
Friday, January 6, 2012

Is Kit and Hadi in on 901?

My or my…if you cannot stand the heat get out of the kitchen! I will confess that I have hesitated, more then once, to enter the public domain that is now earnestly debating the demise or reprise of one they call RPK. Petra to me. Personally I care not if Petra is or is not having the time of his life in London. His recent foray to Phuket did rile me up a bit because I needed the holiday more then Petra! And he seems to be having too grand a time….and in retrospect could that be construed to be his last supper? Sorry guys the devil made me say that! 

Anywwwwwaay….the time has come to talk about 901. First it was the Mandela thing at AI trial and now it is the Bush 911 thing for this Monday! Let us hope that if the Arab Spring comes next it will have a positive ending for us all.

I will hazard a guess here that it would be an opportunity for Pakatan Rakyat to flex its fledgling muscles courtesy of the Rakyat! 100,000 of anything is bound to make Najib nervous – as nervous as anyone can be when he has the police, the Army and UTK at their beck and call. So work it out in your head – do you think Najib wants 901 to happen or not to happen? Remember what that officer said about UPSI? “In the heat of the moment!”….so just think what 10,000 Riot Squad police can do “in the heat of the moment!” And do not forget there is always the Army on standby too! Unless you have a death wish I suggest you think again what would be the wisest thing to do. – not only for yourself but also for Pakatan Rakyat.

Now what has Pakaytan Rakyat got? Truth, honour, justice…yeah yeah ….yada yada yada! Seriously folks what Pakatan Rakyat has is what they call the force of public opinion. Harness it right and it will blow away Napoleon, Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great army all to smithereens - what more Najib and Barisan Nasional! There is no need to talk about not harnessing it right. Its consequences precludes any possible preparation for failure. Just to morbid to contemplate. Are Pakatan Rakyat that desperate to want to put everything on the line? It is not for me to answer that – think and do what is needed. AA wants to storm the prison wall to free AI – with 100,000 he can do some damage but at what costs? And how come the deafening silence from Kit Siang and Hadi on this?  Is AA driving the whole thing?

This is all about winning the war. This sodomy two verdict is just one battle of many that will come as we near the 13th general election. DO NOT make 901 the be all and end all of our war with UMNO and Barisan Nasional. Treat it for what it really is – just one battle of many. Win or lose it does not make a difference to the final victory that really matters. I rest my case.         


  1. I think this is not the right cause to bring out 100 thousands people to the streets.....AUKU yes,ISA yes,BERSIH yes but to defend an ex umno deputy absolute NO,NO,NO.

  2. we don't knows the verdict yet but mobilizing 100k peoples look more like a threat to the court, what if Pakatan become the Federal Govt and opposition does the same thing..

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