu di bawah karpet lagi.

    Hari ini orang Melayu sendiri yang telah sedar Keadaan yang mencemaskan mereka. Ini adalah apa yang orang Melayu kini tahu diri mereka sendiri.

    Tiada pemimpin Melayu di negara kita ini lagi. Semua pemimpin-pemimpin kita, tanpa pengecualian, dalam satu cara atau lain, gagal kita - dan lagi setelah gagal mereka masih menegaskan bahawa hak-hak mereka untuk kekal sebagai pemimpin Melayu tidak terjejas. Pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu hari ini adalah satu jenaka!

    Pendidikan anak-anak kita tidak bersedia atau dilengkapi mereka untuk bersaing di padang bermain menentang bukan Melayu di Malaysia dan terhadap orang lain apabila mereka pergi di luar negara. Mereka telah gagal teruk dari keupayaan mereka untuk menguasai Bahasa Inggeris kepada keupayaan mereka untuk berinteraksi dan mengendalikan selok-belok hidup di kalangan bukan Melayu.

    Saya telah diaibkan berulang kali dalam perbualan dengan pelajar-pelajar Melayu di Australia - bukan sahaja oleh keupayaan sedih tidak mencukupi mereka untuk bercakap Bahasa Inggeris yang layak tetapi lebih membimbangkan dalam pendekatan blinkered pendidikan dengan 'mereka' dan pendekatan 'kami' semua - dari sosial interaksi yang tidak mahu menggunakan akal bahawa kita mesti meraikan kepelbagaian - tidak merawat sebagai ancaman kepada etnik Melayu, agama kita dan cara hidup kita. Bahawa mereka telah gagal berbuat begitu juga menyakitkan jelas kepada saya sebagai seorang Melayu - apa yang lebih kepada orang-orang yang mereka bertemu. Tetapi kejahilan adalah kebahagiaan dan pelajar-pelajar ini tidak dapat memahami bahawa mereka dipandang sebagai objek untuk dikasihani sebaliknya kemudian ketawa di. Dan pelajar-pelajar ini pergi mengenai pendidikan sedar kepada kegagalan mereka mereka. Katak di bawah tempurong!

  28. Malaysia Today has a translation tool.

    Orang Melayu tidak lagi boleh mengabaikan hakikat bahawa orang bukan Melayu adalah jauh di hadapan dengan pesat dalam semua perkara rakyat Malaysia: Perniagaan, Pendidikan, masyarakat sivil dan juga rasa hormat dan maruah bangsa mereka sendiri.

    Bagaimana ini boleh terjadi apabila orang Melayu mempunyai kawalan penuh terhadap kerajaan sejak Merdeka dan harus dan tidak mempunyai kawalan ke atas semua aspek kehidupan di Malaysia?

    Bagaimana ini boleh terjadi apabila orang Melayu mempunyai 9 Sultan dan Gabenor banyak sebagai ketua perlembagaan negara?

    Bagaimana mungkin apabila orang Melayu berangka terharu semua kaum-kaum lain meletakkan bersama-sama?

    Dan lagi semua kelebihan ini telah menjadikan orang Melayu kepada orang-orang yang tidak lagi boleh memegang kepala mereka dgn baik hati apa jua keadaan mereka semata-mata kerana Melayu dikuasai kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah gagal dalam tujuan yang banyak mereka dinyatakan Ketuanan Melayu.

    Tidak gagal dalam mendapatkan Ketuanan Melayu tetapi gagal dalam cara yang Ketuanan Melayu digunakan untuk melanjutkan TIDAK kepentingan Melayu tetapi untuk melanjutkan kepentingan UMNO.

    Dan di dalamnya terletak tragedi orang Melayu! AN UMNO yang mengambil untuk diri mereka sendiri apa yang benar-benar perlu untuk orang Melayu.

    Ia adalah pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang kita lihat yang paling teruk orang Melayu yang bertindak keluar apa yang orang Melayu kini telah menjadi! Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO adalah lambang ketamakan, rasuah dan pencurian kekayaan negara-negara untuk poket sendiri.

    Bahawa orang Melayu kini telah hilang semangat kebanggaan dan maruah kerana salah laku dan penyalahgunaan oleh ahli-ahli politik UMNOI pejabat awam mereka memegang tidak kebimbangan ini Melayu UMNO. Tingkah laku pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO kini mencerminkan bahawa Sultan yang telah lama lalu menyerahkan mana-mana maruah mereka mungkin masih mempunyai apa-apa tuntutan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin yang Melayu oleh gaya hidup dekaden mereka bahawa mereka membawa wang yang mereka terima daripada Rakyat.

  29. Malaysia Today has a translation tool.

    Adakah mereka orang Melayu yang berkuasa untuk menghalang pemimpin-pemimpin mereka daripada mengambil mereka hujung jalan berkenaan yang hilang dan maruah hilang. Bagaimana tidak hilang rasa hormat kepada pemimpin Melayu seperti Najib? Dalam melihat hakikat di keluarga semua Perdana Menteri Malaysia bar Tunku: Melayu semua daripada mereka: Dan semua mereka dalam satu cara atau lain-lain telah manfaat hideously dari pejabat Perdana Menteri.

    Dan dengan Najib dia pergi selangkah ke hadapan. Kemunculan isteri yang berfikir bahawa menjadi isteri Perdana Menteri melayakkan beliau menjadi Lady gaya Pertama Malaysia!

    Apa yang pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu ini lakukan sedang aped oleh orang Melayu yang lain dalam kedudukan amanah dan kuasa - di mana mendapat kekayaan oleh mana-mana cara yang mungkin telah membawa kepada kewujudan sekurang-kurangnya dua generasi orang Melayu yang telah dibawa untuk mempercayai bahawa Malaysia berhutang mereka hidup: tidak meminta apa yang anda boleh lakukan untuk negara anda tetapi meminta apa yang negara anda boleh lakukan untuk anda!

    Dua generasi Melayu benar-benar rosak dan melemahkan mengharapkan sesuatu untuk apa-apa oleh UMNO yang benar-benar tidak mempunyai apa-apa kepentingan dalam memajukan kepentingan mana-mana bahasa Melayu apatah lagi Malaysia yang lain, selain diri mereka sendiri!

    Saya malu menjadi Melayu. Malu kerana perbuatan dan tindakan yang diambil oleh UMNO atas nama Melayu. Bagaimana saya tidak berasa malu bahawa Menteri Melayu Pertahanan telah melihat ia sesuai untuk membenarkan seorang sahabat yang baik daripada beliau untuk mendapat keuntungan RM $ 500 juta semata-mata oleh mengatur kerajaan Malaysia untuk membeli Kapal selam Perancis?

    Bagaimana saya tidak malu-pemimpin Melayu apabila Perdana Menteri Melayu - dan hampir Perdana Menteri Melayu! - Melihat ia sesuai untuk menggunakan wang rakyat - untuk lagu RM $ 1 bilion untuk menyelamatkan syarikat perkapalan anaknya!

    Bagaimana saya tidak berasa malu apabila seorang Menteri, tidak kurang, dihantar sebagai Duta kita di Washington selepas ditangkap kerana mencabul kesopanan pelayan yang berkhidmat!

    Orang Melayu melakukan lebih banyak kerosakan kepada orang Melayu di besar kemudian kepada diri mereka sendiri.

    Orang Melayu mempunyai Dato Onn, Tunku, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Ismail Ali, Ghazali Shafie ... semua pemimpin besar Melayu yang tugasnya adalah untuk orang Melayu dan Malaysia dan semua rakyat Malaysia!

  30. Malaysia Today has a translation tool.

    Siapa yang kami ada sekarang? Pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu yang idea yang besar mempunyai Mercedes model terbaru dan yang tinggal di tempat tinggal yang dibayar oleh thieving wang rakyat mereka dan mengambil pelakon atau penyanyi untuk isteri-isteri dan perempuan-perempuan simpanan mereka! Dan penyanyi dan pelakon Melayu yang berpendapat bahawa ini lotharios penuaan adalah hasil tangkapan yang baik mungkin mentakrifkan kerangka minda materialistik yang kemudiannya turut diserapkan terlalu ramai orang Melayu di mana-mana.

