
Friday, November 5, 2010

If only ......

If fate had been kinder to Mahathir he would have been selling Rojak beside a Chendol stall in Pasar Road….but then knowing his ability to multi task he would in all probability be handling both the Rojak and Chendol stalls with Mirzan and Mukhriz running between the two stalls taking care of business.

Why do I say if fate had been kinder? Kinder because no man would wish to be so reviled by so many in the few years that he has been on this earth as he is now! At least as a Rojak cum Chendol proprietor he would have served as a valuable link in the fast food chain in our country…… somewhere between KFC and Kajang Satay. Just as we would want to make that much anticipated stop on our journey North at Tanjong Malim for the Pau, Kajang for Satay and Muar for that Mee Rebus on our journey South..…we would willingly make a beeline for Pasar Road for Chendol and Rojak at least twice a week for our twice weekly fix of the famous Mahathir’s C&R (Chendol and Rojak).  

He would be there in his sarong and T Shirt everyday from 11am to whatever time his Rojak and Chendol would run out (normally around 3p.m.) from Monday to Saturday. On Sunday he would be serving the same beside the Bukit Bintang Plaza – just on the road between the Imbi Plaza and Bukit Bintang shopping center – because the weekend crowd makes it worth him giving up his Sunday of rest. That is Mahathir for you – totally committed to doing his thing.

And knowing Mahathir he would have been able to afford at least a Proton Saga and trips back home to India at least once every two years with his Family. Then he would still have maintained family ties with his ancestors in India and yet be anchored to Malaysia, his preferred country of abode.

This simple but hard working outdoor working life would have ensured that he would still be as healthy as he is now at over 80. No need for all the expensive medications and hormone injections he now has to take to maintain his present health – nor that royal sport of horse riding that does his constitution so much good – as he so like to claim.   

Our country would not have all our massive billions of ringgits failed projects and debts, UMNO would not have money politics and our people would be living in harmony and goodwill. And more important for everyone in Malaysia …we would all think very charitably of Mahathir as that Mamak who sells Chendol and Rojak down at Pasar Road….assisted very ably by his children Mirzan and Mukhriz – who are each driving a Tiara and both suitable attired in a sarong and T shirt ala Mahathir. Ahhh these are the stuff that dreams are made off for me….we can all dream can’t we?     


  1. If Tun Dr Mahathir had been a cendol and rojak man!
    What are then?
    A frustrated fellow, who had missed the gravy train and had to resort to loud shouts to gain attention! Anyway if there such a job? Loudmouth maybe!

  2. A nice little dream but it's only a dream. In real life things had turned the opposite for that very mamak had done a little too much mess to the nation of ours.

    If only....I could piss on his graveyard....but Divine forbids.

  3. At least Dr M gave us a deadly foretaste of life under the pernicious rule of Sauron. In the 1980s I often referred to Malaysia as Mordoria!

  4. When this evil TDM dies, he will be accorded a state funeral and all his scycophants will be shedding crocodile tears. Praises upon praises will be heaped on this evil man, of course all coming from UMNO, Perkosa and the ultra malays. The spineless politicians from MCA, MIC and all the irrelevant BN component parties will also shed crocodile tears as well. The Malaysian flag will be flown at half mast and the day will be declared a holiday to mourn (celebrate) the passing of this evil man.

    Meanwhile there are millions of Malaysians (in Malaysia or abroad) who will be celebrating the passing of this evil man but the spoil sports UMNO will call for all entertainment outlets to close as a mark of "respect" of this dead evil man. RTM, TV1, TV2 and TV3 will have it's normal programs cancelled and replaced with 24 hours non stop prayers (no different from current programes anyway).

    I'm sure there will be long lines of people waiting to pee on this evil TDM's grave but of course his grave will be a specially constructed mega masoleum with air conditioning and 24 hours guard befitting a Wira Negara, albeit a dead one.

    Gosh, the sbove could be reality and my hairs are already standing on its end because the end is nigh.

  5. to anonymous of 6.52 pm

    Please refer to the press and periodical (both local and foreign) reports that heaped, thousands of words in praise for Tun Dr Mahathir when he retired. Only great men retire when in power!

    He put you and Malaysia on the worl map.
    Today we are able to rub shoulders with the rest of the world.

    Dr M gave you this very mode of communication to ooze out vulgar use of words on the internet.

    It will be a very sad day with the passing of the greatest man Malaysia has seen and experienced.

    You are a mere frustrated fellow who has missed out on the gravy train
    I feel sorry for you.

  6. If Mahafiraun had been a cendol n rojak man, he would be rich too. Everyone will be queuing to taste his special ganja added cendol/rojak. It's all about how to dupe others.

  7. To malayVoice @ 5 Nov. 11.02,

    Yup, it seems you are the only few people who believe in the goverment controlled press heaping praises on your "great demented" leader TDM. I'm not surprised you can come to the conclusion that only great men retire when in power as all we saw was a pathetic crying old man on the UMNO stage. 22 years of your "great" leader's rule coupled with 42 years of affirmative NEP and yet the malays still need handicaps and crutches while the non malays continue to progress on their own initiatives and determination? Nothing great about your demented leader's achievement won't you say? You are indeed a blind fool.
