
Monday, April 1, 2013

I see Malay Youths taking the lead amongst all the other youths in Malaysia. Not in education, not in acquiring the skills of life and work but in the skills of intimidating, harassing and even murdering the perceived enemies of UMNO and the Malays

2013-03-25,Kathmandu: Six Nepali nationals were killed and 18 others were injured when an armed gang of local youths attacked them at Pasir Gudang of Johor Bahru state in Malaysia on Sunday night.

Local authorities said that the local youths entered the company hostel of Nepali immigrant workers and attacked them with sharp weapons. The clash ensued after a heated dispute between the Nepalis and Malaysian youths. The name of the deceased has not been ascertained yet.

Authorities have clamped curfew in the area to prevent further untoward incident from happening. Police had also fired tear gas to take the situation under control.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Madhav Ghimire also confirmed the death of six Nepalese and said that an official from Nepalese embassy in Malaysia had been asked to take care of the injured Nepalese. The injured are receiving treatment at Sultan Hospital in Johor Bahru.

The Foreign Ministry has sent acting Nepalese envoy to Malaysia Lekhnath Bhattarai to Malaysian Foreign Ministry.

Likewise, the ministry has summoned Malaysian ambassador to Nepal for information on the incident.

steadyaku47 comment:

I will not pretend to know what were the facts that led to the killing of these six Nepalese. That would be for the authorities to determine - if you can trust the authorities to do so without fear or favor - which by itself seems to be most unlikely. But what we see in the above video has become familiar fare for incidents that involves not only foreigners but more worrying, our own people. 

Malay youths are increasingly becoming a group to be feared by all for their propensity to resort to violence and physical assault at any opportunity - be it against foreigners, against non-Malays and if called upon, even amongst other Malays. All this done on a need basis at the bequest of or with the complicit approval of their political masters - UMNO! 

In recent times we see marauding group of young  Malays given carte blanche license to go and create mayhem and put fear of physical harm and even commit murder on any number of targets - be they Indonesians, Nepalese, Burmese and certainly members of the opposition. Especially members of the opposition! And that license has been granted by this Barisan Nasional government by default. This BN government choose to look the other way when these incidents happen because UMNO uses these Malay Youths for their own purpose when the political need arises!

It used to be Samy Velu and his gang of Indian Gangsters that use to terrorize other Indians when it was politically expedient for Samy to do so. We were amused with tales of lights being switched off which was invariably followed with chairs flying around the room. How these Indian Gangsters can see other Indians without the lights on is something to be marvelled about - but the message was clear - you mess with Samy and you will get hurt.

Today UMNO have embraced Samy Velu's intimidating ways as their own. 

In my days, in a time not too long ago, I would not be too far from the truth if I were to say that Malay youths were a passive, obedient and a respectful lot. At most the samsengs were like those in P Ramlee's Pendekar Bujang Lapok....


All that was needed to pull them into line was to send in a Pendekar Mustar Pinang Sebatang and all will be well.

But not the Malay youths of today. UMNO have need of their questionable skills to do mayhem and murder. Skills that UMNO unleashes against the opposition and against any other Malays they perceive to be anti- UMNO and anti-Islam. Well may UMNO be able to discern those Malays who are against UMNO...but Malays against Islam smacks too much of UMNO's need of self preservation. 

The problem now arises of these Malay youth, having been natured and rewarded for their ability to create mayhem and murder, will now know no other vocation than to carry on with the same mayhem and murder once their misspent youth is over! What hope have they of becoming useful and productive Rakyats? 

I have seen UMNO raised the first generation of Malays on a diet of Ketuanan Melayu which, as LKY have said, have already destroy one generation of Malays who do not know how to be competitive. The second generation of Malays UMNO have been raised to think of the non Malays as being their nemesis in education, in commerce and in everything Malaysian. In the Christians these Malays were taught to see them as a threat to Islam because of their evangelical ways. Despite this attempt to divide and rule the Rakyat common sense has prevail and though our fabric of society was severely tested, it was not torn asunder. 

And now with the third generation of Malays in my life time I see Malay Youths taking the lead amongst all the other youths in Malaysia. Not in education, not in acquiring the skills of life and work but in the skills of intimidating, harassing and even murdering the perceived enemies of UMNO and the Malays  - and they can thank UMNO for that!

I wonder if those so called Malay leaders within UMNO stop to think of the possible consequences of their actions? How do you tell someone who have been fed on a diet of reward for their ability to do physical violence on others to stop? What will become of them if they do? Where else will they get their income from? From there it will be just a short step towards a life of crime and becoming a menace to society.

And the manifestation of all that UMNO has been doing can be seen in the callous manner these Malay youths treat the corpses of these Nepalese in the video above. In the manner they continue to harangued the dead and kick and treat the corpse of these Nepalese with disrespect and with contempt. 

I shudder and recoil with horror from these images of what these Malay youth do because I know that what they do to these Nepalese they can also do to other Malaysians no matter what their ethnicity. 

And over all this, Najib Tun Razak is Prime Minister! Huh!    


  1. Papagomo, an ex-policeman as reported, was charged for corruption, now turned Umno blogger, spinnining lies and untruths earning money from you know who!

  2. Sir, what's more disturbing is the unreported growing numbers of drug addicts among our Malay youth. Observe footage of these dumno youths in action and you will see that it's not only the RM50 and packed lunch they receive for their services but a few bravado inducing tokes thrown in as well.
    What happened to decent parenting?

  3. Ni la dia melayu UMNO. Berani bila lawan dengan yang lemah. Kalau betul berani pergi la ke Israel dan pukul sama itu Yahudi.

    Baruah punya melayu.

  4. Hello melayus,

    The Chinese navy recently sent their warships and did a naval exercise just 80km off Sabah.

    Go la and burn down the chinese embassy in KL to show your panglima spirit. Dont la bully them hapless Nepalese in great numbers. And I bet if the numbers are even out, them Nepalese will whip you bunch of bullies.

  5. At one time, only the official Indian party indulged in chair-throwing and the elimnation of Branch leaders.