    Ia sakit saya untuk melihat orang Melayu seperti ini. Ia sakit saya lebih apabila orang yang berkenaan tidak pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu tetapi kaum-kaum lain yang menjadi saksi kepada kejatuhan Melayu dari rahmat. Bukan Melayu bimbang untuk orang Melayu lebih daripada pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu kerana mereka tahu bahawa sehingga orang Melayu bertenaga untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk diri mereka sendiri dengan menyingkirkan pemimpin-pemimpin ini tidak berguna Melayu, maka mereka juga akan terpaksa menanggung beban rasuah dan rogol dan merampas negara mereka oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO.

    Marilah kita semua menyedari bahawa kita semua dalam hal ini bersama-sama. Apa yang orang Melayu kini yang berkekalan kaum-kaum lain juga yang kekal dan kita hanya boleh keluar dari kebuntuan ini dengan bekerja bersama-sama.

    Ironinya bahawa saya sebagai seorang Melayu mengejek dan meletakkan bangsa saya sendiri tidak hilang pada saya. Memotong hidung saya walaupun muka saya! Bagi saya UMNO telah memotong hidung Melayu lama yang lalu. PKR tidak jauh di belakang kerana di sini sekali lagi adalah satu entiti Melayu yang dikuasai politik yang dijalankan oleh orang Melayu yang mengandaikan ia adalah hak mereka untuk berbuat sesuka hati dalam PKR kerana mereka adalah pemimpin-pemimpin PKR. Jika UMNO telah memotong hidung muka Melayu, maka PKR bekerja di telinga!

    Saya katakan semua ini kerana ia perlu dikatakan. Ia tidak boleh diabaikan bahawa orang Melayu kini telah hilang mereka di negara mereka memanggil mereka sendiri. Jika mereka tidak boleh melihat diri mereka yang demikian, maka saya akan menunjukkan bahawa kepada mereka. Jika anda ingin mencela saya kerana membelot kepada bangsa saya sendiri dengan tinggal di Australia - biar saya beritahu anda ini. Orang Melayu masih orang Melayu di mana-mana jua dia.

    Buka mata anda, melibatkan otak anda. Berfikir dan bertanya kepada diri sendiri jika anda berasa bangga untuk semua hari ini menjadi seorang Melayu di Malaysia. Saya tidak. Saya tidak lagi mahu merujuk kepada diri saya sendiri sebagai Bumiputra kerana menjadi satu Bumiputra tidak menjadikan saya lebih Melayu sebagai Cina akan lebih Cina jika dia tinggal di China atau India di India!

  31. Malaysia Today has a translation tool.

    Sebagai seorang bumiputera adalah rasa malu kepada sesiapa sahaja hari ini kerana ia menandakan ketidakadilan dalam masyarakat yang memberitahu anda bahawa kelahiran, bangsa dan agama melayakkan anda untuk orang lain lain, maka apa yang anda tidak - pertama di kalangan yang sama. Keistimewaan hari ini lahir tidak lagi memegang apa-apa mempengaruhi masyarakat bertamadun - Sultan atau anak kepada seorang Perdana Menteri. Semua yang kamu mahu menjadi mesti diperolehi melalui kerja keras dan buruh yang layak. Dan ini adalah mengapa kedudukan orang Melayu di Malaysia telah lama lalu telah dikompromi oleh kerajaan UMNO yang melihat orang Melayu hanya sebagai alat untuk terus memegang kuasa di negara ini.

    Tetapi mempunyai kuasa untuk 53 tahun yang lalu UMNO tidak dibuang orang Melayu - tidak ada mereka masih memerlukan orang Melayu untuk memenangi pilihan raya umum yang akan datang dan seterusnya dan seterusnya! Persoalannya sekarang ialah sama ada kita orang Melayu akan membiarkan mereka menggunakan kita lagi!

  32. Malaysia Today has a translation tool.

    Melayu rakan saya lihat sekeliling kamu dan bertanya kepada diri sendiri mengapa kita sekarang seperti ini? Kami membenarkan pemimpin-pemimpin kita untuk melibatkan diri dalam politik longkang! Mereka tidak lagi bercakap tentang seks perkahwinan tambahan sebagai bertentangan dengan Islam - hari ini ia adalah kes liwat! Hari ini ialah pemimpin Melayu yang mengambil isteri kedua tanpa pengetahuan isteri pertama mereka. Hari ini ia adalah kira-kira menggunakan agama untuk mengugut dan cowered kaum-kaum lain ke dalam threading perlahan-lahan di negara mereka sendiri di atas kesakitan yang berjenama anti Islam dan anti Melayu.

    Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia!

    Biar saya memberitahu anda Melayu ini. Kami Melayu tidak pernah berada di atas pentas dunia! Orang-orang Cina. Orang-orang India. Bukan Melayu. Oleh itu, sila bangun dari mengantuk teraruh UMNO bahawa orang-orang kita telah sekian lama. Lima puluh tiga tahun yang akan tepat! Melayu Perdana Menteri kita hari ini tidak mempunyai separuh berkenaan Penghulu Melayu yang digunakan pada hari-hari apabila Penghulu di kampung-kampung adalah pemimpin orang Melayu di kawasan luar bandar.

    Tetapi ini saya tahu. Sebagai manusia, kita bertanggungjawab ke atas siapa diri kita dan apa yang kita mahu menjadi. Berbanding dengan semua kemungkinan kaum Cina dan lain-lain telah hidup di Malaysia. Terselamat yang lebih baik maka orang Melayu. Sudah tiba masanya kita Melayu diketepikan pemimpin-pemimpin ini tidak berguna Melayu yang tinggal di luar etnik kami hanya melanjutkan kepentingan terletak hak mereka sendiri bukan Melayu.

    Mereka adalah pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu di kalangan kita sekarang yang boleh memberikan kita dengan kepimpinan 1 penerangan untuk mengambil bukan sahaja orang Melayu tetapi juga semua rakyat Malaysia ke arah Malaysia yang lebih baik. Nurrul untuk seseorang. Tetapi hanya kerana dia tidak mempunyai masa untuk ayahnya dan begitu ramai pemimpin Melayu kini telah menjadi: UMNO dalam pemikiran mereka, UMNO dalam tindakan dan UMNO mereka dalam promosi tidak ada kepentingan lain tetapi mereka sendiri. Bimbang adalah bahawa masa yang diberikan Nurrul akan bapanya hari ini - seorang lelaki yang memegang janji yang begitu banyak untuk masa depan bangsa dan negara kita dan belum diserahkan begitu sedikit. Marilah kita pastikan bahawa Nurrul tidak akan gagal. Orang Melayu tidak akan hidup lain Najib atau Anwar yang lain!

  33. A very good piece that speaks the truth. However, as RPK has mentioned before, you need to show these to your target audience. I believe the majority of them would not even understand your piece unless it was in Malay. My grasp of the Malay language is atrocious so I do not frequent any Malay language websites and it will probably be so vice versa. Please translate this piece to Malay and post it up on websites where your target audience would go to. After all that, I would like to say - Please keep up the good work!

  34. A reply to semuanya OK kot said...

    'But dumbno should not get all the credit. Will writers from the the races expose their own chauvinist heroes?'

    Of cos there is the shame of mca and mic. But look at what happened to them at 12th election and by-elections in sarawak or sibu. The mat sepets if you like to call us, knows and wanted to change. Did you all?

    I would also like to add that all of us Malaysians should join hands to stop this rot by BN. Its BN not only umno. Malaysia will regain the glory if we do that. No point migrating somewhere you don't feel at home. This is home! Its our duty to clean our home when its dirty, not move out!

  35. Dear Pak Steady,
    "Takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia" is attributed to Hang Tuah- the legendary Malaccan warrior. But Han Tu Ah was a Chinese, so were his companions- Han Jee Bat,Han Lee Kiu,Han Lee Kir etc..
    Take a look at the modern history of so called "Malay" leadership.Hussein Onn was disposed by the Keralan with the help of an Achinese.The same crafty devilish Keralan plotted May 13,to outsed Tunku Deraman.In 1985 a group of Malays in Memali by that Keralan.Blame was placed on Black Musa.In 1987 the Keralan and the same Achinse schemed to demolish United Malays Nasional Organisation replced by UMNO Baru (aks United Mamak Nasional Organisation).The forgetful "mudah lupa" Malays has been "mis lead" by the Mamaks the last three decades to be shamelessly what the mostly are today.You are better off residing in Australia. I wish I could afford to do the same.

