
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Anwar touched by God?

“Anwar is touched by God in a very special way”
  Chua Jui Meng

So says Chua Jui Meng of Anwar….and if God is listening then HE must be wondering if Chua Jui Meng is talking about the same Anwar that HE knows. The Anwar that I know! The Anwar that is now the leader of the opposition! 

By any stretch of the imagination Anwar is not touched by God in any special way. He is a survivor without parallel perhaps. A man able to move the masses by his ability to do the right things and say the right words to move these people......maybe : but he does these things purely to meet his own ends and the things he does and say to move these masses are in no way commands from heavens. They are just what anwar does to survive politically.

When a man is touched by God I expect that man heart’s to be free of things material  - free of money thinking. You look at anwar’s house and his personal attire and you know that he is attached to material things.

You expect a man touched by God to have his mind free of quarrel or malice. You have seen the malice in anwar when he fronts up at press conferences where things do not go his way. You have seen how he handled the situation....he is full of malice and quarrel.It would be easier for me to ignore what Chua Jui Meng said about anwar and let sleeping dogs lie…but I will not.

This anwar is capable of deceit and duplicity in presenting the persona he wants us all to see. And if he can move Chua Jui Meng to say what he did then anwar is good at what he does....and the more reason for me not to keep quiet!

Let us be clear on one thing. Whatever that anwar does he does not for country or for the people. He does it for himself – for self preservation. PKR by itself is superfluous to the needs of this country political landscape. By far DAP and PAS were streets ahead of PKR in terms of grass root support and established network.

To survive anwar had to forge DAP and PAS into an alliance with PKR. This he did and emerge as its leader. And using Pakatan Rakyat as a sledgehammer he has hammered at Najib and BN with great force and enthusiasm…and more disturbing he has mould himself into whatever people want to see him as...and as in Chua Jui Meng's thoughts...Anwar is a man touch by God!

How soon before Chua Jui Meng becomes a Zaid - the same Zaid who to his grief found out that there was another anwar that used people for his own ends and when he finished with them, will discard them without a moment thought or regret? 

Anwar does so because he knows there will always be others who he can cultivate to replace those he has lost...but he must remember that every time he does so these people will come back to haunt him as Altantuya has repeatedly come back to haunt Najib.  

Do read the following article - it writes so well of deceit and betrayal - with particular emphasis on anwar himself!

The art of deceiving D.C.

by Mario Vicenzino

Winning over the Washington policy establishment is an art mastered by certain clever foreigners over the years. It requires basic charm and wit, a convincing narrative, understanding the Beltway worldview, mastering its lingo and skills to communicate it effectively. After fulfilling their agenda in the U.S. capital, these masters often move on and evolve according to political convenience, even turning on their friends in Washington if required.

An outstanding example is Ahmed Chalabi, whose influence was critical to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. He also raised millions of dollars from American taxpayers for his Iraqi National Congress. Now back in his native-Iraq, this Macchiavellian political survivor has re-invented himself as a staunch Shiite advocate and close ally of Iran. A sense of betrayal overwhelms many of his original supporters in Washington.
Another recent convert to the chameleon cause is Anwar Ibrahim. From 1993-98, Mr. Anwar served as Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. After losing a power struggle with Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad, Anwar was removed from power and imprisoned. During his years of incarceration, Anwar became a cause célèbre for human rights advocates. After his release in 2004, Anwar hit the international circuit, which included stints at the World Bank and lecturing positions at Oxford University, Johns Hopkins and Georgetown. His official bio on one website described him as “one of the forefathers of the Asian Renaissance”, “a leading proponent of greater cooperation among civilizations” and “an authoritative voice in bridging the gap between East and West.”
Anwar has returned to Malaysian politics and serves in the opposition. While the foreign policy of Malaysia’s current government is fairly in tune with U.S. and western policy, Anwar has decided that pro-Western sentiment does not serve his current political interests. He has begun preaching a conspiratorial rhetoric of anti-American and anti-Semitic nature. Particularly since the Malaysian government hired an American communications firm, Anwar has suggested that Israeli spies are directly involved in the running of the Malaysian government. He claims that the recent meeting between President Obama and Prime Minister Najib Razak
These statements will obviously shock Mr. Anwar’s supporters in the West, which include former Vice President Al Gore. They will provoke questions: have Anwar’s words been taken out of context? Perhaps they can be subject to interpretation? Is one failing to read between the lines?
Anwar’s statements are blatantly clear and direct. His rhetoric represents an unmistakable case of raw political opportunism and much more. Although opportunism is an inevitable fact of politics, it also has its limits. Particularly when degenerating into unacceptable demagoguery with obvious racist overtones.
How did Anwar’s transformation from reformer to rabble-rouse occur? The reality is that he probably always held these views. Over the years, he just simply tailored his message to different audiences according to necessity. After all, Anwar served for five years as Deputy Prime Minister to Mahatir Mohamad, renowned for his anti-Western and anti-Semitic tirades. This alone should have immediately raised red flags and serious questions about his ideological allegiances. It is not uncommon for the Washington establishment to be ill-informed, naively overlook significant facts, or willingly brush them aside. In the international realm, the Beltway Bubble often prevails.
In future, greater caution and prudence is required when endorsing foreign champions, particularly those eagerly preaching a message favorable to Washington. Furthermore, the tendency to confer automatic sainthood and infallibility on the persecuted, or those claiming persecution, must be tempered. Pry more and do not give an easy ride. After all, Washington will inevitably see the likes of more Chalabis and Anwars.
Marco Vicenzino is director of the Global Strategy Project in Washington, D.C. He provides global political risk analysis for corporations and regular commentary on foreign affairs for publications/media outlets worldwide. He can be reached at

