
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cakap cakap - RPK

I have met Petra. I have talked with him, had dinner with him and Marina and I do have an opinion of him. He is opinionated. Small in stature but has a presence that might not outshine everyone else in the room but he has his own aura….and too much confidence in himself for his own good! Good looking in a ‘mixed parentage’ sort of a way and generous to a fault. He gave me three copies of KJ chronicles gratis at our first meet and paid for dinner at our last meet. So I still owe him and Marina dinner.
It was not until I was in Australia many months later that I knew about his Malaysia Today – honestly! If I had known then I would have asked him to autograph the KJ chronicles that he gave me….even if I had to pay for the books! And of course I would have treated him with more then just passing curiosity  - and maybe…just maybe with a bit more respect for what he has achieved with Malaysia Today. But I digress….
In the time that I knew him while I was still in KL it never crossed my mind that this Petra guy could be any treat to the BN government. As I have said he was opinionated and had his ideas about issues in Malaysia but to think that the BN government would devote so much time, effort and money to try and contain this guy just underscores how desperate the BN government must be.
Right now Petra is swimming against a swift current with one hand tied behind his back. The other handcuffed to an anvil that is slowly but surely trying to pull him to the bottom of the sea. Both feet tied together. The only thing keeping him afloat and allowing him to swim towards shore is his own will power and guts to stay alive and be relevant in order to continue to be a thorn in BN’s side and wreck havoc on UMNO in particular. And if any of you are interested…he is making good progress.
Is it not pitiful to watch this David and Goliath battle? Pity for Goliath, not for David who is winning. Yes there are times when Petra allows his enthusiasm and a too adventurous imagination to enter his writings – but nothing will get in his way in telling a story. And for that we have to be thankful.   
Enough for now about this guy before I get carried away with my take on him and he gets too carried away expecting more. Keep writing Petra….and I know I will be looking forward to meeting with him again because I know he would again pay for Dinner!  

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