  36. If today the GE13 is held and PR wins with a landslide victory, all the spoilt Malays or spoon fed by the gomen would die naturally. To the Chinese, Indians and others, it will be the same since over 50 years we have been suppressed by the gomen to suffer and live with what we earn, work hard, send our kids abroad since we we don't stand a chance in Malaysia. Most Malays are spoilt by the gomen, the intention is to keep them there so that they can never think. Very sad though, my friends are all Malays, they tell me this is going on and they say that the politics and UMNO will end by itself. They know the bias situation, they know what the non bumis go through. They feel for us, but all they are saying is I am not allowing this to continue. We will stop this, and after 54 years it is the right time now.

  37. Thank you for the sincere articulation of the problems faced by the Malay today and pointing out the root cause of the problems being the failures and greeds of the so called Malay leaders.

    As a Malaysian, I am saddened by the current situation in my beloved country. While the whole world is busy looking into how to move ahead to compete in today's border-less world, we Malaysian are preoccupied with who are the master of the country and who are the pendatang. We waste our energy in identifying ourselves along racial lines and religion, instead of harmonising our effort to create a better living place for ourselves and our children.

    Time waits for nobody, before we realized it, we are already falling behind our neighbouring countries economically.

    Wait up please, my fellow Malaysian. We are all living in this beautiful land call Malaysia. We are inter-dependent. We need each other helps in order to prosper and if any one of us are lagging behind, we are equally affected, regardless of race.

  38. NATION Building 101 - Lessons to be learnt from a REAL STATESMAN:

    National Archives - Interview with Lee Kuan Yew - National Security Council. Central Intelligence Agency. (09/18/1947 - 12/04/1981). - This film is footage of an interview in which the Prime Minister of Singapore spoke on the Vietnam War and the problems of Southeast Asia.

    CNN's Fareed Zakaria talks with Lee Kuan Yew about his life as prime minister of Singapore, the revival of China, War on terror, Freedom Agenda and even the recent Georgian conflict. This is a two part series.

    Charlie Rose' show, host Charlie Rose interviewed Lee Kuan Yew, Former Prime Minister of Singapore about the new global order. (10/23/09)

    This is an interview titled "Hot-button Topics" found on the DVD on the back cover of the new book "Lee Kuan Yew Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going".


  39. I am ashamed of being a Malay for what UMNO Malay leaders have done in the name of the Malay.

    I cringe when Malay Sultans so unabashedly proclaim as royals representing the best of Malay religion, culture and person.

    I am aghast with the Malay civil service (Malay institutions) who see no evil and corruption, meek and supportive, perpetuating the failure of justice and governance and wholesale in conspiring with the pillaging and plundering only because their political masters must always be Malays.

  40. Ellow Red Alfa, great to see you in these streets.

    I think we may be missing the point if we start comparing the current leadership against the potentiates standing valiantly against them. My Lords, this is not about choosing the better man for the job.

    Indeed, this isn't and cannot in honesty be about electing the angels over the demons. At least not now when we the electorate have not proven en masse to politicians that our choice is what they should aspire to.

    It is about employing someone else other than the one we loathe now. And if he or she were then to bungle our faith, we re-exercise that same choice in booting him or her out.

    That is the alternative to allowing the current leaders to treat us like we have naught that very choice.

  41. I am a Malaysian Indian with a strong sense of belonging. Being on subject, I love my Malay friends and I know how they are by nature. I wish the best for them and all. Please somebody translate this to Malay and circulate it everywher for the rest..
    Praying for the betterment of all Malaysian races..

  42. Dear Sir,
    My compliments on your article from your heart, I bleed with you and I hoped the next gen of Malays can stop the rot.
    I am a 58 years old Chinese employing Malays & Indians only in my factory because I don't believe in training a foreigner and let him go home and compete with us in a few years. Worse still if he is a Muslim, he will be adopted after staying in Malaysia as a bumiputra.
    Previously, 4 decades ago, Malays were given the special rights over 50++% of the population to calm the fear fanned by then the successor of Tungku. Now that special rights are erode by the dwindling population of the non-Malays so the special rights are now in the hands of the connected bumis over the common bumis.
    Wake-up fellow Malaysians before we head the direction of Greece!
    Chinese Malaysian.

  43. YOU ARE NOT MALAY !!! Some piece of your story is right but all this to propagate Malay so we can fight each other....
    Malays, dont simply swallow what you eat, taste it, feel it

  44. hi pak hussain,

    you are a towering malay, so was p.ramlee, sudirman, roslan aziz & so many more, its just the politicians and a few others...not ALL malays....

  45. Sir, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Malaysians at home. It is rare to read such candour.
    I have linked your blog to my Facebook and Twitter because I think your essay deserves to be read by every Malaysian who loves his country. I hope you don't mind.
    Thank you, sir.

  46. Pak Steady,

    Absolutely provocative but nontheless very informative and strikes at the heart of the issue. I myself am a Filipino and lived in Malaysia for about 5 years. I can draw some parallels to what you have stated. Although we have embraced our now multicultural society our politics has been, and ever since, is the root of our present woes. I feel the urgency in your article. Terima kasih ya? and more power!

  47. Did you notice any difference between the Malays in Singapore and the Malays in Malaysia? Personally I find that Singaporean Malays are better educated, more confident of themselves and more open minded.

    I once asked a Singaporean Malay friend who would be sharing a table with me whether he minds me eating pork at the same table as him. He assured me that it's OK.

  48. In Islam there is no such thing as "ketuanan" of a particular race. It would be unislamic to make such racist claims. One only needs to understand the message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) at his last sermon. Perhaps the folks in UMNO & Perkasa have strayed or are practising some other religion.

    Great piece Pak Steady, but this sort of message must go down to the grassroots / kampung. UMNO is considered as Jaguh Kampung. They are a dead loss in the urban areas.

  49. How I'm gonna vote if people losing faith to Pakatan? They promised a lot but indeed neither of their promised being fulfill. So why must I vote both of parties if they didn't fulfill their promises..As singapore, we know that they are more advanced than us,when we going to become growth country, all Malaysian blamed the government by saying they using "People's Money",now most of us can see a lot of Malaysians changed their parties,and what we should call them? "Kacang Lupekan Kulit", bullshit!! I rather not voting either one of them.

  50. A very audacious blog post, audacious yet intricate and heart wrenching to read.

    It goes to show how much we need to reflect ourselves as a nation, not just for malays, chinese, or indians but as Malaysians as a whole, the way the country is steering itself now. Every single one of us live under one nation and to progress nobody can be left behind. A general awareness and enlightenment must come before Pride and ignorance after half a decade of mind poisnoning. we're handicapped.

  51. Apa Ada Pada Melayu

    Assalamu'alaikum Wmt Wbt.

    Dari bacaan dinasti Sunda, Lamuria sampai ke Atlantis yg di hujjah dek sobat--sobat yang lain, aku rasa kitab-kitab kebinasaan Melayu itu harus diulas lagi.Sebelum bumi Melayu atau orang Melayu di panggil Melayu mereka ini dipanggil sebagai orang-orang Kabut Merah atau Bumi Tana Mera'. Mereka ini dianggap sebagai penghuni subuah zon neraka berapi yang tinggal jauh tempat Matahari terbit di timur bumi.

    Apabila matahari mulai terbit di timur terdapat awan mega bewarna merah di kaki langit yang bersinar terang menyelubungi bumi sebelah sini.Khabarnya dahulu orang dari sebelah barat sangat takut untuk masuk ke daerah sini sepertinya memasuki daerah neraka berapi atau masuk kedalam mulut-mulut setan.

    Adapun panggilan sebagai Tana Mera' ialah kerana bumi di sini mempunyai sub-sub lapisan tanah yang sangat merah yang di panggil tanah laterit, sebahagian tanah di pulau Jawa bercampur batu-batuan yang tersangat merah warnanya.

    Kalau di perhatikan dari semenanjung sampai ke kepulauan di timur semua tanahnya bewarna merah cuma dikawasan gunung berapi dan kawasan-kawasan berlumpur yang tanahnya bewarna sedikit gelap.Ada juga beberapa cerdik pandai Islam yang mengatakan dari tanah merah di Nusantara inilah di ambil olih malaikat untuk mencipta organ dalaman Nabi Adam AS ketika dia mula diciptakan dahulu....wallahualam.Entahkan betul entahkan tidak.

