
Friday, April 5, 2013

Is Anwar Ibrahim a corrupt man?

First posted on Saturday, June 16, 2012

Is Anwar Ibrahim a corrupt man? Has he gained financially from his position as DPM while in UMNO and in his position as the Economic Advisor to PKR in Selangor? Did those who were working for him or with him profited too by their association with him? There will be many amongst you that have already made up your mind on this matter based on information that you access on the net and in the media. Goggle Anwar Ibrahim and you will find 3.5 million references about him -  enough reading to do until the early hours of 2020 and you still will not get past a smidgen of what is out there about this man…..not even a drop in the ocean of information available about this man.

So tell me friend what do you know and what have you read about this man? Did what RPK wrote  about DSAI during his time as Minister of Finance made you decide that DSAI is corrupt? 

If it did then ask yourself this question: 

How come Mahthir and Najib did not use this ‘evidence’ to nail DSAI to the cross! Why do they need Sodomy One and Two, the Carcosa tapes and all those gutter youtube videos to try to tar and feather DSAI? 

What RPK claimed DSAI did while in UMNO would have put him away in Sungai Buloh for a while…and yet they were not used by Najib or Mahathir! Is what that is in Petra’s possession kosher? Think of it, a retired ex ACA operative flies off to London or Manchester (wherever it was that he met with Petra) at whose expense? Not Petra for sure! At his own expense? Huh for sure NO! So who pays for that trip plus expenses and pocket money. Who? Vested interest possibly…very generous vested interest for sure! But for what desired purpose? For UMNO or does he have an axe to grind against DSAI personally?

In short we can speculate and ruminate till the cows come home and we will never come close to the truth. Leave Petra out of this because he is just the ‘alat’ used to get the story out to us – a good ‘alat’ and possibly a believable ‘alat’ but nevertheless he is being used by others to get this story out to us. And so where does this all end?

It will end after the 13th general elections and not a moment sooner. If BN wins they will have no interest in following through on what DSAI did when he was with UMNO. If Pakatan Rakyat wins then PR too will not have any interest in following through on the story!  So for what reason is Petra being so mischevious with this story about DSAI that happened over 15 years ago?

The same reason I am writing about it now. People will want to read about it. It is good for me and it is good for my blog and it is good for Petra and Malaysia Today! After the general election it will get as much attention as what is happening in Batang Berjuntai this Friday Night! Maybe of interest to the people in Batang Berjuntai but not to the rest of the nation.

Anwar knows this too well! He treats these exposures with as much interest and as he would have every time he boards a plane to go overseas yet again, and again and again! Yawn!!!!!

It is what we do with it that gives these stories a life of their own. We talk about it with the aplomb of an expert about someone we most probably have never even met!. We give our comments unsolicited to anybody within earshot. We tell them our take on the latest DSAI’s stories while embellishing those part which WE want to highlight to confirm our contention that he is corrupt or not  - depending on where you stand on this issue! And then we publish out comments like the experts that we are on the coming and goings of DSAI! And this is how these stories take on a life of their own….

Take this sms that I receive a few days back:   

“my group  & I were already set to move w pm. If u r ere now in KL u can literally feel d GE13 momentum is goin pms way! W or w/out bloggers, a ‘simple majority’ is in ‘hand’! He is goin 4 june polls! How do I kno this? Simply bcos people in my group r also is advisors!

Now if I “melatah” and took that as gospel coming from the PM’s own advisors – where will it take me? Down the same path as those other people who are used by others to serve their own agenda? So please ladies and gentlemen chill! Take yourself out of the loop and stop thinking what others want you to think.

For those of you that see DSAI as one who can do no wrong I want to confirm with you guys that the last time I checked on DSAI he is as fallible as anyone of us.  He makes mistakes like anyone of us will do from time to time and he certainly has vested interests in making sure that Pakatan Rakyat will come into the 13th general election ready and willing to give BN a run for their money! So what he does today is towards making that a reality.  His interest is in reaching out to the electorate with his message that he is for clean, accountable and responsible government! That and getting the voters to vote for him!

