
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Let us be clear who Barisan Nasional are. They are the elected government of Malaysia - but just because a lot of people voted for them it does not make them the good guys. A lot of people voted for Hitler and Mahathir!

BN have been in power for the past 50 over years and they intend to continue being in power for the next 50 years.

BN will do anything legal or illegal, overt or covert, right or wrong to hang on to power.

BN did not foresee the Tsunami that battered them in the 12th general election (neither did we) and they were totally unprepared for the onslaught that hit them causing them to lose five states to the opposition.

After that election UMNO faltered …….but only for a moment. Since then they have taken back Perak, lured many opposition Members of Parliament into their camp, impede, obstruct and made difficult the work of government in the states controlled by the opposition. They have used every opportunity and every instrument at their disposal to prepare themselves for the coming 13th general election.

And now BN goes into this general election with their leader, Najib unbowed and seemingly unaffected by Altantuya, PKFZ, or anything the opposition can and did throw his way.

We need to ask ourselves this. How will BN/UMNO fight us? What motivates them? We need to understand their plan their strategies. Why do they lie? Why do they have need to use people like Ibrahim Ali ? Why repeal the ISA and the PPPA only to replace them with other instruments of control? What role will they allow Mahathir to play and what will be his comeuppance?

Afghanistan 40 years ago was a tolerant, enlighten and pro western country. The USA screw them up! Religion and politicians did not help. The same with Malaysia. The Malaysia of 50 years ago was tolerant and 1Malaysia was a fact of life - not something to be implemented and imposed upon the people by a government that uses 1Malaysia as a means to and end. And the end today is the getting of political power.

UMNO knows about politics. But to them politics without personal profit is   sex with a condom…it is simply not good enough….but they are blind to the possibility of contracting aids. Today the blind pursuit of money drives UMNO.

The President of UMNO is a 800 lbs Gorilla and he can do anything he wants. But the 800 lbs gorilla needs a lot of food…and UMNO feeds him. How do you expect that gorilla to bite the hand that feeds it? And how will UMNO keep up with his and his First Lady voracious appetite?

Only when we understand all this can we can start to plan how to fight them.

Two things are in our favor. UMNO will have to try to hold on to power without being able to draw upon the goodwill from the people. They have used up all the goodwill that exists between the Malays and UMNO.  

Nor can they ask the other races to trust them to do the right thing when in power. No trust, no goodwill from the people for UMNO.

The emotional response from the people towards UMNO is “screw them!”. The rational response is “we will voter PR”.

Those who have been calling for change within UMNO have nothing to lose. Pak LAh, Mahathir, Ku Li and a smattering of ex Ministers call upon UMNO to stop being arrogant, to stop money politics and corruption….but these people are no longer in power and they have made their money. UMNO no longer considers them relevant and their influence is minuscule.

So the ball is at our feet. Meticulously and relentlessly we must secure every voter onto our side. Make this your personal crusade. Focus on one voter at a time. Bring them to our side and then move on to another. There is still time. We do this while Najib and his goons continue to shoot themselves in the foot day to day, week to week and month to month with their greed, arrogance and inability to understand our contempt for their way of doing things.

You do your work and I will do mine. Even if I stay here there will not be one Malaysian less to fight UMNO - for you know that I will do my work through steadyaku47. 

I am one. With you we are two!





  1. I really do admire your relentless effort to wake Malaysian from their slumber and make them aware that there is still hope despite all the shortcoming that we are make me myself realize that I have no other choice but to keep doing the same.....we'r in this together mate,don't you worry!!!

  2. yeah bro hussien, we must get all malaysian voters realise what is wrong in our land.u r one with me we r 2.lets us recruit more. one by one. i do it every time i meet somebody new.

  3. shuk...Yes we are all in this together.

    alamghaib...anything I can do let me know - my email is
