
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tun Dr Mahathir and Genneva Gold

with thanks toweehingthong

Dr Mahathir and Genneva Gold: 18 December 2010 Report in Utusan Melayu


Images for genneva gold and mahathir

Friday , 12 October 2012

The Kuala Lumpur Post | Independent Online News

Geneva Gold – Two million investor’s life time saving

on October 11, 2012 Leave a comment
Genneva’s Syariah compliant gold was officially launched by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, on Dec 15, 2010. See YouTube: ( The former King, Datin Seri Rosmah, royalties and other prominent BN personalities have graced Genneva’s dinners and official events. How is that an operation which is deemed illegal has so many dignitaries officiating the so called illegal companies programs and functions. The attendance of the ruling party dignitaries has given the impression to investors that Gennava management has the approval, support and acceptance of the government.

Geneva Gold – Two million investor’s life time saving | The Kuala… - Translate this page
1 hari yang lalu – See YouTube: ( The former King, Datin Seri Rosmah, royalties and other prominent BN 
Free Malaysia Today

Questions remain over gold raids

Teoh El Sen | October 8, 2012
The sudden raids on ‘illegal’ gold trading firms has set tongues wagging, especially among the thousands of agents and investors.
PETALING JAYA: Even as the crackdown on ‘illegal’ gold traders is expected to widen, debate over whether Bank Negara Malaysia and other relevant authorities have ‘got it right’ has continued, especially among investors.
One agent and investor from Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd, the first to be raided last Monday, told FMT that he suspected there was more to it than meets the eye.
He said: “While I don’t believe Bank Negara itself had a vendetta, I believe there is an element of envy or jealousy here,” he said.
“Banks all have the same kind of investment products and it’s a level playing field. But here comes a company that doesn’t require a license and uses a commodity that isn’t regulated, and customers get almost 10 times better returns,” said the agent, who declined to be named.
He argued that with gold being sold with such a lucrative return, a lot of people would be withdrawing monies from their accounts, which in turn would start to worry the banks.
It is then, his suspicion, that Bank Negara would have been pressured to act by these banks.
He was speaking to reporters after officiating the launch of Gold Products Genneva Malaysia syariah concept here, yesterday.
He lent his presence and name…..
ARKIB : 18/12/2010

Dr. Mahathir galak rakyat simpan emas

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad memegang replika logo Genneva Syariah bersama Presiden Persatuan Persahabatan Malaysia-Arab Saudi, Ahmad Khairuddin Illias (kiri) dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Genneva, Tan Liang Keat (dua dari kanan) sambil disaksikan Pengerusi The Gold Bullion Entreprenueurs Association Malaysia, Datuk Ng Poh Weng (kanan) pada majlis Pelancaran Produk Emas Genneva Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.
KUALA LUMPUR 17 Dis. – Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad menasihatkan orang ramai supaya menyimpan emas berbanding mata wang kerana nilai emas lebih terjamin dan sukar untuk jatuh.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui pemberita selepas merasmikan Pelancaran Produk Emas Genneva Malaysia berkonsepkan syariah di sini, kelmarin.
Produk emas Genneva Malaysia dihasilkan dalam bentuk jongkong oleh Persatuan Persahabatan Malaysia-Arab Saudi (MSAF) dan Persatuan Usahawan Jongkong Emas Malaysia (GBEAM) yang dikeluarkan memenuhi keperluan Syariah.
MSAF dan GBEAM menyasarkan syarikat swasta dan orang ramai untuk mendapatkan produk berkenaan sebagai urusan dalam pelbagai transaksi terutamanya jualan dan belian.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, suatu ketika dahulu, satu auns emas bernilai AS$30 (RM109.79) tetapi kini satu auns emas bernilai kira-kira AS$1,400 (RM4,390.40).
Beliau berkata, perbezaan antara menyimpan emas fizikal dan emas yang siap diproses (barang kemas, syiling emas) adalah dari sudut keuntungan.
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 17. – Dr. Mahathir is advising people to accumulate gold against currencies because the value of gold is more secure and harder to fall.
He was speaking to reporters after officiating the launch of Gold Products Genneva Malaysia syariah concept here, yesterday.
Malaysia Genneva gold products produced in the form of ingots by Friendship Association Malaysia-Saudi Arabia (MSAF) and Gold Bar Entrepreneurs Association Malaysia (GBEAM) produced meet the requirements of the Shariah.
MSAF and GBEAM targeting private companies and the public to obtain the product as a business in various transactions, particularly selling and buying.
Full Article:
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd
Bank Negara Malaysia PEROMPAK ! this is how the government pay us back in return! we are so disappointed ! – Cached
Genneva Malaysia has more than 50,000 “satisfied” clients in the country, according to its official website. It has affiliated firms in China, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, according to Malaysian national news agency Bernama.

Malaysia widens crackdown on gold trading companies

Reuters – Sat, Oct 6, 2012 6:09 AM EDT
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 6 (Reuters) – Malaysian authorities have expanded a crackdown on suspected illegal gold trading activities, raiding a total of four companies suspected of taking deposits illegally, money laundering and tax evasion.
A central bank spokesperson confirmed on Saturday that police and government agencies jointly raided the offices of gold investment companies Pageantry Gold, Caesar Gold and Worldwide Far East.
The Friday operations followed a raid by the authorities earlier this week on the office of gold trading firm Genneva following complaints the company had failed to pay its clients and agents. Singapore’s Commercial Affairs Department also raided Genneva’s offices in the island republic on the same day.

- Reuters via Yahoo! Finance – Oct 06 03:09am

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone confirm whether there is some elements of politics involved here. An operation that was officiated by the VVIP's at the launch in 2010 suddenly declared illegal. Why? Nobody understands the BARISAN NASIONAL GORMENS way of running the country. It's done according to their whims and fancies. This country has a rotten to the core gormen, HIGH TIME TO BRING IN A NEW GORMEN. VOTE OPPOSITION.