Najib on the other hand is too engrossed in turning himself into a Jack of All Trade and is unfortunately Master of none! He actually sits and listens to advisors who tell him that they can transform his image into what the Rakyat will want him to be! He is Mr Cool, Mr Innovation, Mr Transformation, he is for 1 Malaysia, he is for Ketuanan Melayu.  Everything you want him to do, Najib will do! Well almost anything….I want him to F@*k Off but that he will not do!
So do not ask if DSAI is corrupt unless you are prepared to ask the same question of Mahathir, Najib, Pak Lah, Muhyiddin, Sharizat, Isa Samad, Tengku Razali, Kadir Sheikh Fadil…and of every damm UMNO and Barisan Nasional politician that has ever held public office. From East Malaysia or West Malaysis. Every one of them are tainted because that is the culture within their brand of politics in Malaysia. Monkey see monkey do!  

Can they change? Reminds me of the story about the rattle snake and the tortise. The rattle snake was afloat on a piece of sinking pile of rubbish after a flood and wanted desperately to get to dry land. He saw a tortise swim by and pleaded with the tortise to take him to dry land. The tortise said “NO’ because you will bite me and kill me” The Rattle snake said no he will not because if he does they will both die in mid stream. That sounded logical and so the tortise took the rattle snake on its back and started swimming towards the other side. Mid way the rattle snake bit the tortise on its neck…. and the dying tortise said to the rattle snake “Now we are both going to die. Why did you bite me? And the rattle snake said “It is in my nature!” And so it is with those who were in UMNO and those who are still in UMNO and Barisan Nasional It is in their nature to lie, be arrogant and care for themselves more than for those that elected them into office. And we will be fools if we expect them to change!



  1. It was all over the Internet that he had gone overseas just after cabinet was dissolved. And yet, there he was in Grik, in Masai, in lenggong, in majidee...

  2. It is of no real consequence of what Anwar had been up to, nor what he is going to be. The real relevant point for Malaysians' well being is the creation of a two-party system in this country so that no single party would dare to be dictatorial, arrogant and corrupt in an unfettered manner. We as voters would be holding the trump cards to decide who would be given the mandate to rule, comes every GE.

  3. RPK has strayed from the path he and his friends originally took. I think a lot of his friends, like Harris Ibrahim and others has given up on him but of course because of his popularity he has became arrogant and big headed and often mock or insult those who doesn't agree with him. He should be a preacher instead because he always preach to us what we should and shouldn't do as if we are 3 year old kids. He thinks he is the smartest man on earth who do no wrongs and always boast about his good command of English and insult those who don't write well. In short, his blog is only for participants who can match his so-called intelligence. You cannot say anything bad about Dr M also for he is sure to give something back at you. I used to respect and admire him so much when he first started blogging because I thought he can help us change a very corrupt regime with his bold exposes but not anymore. He has now turned his gun at PR now giving the excuse of freedom of speech as if we are so stupid not to know his motive. Let him say what he wants about PR because Malaysia Today is his anyway and he has plenty of right to put in any shits he likes.

  4. Never liked or ever believed in that "cocky" "shity" RPK... He's got such a huge inferiority complex..kesian..ish! ish!

  5. RPK is a man feeling sorry for himself, and he is now wallowing in self pity, and no one cares for him anymore, and RPK can't stand it if anyone ignores him, he wants to, no, needs to, always be the centre of attention.
    What does a man that lacks self confidence do, he becomes a self opinionated individual person, NO ONE is right, except him, which is what all arse holes like him think.
    He has made a deal with Najib, and so he has his wayward son with him now, and all court cases against him has disappeared, indeed he was given a passport and allowed to travel to UK.
    RPK has posted a video from the MD of Jacobs and Co, and I posted a couple of comments tearing apart the contents of the video, but RPK didn't post my comments, because he couldn't answer my questions, and because sometimes I use different names, from the same IP. Everything was wrong in the video, the dates mentioned were wrong and indeed the dates mentioned by Rosmah and the MD do not tally.
    It seems the ring was shipped of to Malaysia, from NY, on the same day it reached Malaysia, the 15th of April, I mean Malaysia isn't 15 minutes by car from NY, and it left Malaysia on the 16th of April, looks like someone took a rocket to Malaysia, from NY, and then to explain the delay in reaching NY, it was explained that the ring was also to other potential buyers', before reaching NY again. The MD of Jacobs and Co even got the conflicting dates the ring re-entered USA again. I disputed the fact that a sender can't send an item to a foreigner, from NY, as my clients have recieved items, ADDRESSED TO THEM, to my office, but RPK has refused post my comments. I pointed out the conflicting dates, on the video, even giving the times these conflicting dates and info was given, but RPK has chosen to provide a silly excuse to ignore my queries.
    I have asked why there is no mention of Goods in Transit Insurance Policy, which is a legally mandator, but of course RPK is silent, indeed RPK himself can tear apart this video, but he chooses not to, as it serves his purpose, to exonerate Rosmah, and he has been paid to do it. Please watch the video again, the MD didn't just give conflicting info, but he has gone to great lengths, above the ordinary need to do so, to exonerate Rosmah, and I will not be surprised if RPK has had a part in advising Jacobs and Co in producing the video.
    How come RPK has the video in his possession? Because Jacobs and Co produced the video on the instructions of Rosmah, and then Rosmah instructed RPK to post it on his blog, it is as simple as that.
    low standards.

