
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cakap cakap...u know I know lah!

SLIM RIVER, July 7 (Bernama) -- Felda is a successful institution which has undertaken prudent investment for the well-being of the people but has been accused of being bankrupt by those who are bankrupt of ideas, morals and the principles of struggle, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Wednesday.

Najib let me try and make you understand what we are thinking. We know that you are using FELDA to get votes for UMNO from the Malay rural population. Just as we know you handle Treasury because of the financial spin offs you get for yourself, your family, your cronies and whomever else you want to bestow OUR money on! Just as we know why you put Hishamuddin in Home Affairs because through him and with him you have control over PDRM and other relevant organs of the government that allows you to keep track of your so called enemies and enemies of the state – not to mention UMNO and BN itself!
You give transport to MCA so that they also can make their money from a lucrative source. For as long as Samy Velu could deliver the Indian votes – JKR was his to milk out of as much money as he can. And he did.
Each Ministry, every Department, each project, each tender…every single way in which money could be extracted for the benefit of somebody – each of these were given to your BN people and cronies in order of importance. The more important that person was to you or UMNO or BN the more he gets.
So Felda, Risda, MARA, EPF, BSN etc etc…all of them are sources of income for you and your cohorts.
Making money was the first priority. Not looking after the Rakyat’s interest. Not taking care of business so that the country could benefit. Not making sure that projects are completed on time and within budget! So enough of all this “prudent”, “responsible’ and “best practice” bullshit!
For now go and make as much money as you can, while you can before we catch up with your and the other thieves. Everything that you tell us is just like water poured on a duck’s back. Like telling an UMNO Ketua Bahagian that he cannot use money to buy votes, like Muhyiddin telling us that he is for 1 Malaysia. We listen…..sometimes we smile at the absurdity of what you say but most times now we just clench our teeth and say…”we will wait for the next election”. So if you THINK that we are stupid because we grin and take what you throw at us, we KNOW that you are stupid because you think we believe what you say!    


  1. I would agree that Felda is not bankrupt being in a business owning large tracts of land which tend to appreciate over time.

    But like Petronas, earning huge profits every year does not mean there were no hanky panky in terms of siphoning of funds.

    In fact, profitable companies are able to give the impression that everything seems ok when they are able to pay dividends to shareholders.

    We have seen how huge companies in USA failed because of toxic assets and false accounting. So it is only with good intentions that people raise questions about the huge drop in cash reserves over a few years despite yearly profits. The only valid complaint I can see is the shock description using the word 'bankrupt' which technically can happen only where total liabilities exceed total assets.

    The fact that there are valuable assets does not mean anything where frauds are concerned. A fraudulent act is one regardless of the amount involved.

    This is similar to auditing where even a small amount relating to tests on system controls should be taken as having failed in implementation.

    Felda and its related ministry should have taken pains to explain instead of taking legal action against what is considered genuine concern over the running of a public institution.

  2. If everything is hunky dory, Najib should publish Felda's FULL accounts for the last 5 years instead of hiding it under OSA. Otw, don't bullshit us with $4 billion investments. What's the market value of it?

    Then we'll tell him for sure if Fllda is in good health or we should convene high mass!

    we are all of 1 race, the Human Rae
