
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Anwar and Private Jets!

Aisehman what if Anwar goes about on a Private Jet? You think going about on a Private Jet is something out of the ordinary for this guy?
He is more of a global figure then Najib or any other BN leaders! He commands more respect within and outside our country by the work he does inside and outside of Malaysia. Nobody in BN, least of all Najib himself would be able to hold a candle to what Anwar has become in the time after he was no longer DPM of Malaysia.
What do you think Najib will do once he is no longer Prime Minister? Apart from accompanying Rosmah on her shopping trips to Milan, New York or London all Najib will be able to do will be for UMNO and Pekan.
Would they want him to be Honorary President of the UK based Accountability International? Could he be Advisor to the World Bank? Would he be actively engaged in the developments of human rights and democracy in the Muslim World? Would he take professorial positions in Oxford? Anwar did all this and more.
And today they hantam Anwar for going about on a Private Jet! Surely they jest! Did the flight manifest indicate any stop over for shopping? Please UMNO…some substance in your gutter politics.  
At last Anwar is acting Presidential! Onwards to Putrajaya.

Advantages Of Flying On Private Aircraft

When I talk to people about flying on private aircraft, I often find myself answering the same questions: “What are the advantages of flying on a private plane versus flying on a commercial airline?” and “Isn’t flying private considered a luxury?”
There are many advantages to private jet travel. And, while it’s true that private jet accommodations can be luxurious, the real advantages of flying on a private plane are convenience and efficiency. For example, passengers don’t have to fly out of busy hub airports unless they want to. If they live or work near a smaller general aviation airport, they can depart from there and avoid traffic typically found at large commercial airports.
Even if passengers choose to leave from a busy hub airport, they depart from a small facility called a Fixed Base of Operation, or FBO. This cuts out all of the chaos of a commercial terminal. Before 9-11, security was much more relaxed and passengers could drive their own cars onto the tarmac. Today, they must park in an adjoining lot and take provided shuttle to the aircraft. It’s not a bad deal – parking lots for private flyers are usually free and secure 24/7. And, transport drivers are available to load passengers’ bags onto the plane for them. Passengers are always with their belongings, so there’s no reason to worry that luggage will be lost, damaged, or sent to the wrong city.
Flying private also saves passengers the stress and frustration of going through those dreaded security lines. While the aircraft captain has the right to search passengers’ bags, there is no line, X-ray machine, wand, or removal of shoes, clothing, belts and jewelry. Aircraft captains traditionally greet their passengers at the FBO and ask to see identification before escorting the group to the aircraft. If passengers are late, the aircraft waits. There are no plane changes during the flight, so no reason to sprint across sprawling airports to catch connecting planes. And, once they’re on the aircraft, passengers choose when to eat and drink whatever they have pre-ordered for their group.
Flying private is just that – private. And confidential. The only people on board are those invited by the lead passenger. The group can work uninterrupted or hold meetings if they need to. Almost all aircraft are equipped with connections for laptops; some have cabin phones and fax machines. Depending on the aircraft, passengers can listen to music, watch movies or even satellite TV. They can walk around and change seats. On overnight flights, if there is space, beds can be made up for the passengers.
Before landing, aircraft crew can call ground transportation so passengers don’t have to wait. These actions by the crew and team on the ground take the hassle out of air travel. Passengers arrive at their destination ready to work or play. They save time and get more done. They can visit multiple destinations in one day, or change flight times and destinations throughout the day as needed. 


  1. Dah mula syok dgn Anwar.......lallllang betoi tok aku ni


  3. Gosh... How dumb can someone gets.. Nobody bothers what ride did anwar use.. If u didn't get that yet.. People want to know who sponsored the trip.. Just answer laa..

  4. Alamak!!! It is just a jet ride...why so bising? ! It is NOT an issue if PM Najib fly wherever in the world on whatever means of transport is it? And Anwar was jet to EAST MALAYSIA - NOT to the South OR North Pole !!!