  6. Unlike RPK, I still respect Rocky Bru a lot even though he is a BN blogger now. He can accept almost any comments without sounding arrogant or cocky like the great RPK. His replies to your comments are not hurting and in fact nice to read as he never resort to insults like RPK. In any case, let's forget about him. We just need a change of government for a better Malaysia for all.

  7. RPK gets the help BN bloggers to make comments on his blog, indeed RPK also posts on his blog himself, to make it seem as if there are diverse views commenting, and most of his commentators are imaginary. Then, he uses these "fake comments" to write an article, and make himself sound intelligent.
    RPK makes it sound like he is such a smart man, and that he is attending Oxford, and doing a course there, in History, and he writes it as if he was specially chosen to attend Oxford, like as Oxford invited him to attend their prestige their Uni. To those that don't know, will think that RPK is a privileged one, but the truth is, ANY MATURED student, even in their old age, CAN attend Open University in Oxford Uni. I know former criminals, former communists, former islamic terrorists, etc. who now attend Open U in Oxford, RPK has no extra brains, which is what he likes Malaysians to think, and ignorant Malaysians will hero worship him, he attending Oxford and all.
    Paid writers, who prostitute their words and pen, like RPK, should be frowned upon, indeed there are dozens of his former friends and supporters who will spit on his face if he ever returns to Malaysian soil. He is the first "absent heroic fighter", I know, he is nothing more than a coward.
    Does one need a better reason to prove that that arse hole is impartial to BN/UMNO?
    he boasts that he is of the warrior bugis blood, fiddle sticks. His ancestors, the real bugis will slap him, if they are alive now, indeed some who are alive already are calling him all kinds of uncomplimentary names, like traitor, etc. To a real bugis, that is an insult, and real bugis will die to prove them wrong, but he is not a real bugis, is he, he is a bit of this, and a bit of that, though more of a coward.
    Ask RPK any question you'd like, make an intelligent observation, he will NOT answer directly, he will make sarcastic comments, or insult you, which is what an idiot would so.
    The video he has posted exonerating Rosmah, is too low, even for RPK's

  8. It is so very obvious that the documents provided by RPK are all fakes.
    Rosmah gave these to RPK to post, and RPK, as he has made a deal with her, has fallen into her trap.
    I think that someone from Pakatan should make a police report in NY, so that the NY police can investigate the contents and claims in the video, and the authenticity of the documents, just like SUARAM did about the Althantuya murder.
    Anwar has the resources to do just that.

  9. Ernest, You've eloquently written what I've always felt about this RPK fella. I read his article and the comments churned not because I believe whats written but to try and understand his motifs..the more I read the more I realize his dishonesty...he's got great imagination..all his fabricated stories border on absurdity.

    You're spot on when you say he writes some of the comment himself..I too see the same trend...

    My heart goes to him..May he see the light again and have time to repent and mend his ways....Why has he stoop

  10. just wanna add that i am another commenter on malaysia today whose comments were altered by rpk and then published! not grammar edits but totally changed into hateful racist vitrioles! the man is sick and really disturbed. my nick there was exrpkfan