    Baiklah, sebelum wujud Lamuria dan Atlantis kita panggil sahaja sebagai negara bangsa Tana Mera'.Siapakah penghuni di bumi ini dahulu? Asalnya ialah sekolompok manusia yang berhidup secara simbiosis dengan alam.Mereka membebaskan diri dari sifat merosakkan alam.Bangsa mereka hidup dengan kekuatan jiwa menguasai raga.Dengan kata lain mereka hidup dengan sifat kekuatan spiritual yang tulen.

    ... sambong.

  52. Dari segi asimilasi pada alam persekitaran mereka menerapkan ilmu-ilmu bio,teknologi nano,mesra alam dan tenologi green yang paling murni sekali.Dari segi georafi politik ketika itu mereka hidup serumpun,berkongsi tanah air dan sumber bahan asli,mesra pada alam dan mengawal kehidupan.

    Kenapa tidak?! kalau hidup dikuasai tenaga roh,jiwa,spritual... tidak makan pun bolih kenyang,bebas penyakit,hidup harmorni, aman,berahklak,intergriti dan hubungan silaturahim yang hebat sekali,kemudian berilmu bukan setakat zahiri tetapi melangkaui ilmu-ilmu kosmik dan mikro kosmik.Mereka yang mengetahui ilmu spiritual yang mendalam mengerti sangat hakikat kejadian alam maya yang berupa persepsi,illusi dan fatamorgana.Kalau kita makan, yang mengenyangkan bukan makanan itu tetapi satu kuasa mutlak yang lain kan? kerana itu bangsa ini memiliki kemahiran roh menguasai raga.hebat sekali!

    Lalu apa yang menghancurkan dan memisahkan bangsa mesra alam ini?

    Suatu malam dilangit yang cerah Pendita a.k.a Maharaja Argost Is (bukan nama sebenar) pemimpin dan cerdik pandai bangsa Mera' ini melihat lintasan tahi bintang luar biasa terang,bewarna kekuningan yang lalu melintasi orbit gugusan bintang serpent (bintang ular) yang menjadi simbol sakral kerajaan bangsa Mera'.Corotan tahi bintang ini berlalu aneh,apabila sampai tepat di gugusan kepala bintang serpent carput ianya terpecah dua lalu hilang dan terbakar begitu sahaja.Dari ilmu tilik astronominya,ilmu kosmik dan mikro kosmik dia mempercayai satu petanda yang tidak baik akan berlaku.Satu kejadian besar akan terjadi di bumi Tanah Mera'.

    Sementelahan itu, telah menjadi anutan bagi semua orang pemilik mata batin atau ahli spiritual zaman berzaman yang mempercayai akan pusat segala roh/jiwa-jiwa.Roh induk ialah pusat segala kekuatan kejiwaan manusia.Begitu juga bangsa Mera' sudah menjadi keutamaan mempercayai atma atau brahman dalam bahasa sanskrit lama. Atma inilah yang memiliki cahaya terang bersinar seperti matahari menaungi alam tanpa padam.Atma perlu budi sebagai tubuh.Apabila atma sudah berbudi maka ia akan menyerlahkan cahaya dan sinarnya yang terang benderang tadi.

    Namun begitu untuk terbit ke alam maya ia perlu budhi yang menjadi bekas atau sarung tubuhnya dengan bersifat kesempurnaan pada insan, ia tidak dapat terbit selagi tidak ada insan yang mencicipi tahap insan kamil mul kamil.Pun begitu atma budi ini tadi bolih berubah sebagai sinaran kecil di sebut sebagai pramono atau manas dalam bahasa sanskit berfungsi separuh lengkap sebagai imej,citra atau pengambaran hakikatnya yang sebenar.Kerana itu bukan mudah untuk menceritakan di hujung lidah tentang haq pada hakikat itu.Hanya disebutkan sekadar metafora,kiasan atau dari kaedah-kaedah ayat perumpamaan.


  53. Dari roh induk yang menerangi negara Tanah Mera' seperti matahari yang tanpa padam inilah wujud kesatuan, janji, sumpah dan taat setia demi Tana Mera' yang aman damai...hinggalah ke satu waktu.....terengggg...

    Ternyata orang-orang dari daerah barat Tana Mera' ketakutan untuk ketimur tetapi orang-orang dari negara daerah pintu Timur dari kawasan Tana Mera' terbuka luas peluang untuk datang dengan berbagai budaya dan sub budaya bangsa-bangsa mereka.Mereka melihat Tana Mera' bumi subur dengan berbagai makanan ranum produk-produk hutan tropika.

    Mereka masuk ke bumi Mera',Mereka datang dengan tukaran budaya,teknologi dan berbagai lagi khazanah alam dari negara brutal mereka yang rata-rata berbeza sungguh dengan budaya bangsa Mera' yang spiritualis.Tentu anda pernah menonton filem Conan the Babarian.Sebelum dia menjadi Maharaja dia pergi berlajar dari seorang guru dari daerah timur,tetapi bukan di bumi Mera' ,timur sekitar Monggol dan Yunan.Anda harus faham wujud manusia prasejarah bukan sahaja di bumi Mera' tetapi di seluruh dunia ,ada sesetengah tempat terdapat tengkorak manusia yang di temui berusia jutaan tahun lamanya...subhanallah.

    Ilmu yang paling penting di ketahui Raja Conan The Brutalian ialah Besi dan Segala kekuatan dari besi.Dengan kekuatan besi inilah ia menjadi keburukkan yang meruntuhkan setiap tamadun manusiawi.Ternyata Ilmu buruk dari besi diimport sekali ke Bumi Tana Mera' yang rata-rata berpribadi spiritualitas.

    Sebahagian dari warga Mera' telah di kuasai olih ilmu materi kekuatan dari besi.Mereka mempercayai kekuatan dari besi bolih menguasai segalanya berbanding sinar Terang Penyuluh Jiwa yang dengannya mereka telah berjanji taat setia sebelumnya.

    Sebahagian bangsa Mera' yang mengambil kekuatan dari besi akhirnya menjadi brutal,gasar,keras dan sangat agresif.Sementara sebahagian lagi warga bumi Mera' masih mengekalkan ciri spiritual mereka.


  54. Fahami carta ni dulu:

    1.Zaman Prasejarah (iaitu zaman Paleolitik,Maseolitik,Neolitik,Zaman Logam)-antara 75 ribu tahun hingga 1 tahun Sebelum Masihi -S.M (sebelum Nabi Isa Lahir.)

    2.Nabi Adam AS sekitar 7000-9000 Sebelum Masihi

    Hari ini rakyat Nusantara tak habis-habis melakukan kerosakkan,jangan-jangan anda akan di tukarkan dengan bangsa yang lain,bangsa yang lebih bailk dari anda



    ***Ini adalah Titipan dari kajian lama,bertajuk runtuhnya Kerajaan Tua Melayu dan asal usul orang Timur Jiwa al-Qudus.Di keluarkan atas permintaan ramai kerana masanya berkehendak begitu.Semoga bemanfaat.Ini sekadar kajian dengan sedikit tambahan.. jangan ada yang meroyan pulak huhuhuh...

    Wallahualam bissawab.

    Opps..nasib kau tanya, lupa nak sertakan rujukkan...nanti orang kata aku perompak pula.Ringkasnya,Kajian ni mula tahun 1997 lagi ....6 tahun lepas tu baru bawa bacaan umum dalam net sikit demi skit....saja test market....pertama kali bawa masuk cerita hakikat dunia,mula jer kena terajang keluar siap di ugut bunuh,maki hamun, sumpah seranah,jurus tahi kucing pun ada...macam2 lahh.... bawa masuk balik....kena terajang lagi....lepas tu stop buat masa yang lama, kemaskinikan kajian termasuk repair diri sendiri....dalam diam-diam tak di sangka,rupanya dah ada ramai follower fanatik,

    Dari tahun 2007 dah ramai bebudak muda layan sejarah bangsa dan asal usul mereka,sampai orang otai sejarah dah pening kepala dah kontra fakta pula....huhuhu...entah sapelah kuat cucuk jarum tah!!! aku tak katalah aku yang mencetuskannya tapi mungkin ada faktor lain.Mungkin huru hara politik Melayu masa tu.

