
Friday, July 9, 2010

Cakap cakap...weekend sudah sampai...

Sorry Guys once we get to Friday I get lazy and seek ways to chill out (that is the hip way of saying I want to take it easy - for those of you who are square) so mostly music videos - too lazy to write......and this reminds me of the time I heard my daughter Terina telling my 8 months old grand daughter Isabel (her daughter!) to "CHILL" when her daughter was about to do something she should not! And Isabel understood!

I do not take life seriously. Nothing much bothers me. Sometimes to my detriment because I am too easy going..but that is me. Have a good weekend...for those heading towards Kampong Baru for that Nasi Dagang...enjoy. If any of you are in Bukit Bintang do drop by at See Kee curry puff  - in Jalan Jati off Jalan Barat- send him my regards...just tell him the Malay guy with the Mat Salleh wife - hope he remembers me. I bought enough curry puff off him to enable him to send his son overseas for studies! And do not forget to try the kambing curry puff - the best! If you want any more details just search for See Kee Curry Puff on my blog and all will be revealed...and do tell him that i have sang the praise about his currf puff in my blog...maybe, just maybe that might get me a decent discount when I am next in KL (after the next general elections lah!)

I will be going to the central markets in adelaide tomorrow with my wife to get some really good bargains on vegies and fruits. We go just before closing time at around 2 p.m. when they just want to get rid of what they do not sell.

Have a good weekend - and before you go off to try and change the world and make Malaysia a better place - do spend some quality time with your wife and kids....and I really mean that. Go give them your love and spread some random act of kindness among your family first. Salam.  


1 comment:

  1. Malay with a Mat salleh wife. Hahaha nowadays there are many malays with mat salleh wives. Malays with malay wives would not buy food from Chinese. So this curry puff seller will be confused as to whom is being refered to. We like liberal Malay like you but there are too few now.
