
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When even Sultans are Ambushed...are we safe anymore?

Here I am posting three items of news on this matter - you make your own conclusion. steadyaku47

Kelantan Sultan ambushed by special ops cops [video]

Tuesday, 20 July 2010 Super Admin
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By Ken Vin Lek, Free Malaysia Today
KUALA LUMPUR: A video showing the Sultan of Kelantan, Tuanku Ismail Petra Sultan Yahya Petra’s being ambushed by armed balaclava-clad special operations force personnel has been obtained by FMT.
The short video clip, which was recorded by the sultan’s personal bodyguard, showed the sultan leaving their royal palace in an entourage of vehicles heading towards the airport in a Toyota Alphard.

Just after the sultan left the palace gate, a white police car, a Proton Perdana, came between the sultan’s car and that of the personal bodyguard.

As they were driving along, the entourage came to a standstill when the sultan was ambushed by cars from all sides of the road (1.10 minutes elapsed).

A grey Proton Waja is seen on the left while a silver Honda CRV on the right, all of which were carrying armed balaclava-clad special force personnel.

The police came out of their respective vehicles, pointing their guns at the sultan’s car and his personal bodyguard.

Friday July 16, 2010

Kelantan Sultan was not ambushed, says Hisham

HOME Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein has denied that the Sultan of Kelantan was ambushed or detained by police during the Sultan’s journey from his palace to Singapore to undergo a medical check-up on May 4.
Hishammuddin said this in his written reply on June 10 to Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) who asked why the police had ambushed Tuanku Ismail Petra Sultan Yahya Petra using balaclavas and guns when the Sultan was on his way from Istana Mahkota Kelantan to Singapore.
“The police did not ambush or detain the Sultan as claimed by Yang Berhormat. The actions taken by the police at that time was to ensure maximum security of His Royal Highness while on his way to seek medical treatment at a hospital,” Hishammuddin said.
He said the police were supplied with balaclavas and firearms so that they could carry out their duty.
To another question by Gobind, Hishammuddin in his written reply on June 28 said 77 officers and policemen were involved in ensuring the safety of the Sultan.
At a press conference at the Parliament lobby yesterday, Gobind said Hishammuddin’s reply was unacceptable as it contradicted with a five-minute video clip, which showed unmarked cars intercepting the passage of the Sultan’s entourage.
On May 7, the Sultan’s third son, Tengku Temenggong Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra, filed an affidavit claiming that the driver of the car bearing his father was forcibly dragged out of the vehicle by the men, who were in balaclavas and armed with semi-automatic weapons.

Salam Dato',

Sebenarnya kita tidak perlu terasa gusar atau menyesali apa yg belaku keatas kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan Kelantan seperti yg dipaparkan didalam gambar itu.Hakikatnya Baginda tidak dikasari dan tindakan itu dilaksanakan atas titah perintah dari pihak Istana demi untuk menjamin keselamatan Baginda sendiri.Yg pasti pihak polis tidak akan bertindak tanpa arahan rasmi dari pihak yg berkuasa.Jika anggota polis kelihatan aggresif barang kali mereka itu bertindak mengikut kaedah dan gaya kawad operasi yg biasa mereka lakukan didalam melaksanakan tugas mereka.

Dalam hal ini penglibatan pihak Polis tidak perlu dipersoalkan.Pokoknya DYMM Tuanku Sultan Selamat dibawa kehospital dan telah diserah kepihak Hospital USM di bawah jagaan para doktor pakar.Habis cerita.

Berita ini menjadi begitu kecoh kerana di sensasikan oleh pihak yg berhajat membawa Tuanku Sultan kehospital di Singapura atas sebab-sebab tertentu.Sebenarnya kejadian ini adalah berpunca daripada masalah keluarga.Orang ramai tidak perlu heboh dan risau.Lagi pun keadaan sudah reda dan tenteram.Tak perlulah digembar-gemburkan berterusan.

Askar Tua


  1. As ordinary citizens, we are advised to ask for official police cards to ascertain whether they are genuine policemen. But even under normal circumstances, chances are that we are not in the position to demand to see one, eg. a lone girl or woman when stopped by a man who claimed to be a policeman, or a man when stopped by more than one man.

    With reference to the video clip, who can tell whether they are genuine policemen? When pointed with barrels of guns, might is right at that moment. So where are those protesters against people who are 'biadab' towards our Sultan?

  2. Dear friends how can one expect to get some sensible answers from a MORON called Hisap Puting !

    I rest my case

  3. adohai din, kenaaaa lagiiiiiiiiii...
    tu-lah mulut tu, tak check dulu... sembur macam mesin gun. prakkkkk prakkk.
