
Sunday, July 8, 2012


I want to ask this of JAWI:

Why is JAWI charging Nik Raina Nik Abdul Aziz under Section 13 (1) of the Syariah Criminal Offences Act (Federal Territories) 1997 for selling and distributing Irshad Manji book ALLAH, Liberty and Love?

Why is JAWI charging Nik Raina when JAWI do nothing about the hundreds of Muslim girls working as prostitutes in massage parlors and other establishments of ill reputes all over the Federal Territory?

Why is JAWI charging Nik Raina when JAWI do nothing about the hundreds of Muslim girls working in Dangduts establishments, Night Clubs and in Karoke Bars all over the Federal Territory?

Why is JAWI charging Nik Raina when JAWI do nothing about ex and current Mentri Besars, Ministers and the many UMNO Politicians and Malay VIPS screwing around in Five Star Hotels and in their private Mess and Condominiums with their girlfriends and mistresses?

Why is JAWI charging Nik Raina when JAWI do nothing about Sultans who screw around to their hearts content in the Federal Territory – specifically in Hotels in the Golden Triangle and in their Istana in the Federal Territories? And if you say you do not know who these Sultans are then JAWI really is an ASS –because Mat, Ah Chong and Ramasamy knows who they are! Even Hishamuddin and Najib know who they are – go ask them!

Why is JAWI charging Nik Raina when you see Muslim in PDRM, Muslims in the Government and Muslims Politicians in UMNO indulging in corrupt practices at the expense of other Muslims?

Are you charging Nik Raina because you believe she will be defenceless against the might (ahem!) of JAWI backed by your political masters – UMNO?

Have you already forgotten about Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno? Kartika DID NOT asked for a pardon and she wanted to be punished for drinking beer at a Beach Resort in violation of Islamic Laws. Her punishment was stopped at the last minute because the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION roared loud enough for the authorities to ask the Sultan to grant Kartika a pardon! A face saving solution done by a Sultan beholden to the government of the day!

Now we have Nik Raina! She is an employee of Borders. She does not make a single cent from the sale of Irshad Manji’s book. I doubt if she was even involved in persuading any customer to buy Irshad Manji book and yet JAWI is charging her under Section 13 (1) of the Syariah Criminal Offences Act (Federal Territories) 1997 for selling and distributing Irshad Manji book ALLAH, Liberty and Love?

Now you tell me if JAWI is not an ASS?

Here are the facts of this case:
On May 23rd and 24th the Federal Territories Religious Department (JAWI) raided and searched Borders Book store at Bangsar Village and Midvalley respectively for Irshad Manji book ALLAH, Liberty and Love.

•    23rd May JAWI raided Borders at Bangsar Village.

•    24th May JAWI raided Borders at Midvalley.

•    29th May the Book was banned.

•    14th June gazette banning the book was published.

Anyway which way you look at it  -  from the Federal Constitution and other Federal Laws or from the Syariah Offences Act point of view what JAWI did is wrong. Here is where the saying “The Law is an ASS”…or in this case I say that JAWI is an ASS!

Raiding a store for copies of Irsahd Manji’s book “ALLAH, Liberty and Love” six days BEFORE the Home Ministry banned it makes JAWI an ASS.

And JAWI has charged Borders store manager Nik Raina for distributing by selling the book at the Borders store at the Gardens mall -  charged under Section 13 (1) of the Syariah Criminal Offences Act (Federal Territories) 1997, which carries a fine of up to RM3, 000 or two years’ jail, or both, upon conviction.

Borders will be challenging Jawi’s raid of its premises and Jawi’s prosecution, or should it be persecution, of their store manager, Nik Raina.

Before this even goes to the courts why don’t you and I make our feelings about this bullying charade crystal clear to JAWI and their political masters? Tell them to go and find somebody their size to bully! Not Katrina, not Nik Raina…not even Ambiga – for JAWI might think they are the weaker sex but so far Katrina and Ambiga has turned around and bit UMNO in their arse. Now why don’t we work with Nik Raina to do the same!

As for that Din guy from the Rumah Ministry and his cousin (Najib’s lah!) silence on this matter -  let me give you an analogy.

Think of little  Piggies. Do you know how these little piggies walks? Always with their heads bowed as if in penance for doing something wrong. That Din guy and Najib reminds me always of these PIGGIES. These two are always doing something wrong and are always walking around as if they are walking on eggshells waiting for someone to expose their wrongdoings. This is just such a case with this JAWI and Borders case!   

That Din’s guy is Najib’s cousin…so it all runs in the family! Another plus for Muhyiddin! And Bung Radin Mokhtar should be around to just twist the knife that is already in Najib's back! Oh dear God…I guess stupidity runs in the family. The good genes not only skipped a generation in Tun Hussein’ s family it also did jump a generation in Tun Razak’s family!   

And one last thing before I depart. Is Jawi and UMNO in this together because the sole distributor of Irsahd Manji’s book, ALLAH Liberty and Love is the son of Zaid Ibrahim and this is their way of making life difficult for Zaid for leaving UMNO? Friends you decide!

For me I think we should remind Najib that he does not have to call for an election until March next year! Let him take his time and savour his last few months in Seri Perdana. Each new day will bring more problems for Najib, for UMNO and for Barisan Nasional. I know that JAWI , Najib, that Din guy from the Rumah Ministry, UMNO and Barisan Nasional will rue the day when JAWI decided to bully what they thought was a defenceless Muslim Lady by the name of Nik Raina. 

JAWI thought they could kill three birds with one stone: Punish Nik Raina for doing her work at Borders, punish Borders for selling a book that was yet to be banned at the point of their raid of Borders premises and the third bird that had hoped to kill must be Zaid’s through his son who was the sole distributor of that book.

Sooner or later JAWI will begin to realize that they f%#ked up real bad on this one! Meantime let us see how long it will takes before somebody pardons Nik Raina of her “crimes” against Syariah Law. If Najib wants to get into the act he can forgive Nik Raina and crown himself as being a caring and forgiving UMNO President! 

Nahhhh….I think most of you will still vote for Pakatan Rakyat even if Najib did that! Betul tak? Poor Najib, damm if he does and damm if he does not! Think of the little PIGGIES walking with their head bowed all the time and then think of Najib and that Din guy….am I right or not to say that the analogy is eerily similiar?

1 comment:

  1. Can somebody summarize what kind of Muslims we have in Malaysia? And can somebody tell me how on earth do we come to a decision that all Islamic head of states should be headed by the nine LANUN? BODOH punya country.