    Kat sini aku sertakan beberapa rujukkan aje, lain-lain2 tu tak dapat nak beri sebab amanah dari orang,sesape nak carilah sendiri orang lain susah payah nak dapat,jerih perih mengumpul,nak seribu daya,antaranya:-

    1.The landscape of man-pengkaji geoffry and susan jellico.Buku ni best ada kajian sampai prehistory,zaman batu siap bergambar,ada kajian falsafah,sosio budaya,architecture dan sebagainya.Kajian yang telus,Cakap serupa bikin,ada bukti bergambar.

    2.Sejarah Tuhan,penulis Karen Armstrong- Buku ni kalau tak kuat iman jangan baca.Kajian tentang agama sampai ke agama Judaisme dah diharam dek JAKIM.Tapi kalau setakat nak mengkaji apa salahnya.

    3.Sejarah Dunia -Johari Mohammad terbitan Preston

    4.Tamadun Dunia -Sivachandralinggam & Ayadurai di tanda tangan Prof.Khoo Kay Kim (UM)-Buku ni best disebutkan sejarah kerajaan Nusantara satu persatu ada catatan tahun sekali.Banyak kajian gagal tunjukkan tahun,uselesss!

    5.Sejarah Nabi-nabi,Adam manusia pertama?,Mahkluk sebelum manusia,Sinopsis Tamadun Dunia.....Semua 4 buku2 ni aku terlupa Penulis dan penerbitnya.Tapi banyak fakta berguna dalam ni.

    6.Rujukkan dari internet macam lamuria,atlantis,sunda kelapa,Piramid firaun,Tahta ular ,Raja Minang kabau otai raja-raja melayu,agama pagan,tengkorak purba,senjata dan artifak purba,kitab-kitab tua jawa dan melayu lama,khazanah jawa,Kitab makrifat lama,ilmu falak Melayu,Adat dan Hukum Melayu lama,bomoh dan kedukunan,Tabib Timur dll.Cubalah google.Banyak falsafah kat dalam tu jangan setakat tengok gambar jer.

    7.Rujukkan paling ampuhhh!!! 1000 pintu.Ni paling susah nak dapat,bersabung nyawa sampai nak mati,sebab kena baca pakai mata kristal bukan mata sepat masin.Ada yg gila pun tapi mujur bolih baik...huhuhu.Tu sebab hasilnya bila dikupas ada yang tersirat dalam tersurat.

    .... sambung.

  55. Opps..nasib kau tanya, lupa nak sertakan rujukkan...nanti orang kata aku perompak pula.Ringkasnya,Kajian ni mula tahun 1997 lagi ....6 tahun lepas tu baru bawa bacaan umum dalam net sikit demi skit....saja test market....pertama kali bawa masuk cerita hakikat dunia,mula jer kena terajang keluar siap di ugut bunuh,maki hamun, sumpah seranah,jurus tahi kucing pun ada...macam2 lahh.... bawa masuk balik....kena terajang lagi....lepas tu stop buat masa yang lama, kemaskinikan kajian termasuk repair diri sendiri....dalam diam-diam tak di sangka,rupanya dah ada ramai follower fanatik,

    Dari tahun 2007 dah ramai bebudak muda layan sejarah bangsa dan asal usul mereka,sampai orang otai sejarah dah pening kepala dah kontra fakta pula....huhuhu...entah sapelah kuat cucuk jarum tah!!! aku tak katalah aku yang mencetuskannya tapi mungkin ada faktor lain.Mungkin huru hara politik Melayu masa tu.

    Kat sini aku sertakan beberapa rujukkan aje, lain-lain2 tu tak dapat nak beri sebab amanah dari orang,sesape nak carilah sendiri orang lain susah payah nak dapat,jerih perih mengumpul,nak seribu daya,antaranya:-

    1.The landscape of man-pengkaji geoffry and susan jellico.Buku ni best ada kajian sampai prehistory,zaman batu siap bergambar,ada kajian falsafah,sosio budaya,architecture dan sebagainya.Kajian yang telus,Cakap serupa bikin,ada bukti bergambar.

    2.Sejarah Tuhan,penulis Karen Armstrong- Buku ni kalau tak kuat iman jangan baca.Kajian tentang agama sampai ke agama Judaisme dah diharam dek JAKIM.Tapi kalau setakat nak mengkaji apa salahnya.

    3.Sejarah Dunia -Johari Mohammad terbitan Preston

    4.Tamadun Dunia -Sivachandralinggam & Ayadurai di tanda tangan Prof.Khoo Kay Kim (UM)-Buku ni best disebutkan sejarah kerajaan Nusantara satu persatu ada catatan tahun sekali.Banyak kajian gagal tunjukkan tahun,uselesss!

    5.Sejarah Nabi-nabi,Adam manusia pertama?,Mahkluk sebelum manusia,Sinopsis Tamadun Dunia.....Semua 4 buku2 ni aku terlupa Penulis dan penerbitnya.Tapi banyak fakta berguna dalam ni.

    ... sambung.

  56. 6.Rujukkan dari internet macam lamuria,atlantis,sunda kelapa,Piramid firaun,Tahta ular ,Raja Minang kabau otai raja-raja melayu,agama pagan,tengkorak purba,senjata dan artifak purba,kitab-kitab tua jawa dan melayu lama,khazanah jawa,Kitab makrifat lama,ilmu falak Melayu,Adat dan Hukum Melayu lama,bomoh dan kedukunan,Tabib Timur dll.Cubalah google.Banyak falsafah kat dalam tu jangan setakat tengok gambar jer.

    7.Rujukkan paling ampuhhh!!! 1000 pintu.Ni paling susah nak dapat,bersabung nyawa sampai nak mati,sebab kena baca pakai mata kristal bukan mata sepat masin.Ada yg gila pun tapi mujur bolih baik...huhuhu.Tu sebab hasilnya bila dikupas ada yang tersirat dalam tersurat.

    Kajian Kerajaan Tua Melayu dan asal usul orang Timur Jiwa al-Qudus ada panjang lagi sampai nama Melayu dari sebutan Nabi kita,bersambung sampai ....... trengggg teng teng!........Tapi belum bolih uplot.Banyak lagi cerita mistik dan aneh bangsa Melayu....cukup time bolih kalu.Jangan menipu fakta sejarah nanti anda akan di malukan olih sejarah...

    Sape yang kerja keras mencari pasti tahu jerih perih,penat lelah,bersabung nyawa,bergolok bergadai, tinggal sehelai sepinggang....SO PLS RESPECT lah kerja saudara-saudara anda!!!! kalau bantu bagi dana lagi bagus.huhuhu.



    As - Salaam

  57. I think most of us English educated Malays already know what you write about. It's those in the kampongs and the less edcuated and those indoctrinated by BTN that you should be addressing the article to. Perhaps you might like to considerwriting it it BM. TK.

  58. Saudara,
    It's good reading your perception of the subject - but you should know, that all politicians of whatever hues and parties work more on expediency & opportunities than on justice, per se. Whoever we elect the results produced will be the same things, though wrapped in different forms. So, you do not have to tell people in Malaysia to rock the boat especially when you are secure on foreign shores. It is better for us in Malaysia to deal with the devils we already know than the devils who could turn out to be more devilish & destructive. After all BN has brought relatively much development & advancement through the years - of course with some collateral wastage & leakage along the way. With constructive criticism (if need be with some meaningful but not overpowering elected opposition)BN will have to improve - remember Rome was not built in a day or in 55 years but it can be burnt down in a few hours. So Malaysians will have to be more rational than emotional. Thanks. From Mohd Hussin Tamby.

  59. Ever thought of emigrating especially now that you have found your Chinaman run haven!
    Malaysian would be blessed with one less Chinese ass kisser!

  60. Pak Steady, I think the Phrase: "Tak Melayu Hilang Di Dunia" was uttered by Hang Tuah. I have spoken to some historians of the possibility that the great man could have meant something else. Did he mean "Tak Merayau Hildang Di Dunia" (If you do not travel and open your mind, you will become extinct). Or he could have meant "Tak Merayu Hilang Di Dunia" foreseeing the days that is to become Malays today. "If we do not appeal for sensibility in all our endeavours, we will become extinct.

