
Friday, May 3, 2013


AFPMay 2, 2013, 10:40 pm
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KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Malaysia's opposition on Thursday accused the government of transporting tens of thousands of "imported voters" to sway weekend elections, a charge vehemently rejected by the ruling coalition.
The allegation made by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim came a day after his three-party alliance and clean-election activists said Sunday's result could be skewed by revelations that indelible ink meant to halt fraud was easily washed off.
Anwar released a statement charging that at least 40,000 "dubious individuals" had been flown from Malaysian states on Borneo island to the capital Kuala Lumpur on chartered flights since last week.
"The timing of this surge in arrivals and its sheer size naturally raises the question of whether they have been transported here surreptitiously to vote in favour of (ruling coalition) Barisan Nasional," he said.
Barisan Nasional has for years denied allegations -- backed up by an ongoing inquiry -- that it illegally allowed huge numbers of foreigners including Filipinos and Indonesians into its two Borneo states in a bid to boost its voter base.
Anwar's party also produced documents it said indicated the office of Prime Minister Najib Razak was involved in the flights.
Electoral-reform advocates have warned of fraud in the election -- expected to be the closest in the country's history.
They allege the electoral roll is rife with irregularities that could open the door to "phantom voters" being brought in to tip the balance in closely fought seats.
The government acknowledged the chartered flights were taking place but insisted they were registered voters being returned to their homes in a "get out the vote" drive for Barisan Nasional (BN).
"The flights in question were organised and paid for by friends of BN. They brought registered voters to their home districts so that they may vote in the upcoming election," Adnan Mansor, a top coalition official, said.
"There is no substance whatsoever to opposition allegations that passengers were anything other than registered Malaysian voters."
A government official denied Najib's office was involved in the flights.
Malaysia has been on edge over the polls, with campaigning marred by hundreds of reports of election violence, including an improvised bomb that went off at a ruling-party event, injuring one person.
The ruling bloc has controlled Malaysia since independence in 1957 but faces the strongest opposition in the country's history, led by Anwar, a one-time Barisan heir-apparent ousted 15 years ago in a bitter power struggle.


  1. That's why we must all be united to kick out this bastards. They are crooks, robbers and thieves, all in one and must resort to cheating to retain power so they can continue to plunder the nation to enrich themselves, family members and their cronies. Why till now still no action against the white hair bastard in Sarawak even after the Macc was mocked and indirectly told to fuck off by him? They are all birds of the same feathers. With the mindset of most Malays and the massive cheating with the help of the EC it is almost impossible for the opposition to win this Sunday. Our only hope is to pray for a miracle to happen and perhaps we both will be able to celebrate on Monday morning, the birth of a new government with hot coffee at this, in Australia, I in KL. Till then let's keep our fingers crossed.

  2. Ooop, sorry, it should be "these bastards" instead of "this bastards". Whatever, I pray on Monday we can celebrate. Even if PR cannot form the government (due to cheating), a hung parliament will frighten the shits out of these crooks. ABU.

    1. These shitheads should received the wrath of Heaven & rot in Hell.

  3. Let's pray all these dirty bastards shitheads get their retribution from Heaven.

  4. Whilst in school the nuns used to tell us that god will only help those who help themselves! What the nuns meant was that it is no use praying for god's help if we sit back and do nothing about it expecting miracles to happen.
    I believe the Opposition in Malaysia has worked very hard since 2008 GE to ensure a better future for all Malaysians. And I hope and pray that God can see that each and every one of us has worked very diligently for this coming election and hear our prayers for a better future for all Malaysians.