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malchindian has left a new comment on your post "Anwar touched by God?": 

I laud you for countering CJM's syrupy allegiance declaration of Anwar, En Hussein. 

Here's mine. 

I would like to think that when an individual leaves umno it is because of ideological incompatibility. However, Anwar and CJM were thrown out by umno for transgressing against their masters. I have always viewed with curiosity at umno's venomous efforts to snuff Anuar out (at all cost) simply because he was cut from the very same umno cloth. Which is why the incarceration of Anwar will help PKR's young leaders rise to the challenge. 

DAP and PAS are significantly stronger partners today. Have you noticed the pattern? 

PAS is the one constantly challenging the electoral abuses, the historical brainwash debates, the busloads of foreigners heading to Putrajaya for Mykads. PAS is fighting for truths. DAP is steam-rolling economic changes and treading carefully around the laws and constitution. 

DAP the pragmatic is turning around the economy and keeping the crooked judiciary on their toes. 

It was Ambiga and the NGOs who made Bersih 2.0 a success. It's also people like RPK and Haris Ibrahim who spearhead civil liberty changes. 

So what is the PKR message? Do you hear the ideology promoted? Very few PKR identities stand out; one is youth PKR comm director Nik Nazmi who actively speaks and reaches out. You don't understand the ideology that is called PKR because Anwar hogs the limelight with his plight. And we have all heard enough anal analysis to become specialists! So what is PKR? Do Wan Azizah and daughters convey the PKR cause? The reality is they are afforded respect more out of sympathy than ability. Yes, I do expect Anwaristas to howl in protest but these are facts shared by many who see Anwar for what he really is. And if allowed to lead us to victory this coming GE, we would have advertently contributed to the rebirth of "umno gen 2". 


  1. Anwar,Najib,Badawi,Mahathir,hussein Razak,Tunku-what do they have in common?They all belong to the same group called UMNO and when you come from UMNO you are all rotten to the all smell like shit.

  2. I laud you for countering CJM's syrupy allegiance declaration of Anwar, En Hussein.
    Here's mine. I would like to think that when an individual leaves umno it is because of ideological incompatibility. However, Anwar and CJM were thrown out by umno for transgressing against their masters. I have always viewed with curiosity at umno's venomous efforts to snuff Anuar out (at all cost) simply because he was cut from the very same umno cloth. Which is why the incarceration of Anwar will help PKR's young leaders rise to the challenge. DAP and PAS are significantly stronger partners today. Have you noticed the pattern? PAS is the one constantly challenging the electoral abuses, the historical brainwash debates, the busloads of foreigners heading to Putrajaya for Mykads. PAS is fighting for truths. DAP is steam-rolling economic changes and treading carefully around the laws and constitution. DAP the pragmatic is turning around the economy and keeping the crooked judiciary on their toes. It was Ambiga and the NGOs who made Bersih 2.0 a success. It's also people like RPK and Haris Ibrahim who spearhead civil liberty changes. So what is the PKR message? Do you hear the ideology promoted? Very few PKR identities stand out; one is youth PKR comm director Nik Nazmi who actively speaks and reaches out. You don't understand the ideology that is called PKR because Anwar hogs the limelight with his plight. And we have all heard enough anal analysis to become specialists! So what is PKR? Do Wan Azizah and daughters convey the PKR cause? The reality is they are afforded respect more out of sympathy than ability. Yes, I do expect Anwaristas to howl in protest but these are facts shared by many who see Anwar for what he really is. And if allowed to lead us to victory this coming GE, we would have advertently contributed to the rebirth of "umno gen 2".

  3. He is no Mandela or Mahatma Gandhi and he was a victim of the Malay attribute of not being a penderhaka when he was under Mahathir. But the defining moment came and now he shines, after he was cut loose from all the restrictions of being a `good' Malay and a loyal government servant