  61. This time period in Malaysia as the period 1800 to 1900 in China, Government=Qing, rich menteri sell land and property to get money, people=poor (still have money because borrow from bank). That time period we call that 'we laugh at poor people rather than prostitute'(笑贫不笑娼).

  62. I can feel the pain & anguish of this conscientious Malay gentleman who wrote a master piece which Malasysians can never hope to find in their country's so-called Main Stream Media. The biggest sins committed by the evil Umno leaders through the years are : 1. have made the Malays ignorant,lazy & conceited ( sombong bodoh dan malas ) 2. have corrupted the key institutions in the country e.g. Police, Judiciary, Attorney General's Office, Immigration & National Registration Depts.

    Yes, I agree totally that another 10 years rule by Umno/BN, Malaysia will go down the gutter - it will not survive the continuing massive thievery,plundering & extensive corruption. Malays then will have to work as maids & construction workewrs in Indonesia, Vietnam & Thailand. This is a distinct possibility.

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  64. I see pondon in chief RPK is reporting that good for nothing nurul is being " groomed " for leadership.

    Only thing she can be groomed for is to shoot out a couple more pariahs for the pervert dad


    Mr PMa

  65. Luckily only few Malays see the situations your way. As a shrewed Chinese, we support Bumi poplicy because this is the best way to keep Malays ignorant and helpless, and in turn Chinese are needed to keep the country running. Commissions to politicians and main bumi contractors are only a small price to pay, for non-Malays to survive in this unique political system.

  66. Anonymous,

    'Luckily only few Malays see the situations your way. As a shrewed Chinese, we support Bumi poplicy because this is the best way to keep Malays ignorant and helpless, and in turn Chinese are needed to keep the country running. Commissions to politicians and main bumi contractors are only a small price to pay, for non-Malays to survive in this unique political system.'

    You are one Chinese that I would not want to associate with. You are no better than the UMNOPutra scums!

    Pak Steady, kudos for a compelling 'wake-up' call to our fellow Malay brethren. I feel and share your pain in seeing our home, Malaysia, degenerating.

  67. You may remember the story "Singapura di langgar todak" In short, the boy that suggested to use batang pisang to catch the todak was killed by the Raja at that time. Now the Malay elites are doing the same thing in a different way of course. Make the Malays silly and stupid,blinker them; whilst the UMNOputras lined their pocket.If the common man do not see these things and are happy to receive kain batek/pelekat, some cash etc once in every 4/5 yrs, the story "Singapura dilanggar todak" will continue.

  68. OMG, that piece of article was just plain, bare truth and outright refreshing !

    Thanks for your breath of fresh air !

    Keep it up

  69. Mr Kuda,

    Problem is that malay " elites " have created a situation which promotes this sort of thing.

    Answer is within our so call political leaders - on both sides govt and opposition.

    both are shit and need to be purged.

    Mr PMa

  70. Malaysia need a good alternative, but unfortunately i see none in Malaysia right now. Yet, there is still a flicker of hope ... Singaporean Malays, at least those not connected to the establishment.

  71. Too few and too late.
    That mamakutty has seen to that. This dyke of moderation cannot stop the tsunami of bigotry that is too prevalent in malaysia.

  72. Very deep thinking and from the heart....all for the progress of our country....not race!

  73. One united people, regardless of race, language or religion

    I am a Malay, raised in Singapore until I was 19 years old and still keeps returning to Singapore regularly and I saw many important events during that 19 year period; the merger with Malaysia, the confrontation, the separation, and the direct telecast on TV showing Mr Lee Kuan Yew crying after Tunku Abdul Rahman announced the separation, the racial riots that went on for almost a week that erupted on 21 July 1964 on the occasion of the celebration of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) birthday; the last big flood in Singapore in the late 60's and the many non-stop campaigns by the PAP government since they took over in 1959, broadcast in Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English and participated in many of Singapore's youth building, education and development programmes and the national service, amongst others. I moved to Malaysia in 1971 and became a citizen of this country, by choice, due to events and circumstances that happened to me and in what I believe, where my future lies, in 1979. I am just like Malaysians who move to Australia and become an Australian citizen, Malaysians who move to the US and become a US citizen, Malaysians who move to Singapore and become a Singapore citizen, Singaporeans who move to Malaysia and become a Malaysian citizen, etc. We all have our own special reasons and circumstances that led us to do so.

    As the Berita Harian editor Guntor Sadali said, "For Malays in Singapore,power is not about wielding the keris. For us, knowledge is ... THE real power ... We do not believe in getting any special treatment, because itwould only reduce the value of our achievements and lower our dignity ...Dr Mahathir [Mohamad] and some Malay leaders across the Causeway do not like the way we do things here and have therefore warned Malaysian Malays not to be like us. On our part, there is certainly no turning back. Meritocracy has proven to be a good and fair system. It pushes us to work hard and makes us proud of our achievements". These and all the rest that he said are all very true.

    The Malays in Singapore, no crutch mentality — Guntor Sadali

    Malays in Singapore have since a long time ago assimilated into the general Singapore society very well and we do not care what race people are or what religion they belong to, even amongst Malays there who are not Muslims anymore or Malays who claim to be Muslims but do not practise the religion.There's never been a case like 'Lina Joy' in Singapore. This, to them, is a private matter between the individual and God. The 'Natrah' case, if some insist, was an ancient one, so to speak. As long as they are not troublemakers, they will be accepted by the society, regardless of race, language or religion.

    The Muslims in Singapore are all very well, thank you and they do not need to be told what to do and what not to do by anyone, any organisation or any institution or even the government, and as a matter of fact, the government of Singapore listens to them. Muslims in Singapore comprise a multitude of races, not just Malays. Many, if not most, of the mosques and madrasahs in Singapore are self-financing though they do receive some grants from the government and they do receive a very good support from the government on education including studying Islam up to the highest level. Their relationship with people from other communities and people from other religions is excellent and they do mix and exchange ideas regularly. Mind you, being a very small country, Singapore has more religions than most country in the world, including some ancient religions.

    There's a lot that Malaysia can learn from Singapore.

    Read more here:

  74. Thank you, sir for sharing that wonderful story. By the way, who is this Patrick Teo fler you were referring to in the last paragraph of your essay?

  75. Niamah! It has to be you lah Patrick...! I hope we are on the same side....!

  76. Michael Tan for the Malaysia i knowWednesday, December 28, 2011 at 6:17:00 PM GMT+11

    Dear Pak Steady,

    Your wisdom on this is scary la,
    now we malaysian of non-malay needs to work doubly hard than before...

    i am worried if the preference treament is taken off them, the Malay will be much superior than others ...then die la aku..

    Pak Steady rocks. Happy New Year Pak.

  77. I've read your article. And to be honest, the same could be say to everyone. We are now entering an age where we just won't care anymore. Human moral etiquette is decreasing in an alarming rate in the past 50 years.

    So for me to you i say, There are no more beauty in this world. Humans are scum and a garbage to this blue earth

  78. What a great article. How I wished all Malays are like you. You have a great article here. Malays have been brought to the level whereby a term is used to describe them: "People with the most expensive brain" Why?
    They have been spoon fed to be able to hardly use their brain due to the politicians making sure they remain as such. So their brain is always brand new, thus why it is very expensive.

  79. Totaly agree with what you have said.Gone were the days we could mix with all races together.and the changes are too tremendous.its not UMNO.BN need to be out.But even a new politic kelompok gets in, its not gonna be any major difference either.We as rakyat need to do the changes.I like my malay friends.Humble folks but tied up to a limit due to all this bullshit.BTW, im an indian whole life lived in a malay kampung/studied and live in hostel with kelantan folks and uni with malay buddies.not to mentioned, till today, my malay buddies outcounts my own race buddies.but its saddned to see whats happeing to the "retard group of malays". Please note that some malays still do think with common sense.Just a bunch.Total overhoulin is required soon.or we are facing a 3rd world scene soon.

  80. Salam.

    Perfectly written and should be published into a book. Can someone collate articles of this nature....'I Am Not A Bumiputra but a Rakyat Of The World'.

    If only the Malays can see how Islam, education and business are being practised in Australia and China, they might start to learn a thing or two.

    Keep on writing mate.

