
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

So I will give that support to Anwar Ibrahim and to Pakatan Rakyat - and give it fully and unconditionally until after the day Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is elected as our Prime Minister!

This time, for the first time in our nation’s history, UMNO goes into a general election not knowing if it will win or lose.

Pakatan Rakyat will go the distance just on adrenalin alone but notwithstanding their stamina, the prognosis tells us that a hung parliament is a possibility, a narrow win for Pakatan Rakyat a probability and to govern in their own right is within Pakatan Rakyat ability to achieve – if the Gods and the Rakyat are kind to them.

The Rakyat will deliberate and make their decision as to whom between these two unworthy adversaries shall be given the privilege of proclaiming themselves to be lord and master over us…and in the process they, not us, will become very very rich at the start of, during or at the end of their time in government.

This is a sandiwara that we have been playing with Barisan Nasional for the past 55 years and until we see different , this is what will happen after this 13th general election no matter who wins.

Then why do we bother to vote? Why are we hopeful of change? Why will anything be different after this 13th general election.

I can only speak of what I hope will happen. 

The 12th general election humbled Barisan Nasional and empowered Pakatan Rakyat to think that change is possible. Not change to the circumstances of the Rakyat not change for the good of our people or for our nation…but change to Pakatan Rakyat’s position as an ‘also ran’ to being that of a contender for Federal government!

Yes PAS,DAP, PKR ….DSAI, Azmin, Kamarulbahrain, Fauzi Rahman, Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal, Tony Pua, Hadi, Mat Sabu and all those who are anybody in the Pakatan Rakyat coalition are all now contenders for whatever Putrajaya holds for the government of the day!

And one man made that possible...Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

And DSAI will make or break Pakatan Rakyat's chances of winning this 13th general election.

DSAI will make or break our hopes and our aspirations for a Pakatan Rakyat government to do good should they become our government in Putrajaya.

We all know this. Najib knows this. UMNO knows this and anybody who is anybody in politics knows this - that is why there is intense scrutiny on whatever DSAI says and does. We cannot run from this reality. Yes there are capable leaders within the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.Yes Pakatan Rakyat is not Anwar Ibrahim. Pakatan Rakyat is a coalition of three political entity with diverse ideologies. We know all this but for now sink or swim it will have to be with Anwar Ibrahim. 

For Anwar to swim he must have our support - total, complete and "I will follow you to the ends of the world" support! I am loathe to think that I will give that kind of undertaking to anybody - especially a politician.....but I love Malaysia more than I love anything else. So steadyaku47 - this blog - will give that support to Anwar Ibrahim and to Pakatan Rakyat - and give it fully and unconditionally until after the day Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is elected as our Prime Minister! 

And only up to that day after he is elected as our Prime Minister...because the day after he is elected Prime Minister I will ask that he honor his undertaking to lead an accountable, responsible and open government under Pakatan Rakyat. So help me God if he does not! ABU! ABU! ABU!            



  1. That's make two of us or not,I want to give him a chance and my hope is that he has learned his lesson while he was in umno and government .....just be the opposite of what umno is and I will die with my eyes closed....

  2. Well said. Fully agree with you. Now it is the rakyat's turn to make that a reality. I'm sure making DSAI our 7th Prime Minister is the one and only wish on everyone's lips.
