
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Muhyiddin : Engage your brain before you speak!

MUAR, Saturday 25 September 2010 (Bernama) — Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has called on Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng to answer allegations made by Umno Youth on the state government’s financial source to fund its poverty eradication programmes.

Muhyiddin said Muslims would not want to be associated should gambling money were used for the programmes.

“We want an answer from Lim. If the money is from a forbidden source, Muslims will have no part in it,” he told reporters after launching a Pagoh education excellence programme at the Dewan Sri Pekembar, here.
Muhyiddin was asked on a news report today quoting Umno Youth as claiming that funds from gambling activities were used to finance poverty eradication programmes in Penang.
Muhyiddin do not start something you cannot stop! You say “If the money is from a forbidden source, Muslims will have no part in it”. What the bloody hell are you talking about? Does Genting pay their taxes to Singapore…if they pay any taxes at all? What about the Selangor Turf Club – does it all go to the MCA? And I believe the Penang Turf Club must still be paying their dues to the disintegrating Gerakan? 

As Forest Gump says “Stupid is as stupid does!”. Are you telling us that every ringgit earned from these gambling outlets are physically tracked from the time the punters put their money down – and the government that you are now Deputy Prime Minister of - are able to track the path of this ringgit to ensure that along the way no Muslim will come into contact with it or – GOD forbid – have the unfortunate experience of having that ringgit find its way into that Muslim pocket to be used by same Muslim! And I say this because from that stupid statement you have just made your Barisan Nasional government must have done one hell of a job to ensure that no Muslim in our country have had no part in either spending or benifiting from any ringgit that had anything to do with gambling!

You stupid, stupid man! First it was that idiotic "I am a Malay first and then a Malaysian second". Now this! And everytime I think of you I remember you in that stupid hat of yours!

Please Muhyiddin engage your brain first before you open your mouth. We humans are able to communicate through speech. What that means is that when you see a cobra you issue an immediate warning to all around you to “RUN”. And of course those around you will respond to this urgent warning being communicated by you to them and run away from the danger. 

But sometimes your ability to think is not that good due to any number of reasons. One of them is the inability of some people to say the right things at the right time and also saying things that we later wish we had not said. In your case Muhyiddin it would seems to me that in the light of recent happenings you would require some behavioral changes. Namely to think before you speak! How do you do this you ask me? Read the following and maybe, just maybe it might do you some good. 
Observe yourself: Take note of when this happens to you. What circumstances led to your saying things that, later, you wish you had said differently? Does it happen mostly with one particular person (or group of people)? Is it most often in arguments or debates? Is it when you’re "on the spot" for information? Try to find a pattern. It might be helpful to start a journal of events so you can compare these at your leisure.
Recognize your situation: After you determine what circumstances might be most likely to produce this unwanted effect, try to be very observant about when those conditions appear to be manifesting. The more skilled you become at recognizing this, the better you will be at changing your approach.

Observe the conversation: Now that you know you’re in one of "those" situations, the goal is for you to process information. Often when we respond in a less than appropriate way, it’s because we didn’t fully comprehend what was being said. This is the time to sit back and listen to what’s going on around you. Don’t start focusing on what you’re going to say; just absorb. Your mind will process this information in the background.

Observe the people: Who is speaking and how do they communicate? Some people are very literal and some people use examples. Some people use a lot of facial expression and body language to augment their conversation whereas others rely on complex verbiage. How people convey information is a very good indicator of how they best absorb information.

Formulate responses: Not just one, but consider your options. There are many different ways to say things. and your goal here is to find the best way to convey what you want to say in a way that has a positive impact. Communication is primarily a function of the recipient so you have to communicate based on the listener.

Consider the information: Is what you want to say Effective, Necessary, Accurate, Timely, and Appropriate (ENATA)? If you are just responding because other people are talking, then it’s possible your communication doesn’t fit the ENATA model. If not, then sit back and continue to listen. You want what you say to have impact, not just make noise.

Gauge the reaction: Is the information you’re going to present formulated in a way to make a positive impact? Creating a negative atmosphere will guarantee failure in communications. You want people to understand that you are contributing rather than detracting. It only takes once to ruin your ability to communicate during that time. Identify how the listeners will react.

Be thoughtful about your tone: How you say it is, in many ways, as important as what you say. Tone of voice can convey enthusiasm and sincerity, or it can rebuff and show sarcasm, and as most people have experienced, what we say can be taken in the wrong way. The most likely reason is that the tone of voice, what was said, body and facial language, as well as content, were not all thoughtfully combined to integrate with the listener’s most effective method of communication.

Communicate: You now know what you’ll say, why it’s ENATA, how you’ll say it and the most likely reaction. Wait for an appropriate break in the conversation and speak. It’s usually best not to interrupt, although there are occasions when that will work best.

Repeat Step 1: While you’re talking, consider what you’re saying and keep a close watch on the reactions as they emerge. After the conversation is over, review the whole process again in your mind and note what you might have done differently and why. This is an ongoing process. Over time, you will refine and improve – you will become a better communicator and people will accept your responses with a more open mind.

Okay that is as much as I can do. If that still does not help you out then it can only confirm one other thing. You are a stupid idiot!


  1. The problem is most of them UMNO are suffering from brain damage. Their pea-sized brain lack the gray matter. The deficiency is the cause of their short comings. IF you recall their PhD holders, they are worse. Almost all of them talk through their hats.

  2. We have a freaking idiot for a DPM!
    Hope Najib can replace him with someone more capable

  3. I was just waiting for your comments on this incident; and you did not disappointment me cos this were the very sentiments i wanted to express but couldn't !!!!
    This guy is the most idiotic MORON "minister" all Malaysians wish they never had !

  4. ai ya, you not so steady la...

    can't you see (look at his face properly) his brain is already in engaged mode!

    That's his best, just lower our expectation of him (& that of majority of them)

  5. We know the poor Penang UMNO chief is trying his utmost to wrestle back control of the State - he knows his reward if he succeeds.

    Why can't he goes about it the proper way - be sincere and help the local folks sincerely. Do what needs to be done and please don't tell the whole world about it. Believe me, we all will come to know about it ; more so we will know whether it is a political stunt or that you really cared.


  6. Hussein,
    Thank GOD we have an idiot for a dpm, if not habis lah!Good to have such so called quality leaders from umno!
    Now you know why Najib appointed him dpm or court jester in Putrajaya!This guy will not make it to pm and thats the way najib like it.

  7. The DPM was chosen becos MM says so...we do not chose him...he and the PM was chosen by UMNO..members!

    The whole country is in a state of total failure becos UMNO has failed brains inside its party..

    Even a "Tupperware" party is so much better runned !

    What can we expect ?

  8. I doubt if they are suffering from brain damage, because there is any brain ....
