
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

If they threaten to take back political power even as they are losing it, then hide that stone in your hands no longer! Use it to take back what is ours!

From that day in 2008 when Pakatan Rakyat came of age, when it took five states from Barisan Nasional and took away Barisan Nasional’s two thirds majority in Parliament, this 13th general election has been a daily thought in the minds of many of us who cherish good governance and wanted a part in building a decent future for ourselves and for the generation to come after us.

Now that Parliament is dissolved we must took stock of our own self and our situation and make ready for finally the battle for Putrajaya has begun. We have to wait no longer.

We know that from today even as we sleep there will be many amongst us that will not because they are planning and strategizing for the battles ahead. For many there will not be any rest, no sleep and no time for family and friends while they ready themselves for what is to come.

If there is anything that Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat can agree upon it is this : Both coalition are in the fight of their political life and for their political life.

A fight almost fifteen years in the making. 

Fifteen years ago there was no Pakatan Rakyat. There was only DAP,PAS, Anwar Ibrahim, Mahathir and Barisan Nasional.

This fight was started by Mahathir when he dismissed DSAI from office in September 1998 and it was Mahathir again who had a hand when he turfed Pak Lah from Office and put Najib where he is now. The work of a vindictive vengeful old man whose only preoccupation these days is limited to the world no further than the tip of his nose.

Nothing else matters – not the people, not the nation not our future and certainly not the survival of UMNO beyond his time on earth.

The question now is whether Mahathir will have the final say in deciding the victor of this fight too - the 13th general election?

Najib and Anwar are struggling to rid themselves of the ghost of Mahathir. For Anwar, whether he says it or not, he still has some unfinished business to settle with Mahathir. This is personal between them. Best we keep ourselves out of the loop. How Anwar intends to do this we will only know if and when he does become Prime Minister. 

Najib may well thank Mahathir for his premature rise to be Prime Minister but the specter of Mahathir has nullified almost every deed, every action and every good that he has tried to do while in office. Anwar will have Mahathir to thank for if Najib fails to win this 13th general election in spite of all that Najib has done to try and win it.     

At last they are ready! Many of you have been giving your all in this fight for our future and the salvation of our nation but still there is this one last fight to fight.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; 
Shakespeare Henry V

And damn'd be him that first cries, "Hold, enough!"
Shakespeare Macbeth

True warriors wants to fight a worthy opponent.

But not BN – not Najib! Najib does not seek honor in battle. He does not have the stomach or the courage for it. Even before this battle started Anwar have already won. Najib was dragged into this arena to face Anwar. He did not come into the arena with his head held up high and now that he is facing Anwar will he dishonor and shame himself in the manner he conducts himself in battle?

Najib has now put Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat to battle…but will he himself do battle? 

Najib has never been in a battle for his political life until now. That near defeat in Pekan is just that – a near defeat –not a defeat. He does not understand what it’s like to live in poverty. He does not understand what it is like when you do not have freedom. It is not his fault. That was how he was brought up. But when you are Prime Minister there is nobody else to hide behind. Nobody else to take the fall for you!  

UMNO already knows that Najib will not die for UMNO so why should they die for Najib? And when the battle started UMNO already knows where Najib loyalty lies – to himself.

Those of us who are with Pakatan Rakyat have not been asked by Pakatan Rakyat to fight or die for Pakatan Rakyat. Nor has Pakatan Rakyat ask us to do anything but we know that  this war with BN is as much PR war as it is ours. We are now at a place where anything is possible.

It is possible to rid ourselves of Mahathir.

It is possible to rid ourselves of all that UMNO and Barisan Nasional represents – greed, corruption, materialism and all that is evil in politics. 

It is possible to change.

There will be many causalities but let us hope that they will not be from our side. There may be some deaths, let us pray that it will not be from our side!

Our side will be victorious.

All that we need to do is to steady ourselves these last few weeks as once again UMNO and Barisan Nasional will try to drown us with their offer of cash, goods and the mirage of a bountiful future that will be promised but never fulfill.

If UMNO give, take.

If UMNO promise to give us the stars, smile, and give them false hope of our votes.

If they threaten to take back political power even as they are losing it, then hide that stone in your hands no longer! Use it to take back what is ours! 

Let us pray that it will not come to that! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Cik Hussein,

    Very sharp and apt descriptions of Najib and Mahathir indeed.

    I sense that the fire in you has returned after some lull.
    Keep it burning.
