
Friday, March 1, 2013

"The rise of cybertroopers have made the social media unreliable. Cybertroopers are liars, thus making liars out of social media,"

With Thanks to: 
Revealing anything swept under the carpet and unmasking the sweepers.



The credibility of the mainstream media can only be regained by discrediting the social media and attacking political cybertroopers, a senior journalist claimed.

"The rise of cybertroopers have made the social media unreliable. Cybertroopers are liars, thus making liars out of social media," said English-language daily The Star’s executive editor Wong Sai Wan at a forum in Kuala Lumpur today on the new role of media in the coming national polls.

"This is our only way of regaining back our credibility. Our job is to get this word out.

“Social media does not provide information, it’s (a form of) entertainment. We must be on the attack," stressed Wong, who is also very active on social media microblog, Twitter. HERE  

Wong Sai Wan’s brother, the former adun of Kelana Jaya was ousted in 308. Humbly yours, a Kelana Jaya resident since 1980 played a part in this thru my early postings of the 2008 GE12. The defeated Adun did not consider the cyber attacks as entertainment, for sure. Too late, the Adun found out that we bloggers were furnishing reliable data to those who went for the truth.

The trouble with these senior editors is that unless and until they go down to ground zero the crap from their media spills over from their ivory tower.

Too late too these hacks will realize that not only social media is lethal……that what they write about gets filtered and cascaded down to the kopitiams NETWORK like this from Boy Cottsinchew :

The incidents in the case of Al-Maunah and the latest case of armed incursion in Lahad Datu show convincing evidence of the state of our security forces being at the lowest ebb.

It further shows that our borders security can't be entrusted to the present political leaders despite their claim of 56 years of experience in government. Duration of service has little relevance in today's warfare if the security personnel, including the generals and ministers, are often caught napping.

The rise in crime and the security lapses are no coincidence given the state of governance in the country. They are symptomatic of something more serious in our system of governance.

If our leaders are so corrupt, failure in governance will only follow suit as a matter of course. The way PM Najib Razak and Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi have kept mum over the latest incident reflects on Umno's culture of irresponsibility.

For them, ignorance is the best defense, but people aren't gullible these day given the web of information at their fingertips.

Hermit: This is a tit-for-tat following the incident where Phillipine police came to escort back a conman holding a Filipino passport, he was whisked away by Malaysian police minutes before his flight to Manila was to take off, allegedly on the instruction of the powerful Sabah CM Musa Aman.

The conman was alleged by the Malaysian police to hold a faked Filipino passport and a high drama unfolded, whereby the conman was suddenly taken ill and warded at the hospital.

The next day, the magistrate was instructed to conduct a trial at the conman's hospital bed, after which he was ‘awarded' a two-year sentence on possession of a faked Filipino passport.

As such, the conman escapes from being charged in the Philippines for swindling over 15,000 people in a quick-rich scheme involving almost a billion ringgit.

Bharat Menon: I am really shocked beyond belief that PM Najib has till now not commented on the Lahad Datu standoff issue.

Anon: May be we could ask Thailand to help. After the Thai army has defeated the Sulu intruders, Sabah should be ceded to Thailand.

Indeed, Sabah was once control by Brunei, and when the Sabahans rebelled, Brunei invited the Sulu sultanate to stop the rebels, after which Sabah was ceded to the sultan.

Retnam: Just wondering - if 100 Singaporeans landed in Johor armed with weapons, what will be the scenario? For one thing, Umno Youth will be mounting a jihad there.

Wisma Putra to decide on deportation of intruders

Apa Nama: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, when was the Immigration Department placed under the Foreign Ministry? During Australian senator Nick Xenophon's deportation, wasn't the Immigration Department under your ministry?

As for these intruder, you don't need the foreign minister's green light to deport them. Are they not enemies of the state? Or are they friends of the state instead?

What puzzled Malaysians is why such good treatment for these 100 intruders when we can deport an Australian senator within 15 hours.

Saintonthego: As the incumbent government, BN must be collectively be responsible and accountable for actions to protect the sovereignty of our country against any outside intruders.

It is a treachery for any minister to openly disown responsibility by "kicking the can" to some other government agency. Is our government so dysfunctional?

Vijay47: Quite obviously, Hishammuddin's lines are written in Bollywood. "What is important is that national security is defended and the dignity of Sabah and its people is not compromised." Wow! Way to go, minister.

Now that you have shown that you mean business, I am sure the armed intruders must be shivering in their pants. Just like the baby-selling syndicates must be. What is that, the foreigners have been here 10 days? Hey! What is 10 days between friends?

You have to see things from a perspective affecting international diplomacy and Malaysian hospitality, the allegations that the Malaysian police and armed forces were sleeping on the job is merely a perception created by anti-government elements.

I am sure Hishammuddin will be firm and steadfast - that he will remain in Lahad Datu until the crisis is resolved, even if it takes another year. All Malaysians are behind you.

Acitizen: When it came to sitting on a patch of turf in Dataran Merdeka by Malaysians, unarmed participants got gassed, chased and beaten by police. This happened not once, but during Bersih 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.

But Hishammuddin would not take action on armed invaders who took over a village!

Born Free: What will the government do if Thailand sends its troops to claim Penang up to Parit Buntar? Will that be given the same treatment since Penang was once under Thailand? On a similar basis, Singapore can try that too.

If these invaders are not stopped and if the so-called Sulu sultan claims is accepted, Malaysians will not be surprised that our next Agong will be coming from there soon.

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