
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 one finger salute!

Gear up for election, Umno members told

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak has called on all Umno members to intensify efforts in preparing the party for the 13th general election.

"Sound the siren, beat the war drums and heat up the engines. Do not ever allow lies, falsehoods and any attempt at fooling the people, to succeed.

"Remember that past deeds will just remain in the annals of history if we fail in this big test. Umno must continue to be strong and relevant in order to chart new achievements for the sake of religion, society and nation," he said in his message in conjunction with Umno's 65th anniversary celebration today.

Yes Datuk Seri we must beat the war drums and heat up the engines. We must not forget UMNO’s past deeds against religion, society and our nation! Deeds that the Rakyat must not forget even when UMNO loses the 13th General Election!

Without UMNO after the 13th General Election it does not mean that Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Aminurrasyid and Altantuya will be brought back into our lives and  the lives of their loved ones!

Without UMNO it does not mean that all the deaths in PDRM’s custody and the two at MACC can be erased from our sensibilities.

Without UMNO it does not make right the mismanagement within MINDEF that has not only cost our nation billions but also inevitably taken the lives of our defence forces in unnecessary accidents due to faulty and outdated equipments.

Without UMNO how long do you think we will still need to rid ourself of a government that has grown corrupt and self serving of its own interest rather then that of the Rakyat?

Without UMNO how long do you think we would still need to rid ourselves of racial profiling, racial discrimination and this insidious Ketuanan Melayu that has so weaken the Malays?

If we did not have the dirty and self serving hands of UMNO  steadying the reins of Government for the past 50 years we would still have Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Amniursayid and Alatantuya – just to name a few…..because without UMNO PDRM will be held accountable for those that are murdered while under their custody. Without UMNO MACC will not  be used to harass Pakatan Rakyat and Teoh Beng Hock will still be alive today. All the physical and mental torture done to its own people under the auspices of the ISA would not have happened! Chief Ministers guilty of raping under age Malay schoolgirls would have been prosecuted and put behind bars. The Judiciary would have been our protector against injustices rather then the perpetrator of it.

And yet even as we know all this we have Najib telling UMNO to Sound the siren, beat the war drums and heat up the engines”.  Why, is he living on Mars?

You all must remember that getting UMNO out does not make the past right. It will not bring back those who died because PDRM did not do the right thing! Let us not quibble over peripheral issues. That PDRM and MACC did not meant for these deaths to happen! The core issue is this. That people die in custody – repeatedly. 

It will not punish those who became wealthy because of corruption. It will not make right the suffering of those who lost the means of earning a decent income, their houses, their land, their love ones and their friends because of the abuses by UMNO.

Ousting UMNO will start the process of clearing the fog from Malaysian politics as we know it now. There is more work to be done but it will start the process of healing and give to all of us a sense of justice being done. A sense of those that do wrong will be punished. It will be the start of putting balance back into our life. The balance between good and evil. Between right and wrong. Between punishment and reward. It will be a start of living our life with hope and belief that life can be good for all of us……and then we go on to better things with Pakatan Rakyat!     


  1. I don't care to imagine what would life be without UMNO? I'd rather let it happened first and think about it later. That's because I am an ordinary citizen who lives out the politics of the masses with the power of only one vote and nothing, while a politician would turn that one vote into a powerful something. All I care now is to give my one vote to a politician who could carve me a life without UMNO a dream comes true.

  2. They are the ones that create unrest and alarm among the rakyat.
    The fact is did they learn and the answer is forever no in my dictionary.

  3. we need to tell the kampong folks who has been brain-washed by govt owned media.... how else cud BN had won Sarawak???

  4. My vote, my family members' votes and I will get as many of my friends to vote PR.

  5. Whatever happened the past 2 days access to comment was stalled by notice "Blogger is unavailable". Some blogs experienced losses of previous postings and readers' comments. I am mistaken this thread has 4 comments now 3 left.

  6. are other posting I have also lost same.

  7. First we must go to the Kampung and village volk, tell them if the Government had not done something for them, their voices were never heard, their social wealthfair was never care of after 50 over years, what makes them think the Government will suddenly change their mind or policy.We've been fooled long enought but don't you fool our children no more. Take the buying vote money and vote for the opposition, vote for change. Afterall the buying vote money is from our own blood, sweat and tears money.
