
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Berikut adalah SOP polis untuk gari pesalah...

There are 2 sets of laws and SOPs in Bolehland. One for the cronies and another for the ordinary people and opposition members.
Kalau pesalah itu kroni BN/UMNO atau rakan skerja beginilah SOPnya...
Kalau pesalah tu  orang awam,penyokong,
pemimpin Pembangkang, NGO beginilah SOPnya....
 Gari gadis 'sangat lembut', kata polis...
Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur Datuk Mohmad Salleh mempertahankan tindakan menggari gadis yang didakwa memijak gambar Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak semasa perhimpunan Janji Demokrasi sebagai "lembut dan mengikut prosedur".

"Gari ini prosedur tangkapan. Prosedur menangkap orang, gari. Itup un saya rasa, gari pun sangat lembut (very mild). Kalau ikut (betul-betul) gari ini di belakang.

"Jadi bila tangkap orang, isu gari bukan satu isu. Apa pun tangkapan suspek mesti gari... (Ia) memang asas yang diperuntukkan oleh undang-undang. Bukan menjadi satu kesalahan kita menangkap pesalah, dengan menggunakan gari," katanya.

Pemberita sebelum itu menunjukkan keratan sebuah akhbar berbahasa Cina kepada Mohmad dan meminta beliau menjelaskan kenapa gadis yang menyerah diri itu digari tangannya.- malaysiakini
 Cops: Handcuffed girl got it 'very mild'...
The Kuala Lumpur police chief Mohmad Salleh has defended his men for handcuffing a 19-year-old girl who surrendered herself yesterday.

Speaking to reporters today, Mohmad said the the matter was considered "light" and that proper procedures were followed.

"Handcuffing someone is an arrest procedure... I think (in her case) it was very mild. If we follow (the procedures strictly), she would be cuffed behind her back.

NONE"So during an arrest, the handcuffs are not an issue. In any arrest, the suspect must be handcuffed.

"This is prescribed by law. It is not wrong for us to use handcuffs when apprehending a (suspect)," he said.

He was responding to questions from reporters at a function in Kuala Lumpur. Mohmad was shown a news clipping depicting the girl in handcuffs.

The girl is accused of violating the Sedition Act 1948 at Dataran Merdeka on Merdeka Day eve by stepping on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's photograph.-malaysiakini
Ini tak boleh kerana PM...
Ini boleh kerana pemimpin pembangkang...


1 comment:

  1. The girl is handcuffed "to herself." Someone please explan the mysterious logic.