    Malaysian Cina Abdullah

  81. Great piece of writing from a great mind.

    I'm a Malay but embarrassed to have all these Bumi priviledges. You are not alone. I'm with you in helping the Malays to wake up. I have survived overseas, in fact, doing very well in my professional field in a developed-country where there's a level playing field. I still don't understand why UMNO say that we won't survive without them. I'm fortunate to raise and educate my children outside the country so their mind are not poisoned by racism, dependency, etc. They have grown up as fine young men who see other human beings beyong their skin color. We will return soon to join you and other Malaysians in the struggle for a better Malaysia, for all Malaysians.

  82. I am a non-Malay but I am with you and all my Malay friends all the way. Kudos and my hats off to you Sir! You've just said what's been on our minds all this while but never had the guts to say them. Thank you, Thank you , thank you!!!

  83. thank u, u've just put into words what i've been thinking thse past few years

  84. thanks for putting into words wat i've been thinking these past few years

  85. An interesting point to ponder: Our national television programs are like North Korean television programs.

    I'd like to add that many Malay students today also cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia properly. So not only are they unable to speak proper English, they also cannot speak proper BM (unless you count bahasa pasar as proper).

    So, many citizens of this generation will not be able to read this brilliantly written English article, even if someone translated it into Malay.

    We are pitied... and we don't even realise it.

  86. It's like talking one step forward and two steps backward. Year after year (for the past 50+ years indeed). That's the product of EVERYTHING IS politically motivated rather than for the sake of the country. Every politician crave for his / her 'personal' gain rather than for the good of the people who 'vote' for them in the first place. What a pity.

  87. Norhaslinda

    A reply to "You are not Malay"

    This fellow who claimed that Hussein is "You are not Malay" is a very good and clear example of a very misinformed and 'uneducated' Malay chauvinist who cannot accept the flaws and frailties of the Malays...if they are guilty just admit need to defend these wrong-doers..that's the problem of this type of Malays who always think they are on top of the world..they just cannot accept the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!!! By the way I am a Malay-Iban mix...

  88. Insightful article but I would like to add my observation of Malaysians ( Malays in particular ) in overseas universities....they tend to congregate amongst themselves and therefore do not assimilate with the foreign societies in which they live in whilst at the same time retaining their own identities ...Seetlt

  89. Dear Encik HH

    Your article -- painful to read and it must have been painful to write too.

    "In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot." - Nobel Laureate Czeslaw Milosz

    "We are healed of a suffering only by expressing it to the full." - Marcel Proust

    All decent right-thinking Malaysians (the vast majority) must unite, mbilise, and claim back our country from the kleptocrats, fascists, racists, crooks, etc.

    Phua Kai Lit

  90. My dear friend,

    I see response starting with "I AM" chinese malaysian / Indian malayisan and what not's... I'm neither chinese, indian, malay, dusun, bajau, kadazan and so on... i am and will always be a "MALAYSIAN" 1st and last. We all ought to be discarding this race thing.... anyway read your article and couldnd agree with you more on the mindset of the people concern.. i dont think even god knows when they will change for the better... I was born in 1965 and my schooling life started in 1972. and it was a beautiful periond coz it was really a Sekolah Kebangsaan with quality teachers of all races... The integration was there and all this stoped the day the word "BUMIPUTERA" was coined by that particular PM and all hell broke loose after that... Disintegration creeped in and we became from Malaysian to malay, chinese & indians.... The rot is too deep for any surgent to repair but hope is not lost upon us... The day will come when we malaysian can walk with our heads held high up....

    God bless Malaysia...

    Go for ABU....

  91. a good article. It is Honest. I like it because it is introspective. If something is wrong, a good place to start is first to check ourselves. Not to blame others.

  92. dodgy article to say the least ...sure the writer is genuine and not some paid blogger writing on another's behalf...he claimed that he is living in australia yet the time clock mentioned the time as being in canada...he said that the malay's command of the english language leave much to be desired yet he used the work 'then ' instead of 'than '...who is he fooling ehhh ?

  93. "dodgy article to say the least ...sure the writer is genuine and not some paid blogger writing on another's behalf...he claimed that he is living in australia yet the time clock mentioned the time as being in canada...he said that the malay's command of the english language leave much to be desired yet he used the work 'then ' instead of 'than '...who is he fooling ehhh ?

    this bro if you know you will be catch under some unknown reason for being write this article, will you put all correct details? furthermore, how u know what he put is wrong? are you trying to said that you having special ability to read ppl's mind etc? you trying to point out those grammar he use is trying to fool others but not the content, are you agree with the content but due to some reason you need to point out others not so important mistake?

  94. Hak44, After 50 odd years. the Singapore Malays are still like melukut tepi gantang. You don't rely on crutch? You guys has been cheated by LKY. I am still yet to find any Malay Billionaire after 50 years.
    I have met many Malays from Singapore, either they are toilet cleaners or security guards.

  95. laoshi said....

    game on!!!!wakeup malaysians...<#

  96. salam saudara..... to say: my dad is melanau (sarawak native) mixed philiphines and my mum mixed chinese and bugis and 'other campor byk punya'; Am I MALAY?But written in my IC that I am MALAY!
    But who cares ....back to your so PEDAS article make me realise how lucky I am being written as MELAYU with 'muka tidak melayu pun' but raised up by my mum in chinese way of life and chinese way of thinking with Islam as our guideline.These make me standing proud when ppls tend to say I am different from 'those Malays' are.Married to a typical Malay make me realised how I am indeed really different from 'de pure Malay' are.Nor that I hate being written as Malay but becoz of my 'non-malay attitude' brought-up made me totally annoyed by how my in-laws 'guide and teach' my children.A 'teaching institute' that going to make my kids having de malays attitute, not that I dishonour my in laws of parenting but trying to make my kids became lame,no self-esteem,too passive of thinking and too fragile in making decision!Those are the malays attitute ,NO WAY ,not my kids!My final decision: resigned from my job and be with my kids!
    Before 'knowing me' ppls always mistaken me as the non-malay and I OFTEN LISTEN to the unpleasant comments by the non-malays about the malays and it hurt so much.How the Malays being downgraded !Who should we blame?Our institution? Our 'getting kaya' YB? Our parent? Ourself? At some point I am glad that my face and my height didn't resembled 'malay feature' becoz for those who didn't know 'MELAYU' me always speak out about how lucky the malays are and yet they never try to grab the opportunity and how the malays are still counting for the sheep in their dream.How the malays being blind folded and then been lead to what so called superb ambien!
    When you are right at the center topic of the talk are you willing to disclose yourself?Are you willing to feel the stupidity of the malays?Are you willing to face the truth nothing but the truth about the Malays?Are you willing to confront and depend the shallow proofs about the malays?
    No Malays want to listen about their weaknesses, about their egos,about their confident level,about their KETUANAN MELAYU, about their 'sleeping beauty', about their sense of belonging.Am I right?Those who brave enough to admit and went along with that 'fact of life' are really a successful person (for me) becoz when you admitted all those 'proofs' you are willing to improve yourself and you are a winner! My mum always remind me by saying that life is meaningful if we know how to use our brain ,our life is meaningful when we can stop those who are 'crying'and life is meaningful when we know how to say thank you while my dad always said never talk about the weaknesses of others but learn from their weaknesses and always treat ppls in polite manners eventhough we knew their are hooligans becoz we can't predict their hearts but we can predict their body gestures!
    So....I am proud to say I am Malay though I knew De malays are known as de Spoon Fed race but I am not!Becoz I am raised as what I am and I never blamed my race for what I am.Be yourself and always keep in mind everybody has their own weaknessess either you want to admit it or not!And always believe in God!

  97. I would to congratulate on a master piece of intellectual discussion.

    I'm too a Malay, but I felt regret at the attitude of the so call "Malay saviour" articulating the "ketuan melayu" and other subsidies mentality.

    It has dawn for nearly 50 years of this saviour warcry and mentality. If it is a person, the person is a pensioner, would have wisdon, intellectual capability and spiritual guidance. However after 50 years, the warcry is still be played. I think the Malay need to introspect themselves, their attitude, their intellectuality and beliefs.

    The others(race) has been patience and tribling their effort while the Malays has merely hearsay and warcry and still toddling around.
    The attitude of Malay still ponder me, still begging for alms and gifts. Just look at education, the Malays are looking for subsidies - fees, tuitions a few example.
    Instropect yourself, be mature, built your self esteem and beliefs. Blaming others for their inadequacies.

