
Thursday, October 6, 2011

cakap cakap....surat dari PD

I have just received an email from a dear friend that surely articulates what most of us feel.....and I wanted to share it with you all. We might not agree with everything that was said but read and keep and open mind and tells us your thoughts. 


"I read that electoral reforms are on the cards, with a Select Committee assigned to look at the electoral process and do the necessary. And then, that idiot Nazri pushes things back to square one by saying that elections could still be held, even though the reforms are pending. 

WTF? Then, why bother? In essence, he's saying that reforms are needed, but give them another term, and they'll implement them?!

How many people buy into the idea that any reforms worth their salt will actually happen? There is so much that is not right. After every election, individual stories from people I know tell of actual irregularities that happened right in front of their noses. This blatant disregard for us, speaks volumes, doesn't it? It simply says: Yes, this is wrong. Yes, this is illegal. Yes, this is violating your rights. But, you know what? We don't give a flying fuck about you or your goddamned rights! So take them home with you, and see what you can do about it.

That's why no one bothers, and no one believes anything anymore. They can announce anything they want. Every benefit works out to nothing. Every hard hit, works out to a lot worse that it seems to be on paper. 

Yes, I am very defeatist today. That is how I feel. 

I read Haris blog the other day, where he put up a video of the PAS head speaking of how essential it is to tutup aurat. His analogy had my hair stand on end: if a person jumps off a bridge, he will drown. Meaning: If a woman doesn't tutup her aurat, she is responsible for her rape, her murder, etc. Nice. He fails to remember the one case that stunned us all, of a UiTM lecturer, tutup-ed aurat to the hilt - the kind where they wear this all-black jubah type gown?, and a black telekung - and was taken by a muslim bus driver to a deserted place, raped and murdered. Why didn't her tutup-ing of her aurat save her? The pak haji of PAS says many times that the mata is linked to the sexual organ. If a man sees aurat that isn't tutup-ed, his sexual organ will respond. Words fail me when I hear stuff like that. It isn't possible to argue. Me, who is always ready with words, ready to fight, ready to make what is wrong, right, with my argument - I have nothing at all to say. I won't say it is stupid, because this isn't stupidity. I can't say it is ridiculous, because, really, I think it is scientifically wrong. But, I can say that I pity the muslim man - that he is thought of as so simple, and so thoroughly without moral fibre. It wrongs him most, I feel. But, who do I say that to? You are the only one I would dare to say that to!

Sigh. That video was the nail in a coffin that I've had open, and ready for burial. Anwar was the reason for getting the coffin out in the first place. Now, pak haji has nailed it shut. Their next move will have me bury it.

So, it is back to my original request to you, and to Haris, though I didn't need to voice it: so many others already had. Who do we back? It's no to PAS. It's over my dead body to anwar. I have serious doubts as to the DAP, and anyways, without the other two parties, they will get nowhere because everybody thinks them a chinese party, and I agree. The Third Wave is whittling down to nothing. No tsunami this time, methinks. More of the same ol', same ol' - and may the god I do not believe in, help us all".


  1. Thank you for the invitation to give my thoughts on the email from your dear friend.

    I respect his views on BN and Pakatan. Since he is not sure who to back I would advise him to vote for KITA or if there is no KITA candidate in the constituency he votes in, give a spoilt vote.A vote less for UMNO/BN is a vote for Pakatan.

    On the aurat thing I cant figure out whether this dear friend of yours is a Muslim or not. If he is a Muslim it is incumbent upon you as his dear friend to enlighten him. If he is not, well I am not going to waste my words. Maybe you can tell him that it is us Muslims who pities him. I am trying to be really nice here but tell him not to be condescending as he is far from being learned but appears more to be a fool!

  2. Well, I totally disagree with you Mr. Hussein to perceive that DAP is a Chinese party.
    DAP is a party for all races, but the perception among the lesser informed Malaysians is an entrenched thinking since they have been racially divided for more than half a century. So most Chinese today would vote for any party other than UMNO and they have found one in DAP. I am sure they will vote for PAS despite the Islamic law which may be implemented if there is a new government.You must remember Mr.Hussein, the Chinese and the Indians have taken a step backwards to help the Malays to catch up with them economically and socially for 54 long years and isn't this long enough. Could it be the religion or the nature of the Malays that maybe holding them back. If I do hurt anybody's feelings by saying this I am most apologetic. ABU
