
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cakap cakap....Najib and Islam

Najib: Accept fact that Islam is official religion of M'sia
Thursday, May 12, 2011
PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said everyone must accept the fact that Islam is the official religion of the country and that it cannot be changed in whatever form. !"This is because the reality is that we have the Federal Constitution and its provision on the position of Islam and the other religions is very clear," Najib told the media after meeting with 22 Muslim leaders and intellectuals, here today. !"Under whatever circumstances, the Federal Constitution cannot be amended and as such, no one should be worried or feel uneasy on this matter," he said.

steadyaku47 comment:
Thirteen Kings, six Prime Ministers, one May 13th Race Riot, two Scorpene Submarines, one Altantuya, two custodial death at MACC, countless custodial deaths under PDRM’s plus 54 years of UMNO rule…….and this Prime Minister of ours still have to remind everyone to accept the fact that Islam is the official religion of the country?  

Nobody is “worried or feel uneasy” about having Islam as the official religion of Malaysia. The Chinese knows better then to meddle in this issue and they will leave this matter well alone. And so will the other races. As KJ said of Ibrahim Ali anybody upsetting this son of Ibrahim must have a death wish……the same can be said for those questioning Islam as the official religion of this country. But having said that I must point out that if there is anybody that should be uneasy or worried about it then it should be Najib, UMNO and Muslims within Barisan Nasional. And why is this so? Money politics and corruption….all “HARAM” in as far as Islam is concern and yet it is the very engine that keeps UMNO ticking!

As your past President Mahathir have clearly said: “Rasuah macham makan babi”  

And yet today this is the number one problem within UMNO. So how many of UMNO members have “makan babi” as your iconic past president have so succinctly put it.  How do you reconcile the fact that corruption is UMNO’s number one problem while this official religion of Malaysia, as you keep reminding us all repeatedly, looks upon it as a sinful act? Why are you not treating the teaching of Islam with the reverence it deserves or are you just giving lip service to it because it serves UMNO’s self interest to do so?

You as its leader close one eye and shut the other when you see corruption and money politics done within the ranks of your cabinet and within UMNO. During your tenure as Minister of Defense, corruption was fine tuned into an art costing our nation loses in the billions due to failed mega projects, commission paid for “services rendered to Mindef” and outright mismanagement resulting in such abuses as the loss of jet engines – truly a laughable incident if not for the millions it costs the nation.

Now if the best of UMNO (and I think you would put yourself in that category) is as bad as you – then you and UMNO surely will have reasons to be uneasy and worried about Islam being the official religion of our country – not the non believers.

For most Malaysians whatever the official religion of the country is not a matter to be uneasy or worried about – they do the right thing whatever religion they belong to. You and UMNO, on the other hand, do not. So we Muslims look at how you and UMNO have behaved and we are uneasy and worried – not for ourselves but for you when judgment day comes.

You cannot run away to London or hide in the mansion that you have build with our money when that day comes. 

If you say that Islam is the official religion of the country then why do you not follow its teachings? As always UMNO mistakes its selfish motives of self-preservation for principles that we Malays should fight with them to preserve. UMNO is using Ketuanan Melayu as a reason for seeking the Malay votes. Now together with Ketuanan Melayu UMNO wants to use Islam and put claim to being its champion so that we Muslim will give them our votes too? How desperate can you get UMNO?

Among politicians the esteem of religion is profitable but holding fast to its principles is troublesome………and as we have seen time and time again, nowhere is this more so then amongst UMNO politicians. 

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