    A new kind of thinking - looking forward and facing hardship. A ship ruddering through rough seas need a good navigator and insight captain.

    Enough of war mongering, be real, this world is at the end of its prime, need to have new strategies and methodology in captainship.

  98. Its a Good Opinion it means truly Malaysia Boleh Tahan !Now the Tidak Apa Attitute is gone forever we hope with the new robust debates and delibeartions on what it means to be Malaysians Bersatu Padu , Berjaya Semua Sekali !Merdeka Kita Tak Bersokong Ketuanan Satu Bangsa Sahaja Di-Ruku Negara Kita !

    Gerald Heng-Tuah Sr.
    Metrowest Boston,MA.USA.

  99. Most races in the world have myopic views and asymmetric thinking anyway. Think about it !.

    Umno is Umno ;PKR is PKR .MCA is MCA. DAP is DAP . Malay is a Malay .Dont simply equate.A party should be equated with parties ; ideologies with ideologies etc . Do we know anybody who is perfect? Have some decorum.I believe Malays are humble and hard working contrary to the image painted by you .Are you trying to destruct the Malays race? Among all the races in the world ,I envy Malay race for their polite demeanour and intelligence .

  100. Thank you sir.I revisited this excellent post of Dec 2011...and suggest a change of date to April 24, 2013.
    Yes, it is still same old same old...

  101. Sir,
    A well written piece indeed.I can feel the urgency of your writing. Much has been lost over the years.The 50 years since Merdeka has found us regressing into a society deeply divided by religion and race.Thanks to the ruling government.In not too many years time we will definitely be a bankrupt nation. Civil war will rear its ugly head, and it will take years, and maybe, generations, before we see normalcy, if we ever do, again.
    I am now in my sixties. I am Chinese.I grew up in the kampong.I miss dearly the times when I could run to my many Malay friends' house, and eat and play with them without a care in the world.They would in turn appear in my house to eat with me.How I miss those times.
    The Malays are a smart and gentle race. It is my hope that they will not be forever shackled and blinded, and that they will rise to take their rightful place in this beautiful country.

  102. Politics? Leave that to the politicians. BN/PAS/UMNO/PKR/DAP/MIC/MCA/ AMERICAN/ Democrats/Republicans…WHY politics as your agenda for migration? Have you been living in China ,There are elements build up the foundation of Chinese culture and society, tradition, and beliefs today ,The chinese in Mainland do practice 3,000 bc law , there's no such thing as democracy voting,No head counts,only head chop apply,Why nobody cares to border politically? Not even Malaysia DAP leaders.
    Hi ,for the chinese it doesn't matters where the Money source come from., if needs to be street prostitutes,gangsterism,cheaters,gamblers,to them its as one's scarifices religiously ,as along monetary the rewards,thats their finale main ultimate life goals.let it be.Its sadden me, to see in near future,when anyone from muslim malay families to have the wierd looking darken with blue eyes's grands. .As for the malay in general, being a Muslim this is unacceptables forbidden Sin.I may agreed some weakness in general about the malays attitudes, instead educated like you should stays and helps these unfortunate muslim,clearly they're the victims of theologically trapped, instead of condemning them openly ,that needs to be rebuke .
    If its to regards with your politic perceptions as i may persuing ,my advice to you,whoever they’re,in the government they'll screw it up,infacts every country in the world,you name it, any which way you look at it.
    Having followed your thread , I notice there’s one question that’s been glaringly absent: Who is fit to take over leadership of this country? since you're so so pathetic in your comments and to be seen more alliance towards with Pakatan Rakyat? Do you really think a coalition without UMNO majority of Malays possible?,Which made up the Malaysia majority,PKR with completely with different ideals,able to unite themselves, let alone the governing the country? Right now they’ve got a common goal to enrich themselves by ousting Umno. But if history always repeats itself then the future does NOT look good.
    Remember the Malaysian Communist Party? When the Japanese were here the MCP; like Pakatan Rakyat, had a common goal with everyone else - ousting the Japanese. Once the Japanese were gone however so was that common goal. We all know what happened next…
    Even if that doesn’t happen it still begs the question - now how? You might be able to change a govenrment with one election but changing people’s mentality? That’s a whole different story. Can the Malays stop being so insecure and dependent on their privelages? Can the Chinese stop being so selfish and money minded? Can the Indians stop quarreling amongst themselves? Will everyone be willing & able to put communal issues aside and instead make national interests their priority?
    Lets say that does happen there’s still the issue of time. From the point a new government takes over, this is the timeline of change most likely to take place:
    First batch of 5 years: Cleaning up all the garbage that has accumulated over the years.
    Second batch of 5 years: Planting new seeds i.e. new policies, laws, infrastructures, etc.,
    Third batch of 5 years: Watering & tending those seeds
    Fourth batch of 5 years: Seeds grow into trees and start to bear fruit
    As you can see, it will take at least 20 years (remember this is from the point of a new government being installed) before any kind of significant change can be seen. And in all that time do you honestly think the ousted BN is going quietly sit by the side and twiddle their thumbs? All its going to take is for them to play up some issue or other (they’re grandmasters at that), get back their 2/3 majority and Malaysia will be back at square one.

  103. Politics? Leave that to the politicians. BN/PAS/UMNO/PKR/DAP/MIC/MCA/ AMERICAN/ Democrats/Republicans…WHY politics as your agenda for migration? Have you been living in China ,There are elements build up the foundation of Chinese culture and society, tradition, and beliefs today ,The chinese in Mainland do practice 3,000 bc law , there's no such thing as democracy voting,No head counts,only head chop apply,Why nobody cares to border politically? Not even Malaysia DAP leaders.
    Hi ,for the chinese it doesn't matters where the Money source come from., if needs to be street prostitutes,gangsterism,cheaters,gamblers,to them its as one's scarifices religiously ,as along monetary the rewards,thats their finale main ultimate life goals.let it be.Its sadden me, to see in near future,when anyone from muslim malay families to have the wierd looking darken with blue eyes's grands. .As for the malay in general, being a Muslim this is unacceptables forbidden Sin.I may agreed some weakness in general about the malays attitudes, instead educated like you should stays and helps these unfortunate muslim,clearly they're the victims of theologically trapped, instead of condemning them openly ,that needs to be rebuke .
    If its to regards with your politic perceptions as i may persuing ,my advice to you,whoever they’re,in the government they'll screw it up,infacts every country in the world,you name it, any which way you look at it.
    Having followed your thread , I notice there’s one question that’s been glaringly absent: Who is fit to take over leadership of this country? since you're so so pathetic in your comments and to be seen more alliance towards with Pakatan Rakyat? Do you really think a coalition without UMNO majority of Malays possible?,Which made up the Malaysia majority,PKR with completely with different ideals,able to unite themselves, let alone the governing the country? Right now they’ve got a common goal to enrich themselves by ousting Umno. But if history always repeats itself then the future does NOT look good.
    Remember the Malaysian Communist Party? When the Japanese were here the MCP; like Pakatan Rakyat, had a common goal with everyone else - ousting the Japanese. Once the Japanese were gone however so was that common goal. We all know what happened next…
    Even if that doesn’t happen it still begs the question - now how? You might be able to change a govenrment with one election but changing people’s mentality? That’s a whole different story. Can the Malays stop being so insecure and dependent on their privelages? Can the Chinese stop being so selfish and money minded? Can the Indians stop quarreling amongst themselves? Will everyone be willing & able to put communal issues aside and instead make national interests their priority?
    Lets say that does happen there’s still the issue of time. From the point a new government takes over, this is the timeline of change most likely to take place:
    First batch of 5 years: Cleaning up all the garbage that has accumulated over the years.
    Second batch of 5 years: Planting new seeds i.e. new policies, laws, infrastructures, etc.,
    Third batch of 5 years: Watering & tending those seeds
    Fourth batch of 5 years: Seeds grow into trees and start to bear fruit
    As you can see, it will take at least 20 years (remember this is from the point of a new government being installed) before any kind of significant change can be seen. And in all that time do you honestly think the ousted BN is going quietly sit by the side and twiddle their thumbs? All its going to take is for them to play up some issue or other (they’re grandmasters at that), get back their 2/3 majority and Malaysia will be back at square one.
