
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Such is Life.....


An Indian man is unrepentant after beheading his daughter with a ceremonial sword in a rage over her relationships with men, police say.
The man surrendered at a police station, carrying the head in one hand and the bloodied sword in the other.
Residents of his village in northwestern India expressed shock as they performed the last rites for the 20-year-old woman.
Police said the father, marble miner Oghad Singh, accused his daughter of bringing dishonour to the family and making it hard to find husbands for her two unmarried sisters.
Women wailing in grief lined the dusty road of Dungarji in Rajasthan state as a procession carried Manju Kanwar's remains to her funeral pyre.
As in many north and west Indian villages, the women, including her mother and four sisters, were not allowed to attend the funeral.
A coroner stitched Kanwar's head onto her body for the funeral.
About 100 men, many of them relatives wearing ceremonial Rajput warrior clan turbans, surrounded her muslin-wrapped body, and her brother lit the funeral pyre.
Villagers condemned the father's actions as extreme.
They said the father, his shirt soaked in blood, had carried his daughter's head through the village, describing what he'd done to neighbours.
"He told me that he took the sword out, and when the daughter was all alone in the house he beheaded her with a single stroke and the head fell on the ground," said Narayan Singh, a distant relative.
He said he persuaded Singh to surrender, and took him by motorcycle to a police station.
Police have charged Singh, 46, with murder.
"It was a ghastly sight," officer Ranjit Singh said, describing the father sitting in the station's waiting room holding the head in one hand and the sword in the other.
Police described Kanwar's recent life as difficult and unorthodox for the traditional community of about 1000 just outside the Rajasthani tourist town of Udaipur.
She left her husband from an arranged marriage two years ago and moved back home to live with her parents. She recently began seeing several men, which "disgusted" her father, deputy police superintendent Umesh Ojha said.

When she eloped with one man two weeks ago, her father forced her to return on Sunday and killed her.

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