
Friday, March 22, 2013

Sex with a Chinese prostitute costs at most a few hundred dollars - condoms included - case closed! But sex with an underage Malay school girl by a Chief Minister can ruin the reputation, integrity and credibility of said Chief Minister - namely the same Tan Sri Rahim Thamby Chik - Chairman of Risda and former Vice President of UMNO!

I made myself sit down and listen to what this pathetic old fool have got to say about 'blank cheques  offered to retract sex allegations'. All it took was for one reporter to ask him the right questions and he faltered on the 'facts' of his allegations:

When queried about details of when and where the alleged offer to SK was made to retract SK sex allegations made about DSAI, Rahim Thamby Chik answered "Tak Perlu". What? You do not need to inform us when and where the offers were made? How so? Or is it because there was no offer made?

Then later when a reporter asked about the time frame within which the offers were made he said it was not in March but before. He forgot that earlier he had said "Sejak akhir akhir ini" which indicated a time frame not of weeks but of days. If it was before March then it cannot be "sejak akhir akhir ini".

This pathetic old man also got confused as to the numbers of people who have made those approaches. Previously he had said 'setengah setengah pihak" and "berberapa orang yang tertentu" which indicted a number of persons were involved in making the approach but then later on towards the end of the PC he referred to them as 'dia' - one person.

Tan Sri Rahim Thamby Chik who had raped an underage Malay school girl when he was Chief Minister of Malacca claims that the offer was for one signature from SK on an already prepared SD for the payment of any amount...."tak ada angka. Nama saja account di Malaysia atau di luar negri" You expect us to believe that some one...anyone...even DSAI...was prepared to pay any amount make SK do a U Turn? Maybe you can tell that to UMNO members and they may be stupid enough to believe you....but bro we can think for ourselves! Cakap lah 3,4 or even 5 million ringgit and the Rakyat may still caya you.... but "tak ada angka!"...maybe you are confuse about the conversation you had with Najib about what UMNo was prepared to pay you for your part in this matter...but I guarantee that even UMNO will not say "Tak ada angka!". You stupid idiot!       

And his side kick SK was unable to be present "atas sebab keselamatan"...kepala bapak engkau atas sebab keselamatan...kalau takut cakap takut aja lah!

Rahim talks about his reputation, integrity and credibility in making an issue out of a sex tryst involving a Chinese prostitute! And for safe measures he threw in "menjejaskan kestabilan politics, menjejaskan perpaduan negara dan yang boleh tidak stabilkan keselmatan negara" 

Woi Rahim this is sex with a prostitute! 

How can it ruin your reputation, integrity and credibility? Don't you understand all that has already been ruined when you raped that underage Malay Schoolgirl when you were the Chief Minister of Malacca?

As for "menjejaskan kestabilan politics, menjejaskan perpaduan negara dan yang boleh tidak stabilkan keselmatan negara" .......woi brother 200 to 300 armed insurgents from Sulu that invaded Sabah can do that - sex with a Chinese prostitute costs at most a few hundred dollars - condoms included - case closed!

On the other hand sex with an underage Malay school girl by a serving Chief Minister boleh "menjejaskan kestabilan politics, menjejaskan perpaduan negara dan boleh tidak stabilkan keselmatan negara" because what if that School girl turns around and starts blackmailing you if the CIA or a foreign Spy agency gets to her?

And sex with an underage Malay school girl by a Chief Minister can ruin the reputation, integrity and credibility of said Chief Minister - namely the same Rahim Thamby Chik. 





  1. A pedophile former CM accusing others of illicit sex? This really takes the cake. Old fool is the right word to describe him. Greedy bastard like him would never turn down a blank cheque. Why do you think he he's peddling sex all these while?

  2. Bukanka kedua2 tu berzina ka? Ikut hudud boleh di rejam

  3. Some oldies get more stupid as they grow older and older

  4. ini betul2 melayu gatal
    mahatir mamak punya orang lah.
    above the law, macam itu mamak

  5. scumno is filled to the brim with these scums

  6. Bro,
    The governance of a country is directly proportional to the length of the pole and inversely proportional to the diameter of the hole.
    Bloody bastards disgracing our country internationally.
