
Friday, May 3, 2013

They lie about their devotion to religion. They lie about their piety to their families. They lie about their “willing buyer willing seller” business deals. They lie about what they have done in government, lie about what they are doing in government and they lie about what they are going to do in government. This is the norm of this BN government. Lying.

You lie, you die

CT Ali
 | May 3, 2013  
They lie to millions of Malaysians without a tinge of regret and without any hesitation because money and political power give them the comfort they crave to make the lying easy.
In thy foul throat thou liest. – William Shakespeare, Richard III
Barisan Nasional is guilty of pushing the limits of what it does in government towards criminality. We have a prime minister who refuses to submit himself to the judiciary in order for the judiciary to establish his innocence or guilt in the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu.
He takes refuge in religion to swear his innocence. I think we have outgrown using religion to establish the innocence or guilt of murderers, child molesters, thieves and criminals.
We cannot allow our prime minister to use religion to swear his innocence of complicity in the blowing up of a Mongolian girl with C4 explosives.
We have witnessed many audacious behaviours by our political leaders who are prepared to stand solemnly in front of us with their hand on their heart and even, (God forbid!) in front of Allah, and lie.
They lie about their devotion to religion. They lie about their piety to their families. They lie about their “willing buyer willing seller” business deals. They lie about what they have done in government, lie about what they are doing in government and they lie about what they are going to do in government.
This is the norm of this BN government. Lying.
It promises to do things it cannot do. It promises to do things it will not do. All this it does because its God is money and political power, and whatever it needs to do to get money and political power, it will do.
The BN governments lies to millions of Malaysians without a tinge of regret and without any hesitation because money and political power give it the comfort it craves to make the lying easy.
There is a method to the lying. Where it excel itself is in telling us that it needs to lie because not to lie would endanger our national security.
National security covers a myriad of issues so wide-ranging and encompassing that there is no way that anyone can even begin to challenge BN when it invokes the “national security” threat.
Is it in reference to an imminent attack on our nation from Singapore, Indonesia or even China (delete whichever you think is not applicable)?
Or is it another comical attempt to keep under wraps the sweetheart independent power producer (IPP) deal between Tenaga Nasional Bhd and its cronies or the overly generous price paid for the latest negotiated purchases of Maggi Mee by the Malaysian Armed Forces? Your guess is as good as mine.
What I do know is that using this “national security” blanket as a camouflage has proven to be a financial and political bonanza for this BN government.
The next line of defence
Now if “national security” seems too far-fetched an argument to be used in lying about the progress (or lack of it) in the government’s investigations of corruption in high places or any other investigation, then race and religion becomes its next line of defence.
Race and religion are used in situations where the BN government knows that using any other excuses would allow too many questions to be asked by people who are a threat to our national security.
There is too fine a line drawn between “national security” of our country and the “vested interest” of BN. It is so fine a line that there really is no line at all. And there lies the audaciousness of the whole matter.
Lying by this BN government is endemic and systematic. It does it all the time; not on a need basis but all the effing time.


  1. Ini buat renungan pemimpin UMNO dan pengikut UMNO yang jelas menentang ISLAM .... didunia lagi Allah swt dah balas - mati tak mati tapi koma, ini seperti mati dengan jerangkung dalam jasad .... mudah-mudahan orang UMNO ini sedar sedikit .... lebih-lebih macam Zahid Hamidi yang mungkin sudah satu masa tidak tahu lagi mana bumi yang di pijak ini milik Allah ...


    Dalam kempennya kepada pengundi Zahid Hamidi berpesan "Kalau muslimat PAS datang merayu undi ke rumah tuan2 dan puan2, jangan bukak pintu, jangan jawab salam!"

    Selepas kejadian eksiden yang menimpa anaknya sehingga koma, keadaan dah terbalik! Dalam satu majlis perjumpaan ahli majlis amanah ikhtiar di Bagan Datoh, Zahid Hamidi sambil menitiskan airmata merayu muslimat PAS mendoakan anak beliau yang masih dalam keadaan koma walaupun telah dibedah tempurung kepala kelmarin.

    Kejadian kemalangan yang berlaku depan mata anak sahabat aku (nama dirahsiakan). Alkisahnya, sebelum kejadian si Hafiz ni (anak Zahid Hamidi) menaburkan risalah2 memburukan Mursyidul Am PAS TGNA di sekitar kampung2 dalam parlimen Bagan Datoh.

    Apabila melintasi kawasan petugas Pakatan Rakyat sedang membuat kerja2 menggantung bendera kempen, beliau dengan angkuh menunjukkan isyarat thumb down kepada petugas2 tersebut. Akibat perbuatan itu motosikal berkuasa tinggi yang sedang ditunggangi (Motosikal Zahid Hamidi punya) tergelincir lalu berlakulah kemalangan.

    Melihat kejadian tersebut, petugas2 Pakatan Rakyat yang telah di 'thumb down' tadi lah yang menolong menyelamatkan beliau seterusnya menguruskan penghantaran ke hospital!

  2. Padan muka. Inilah balasan dari Tuhan yg bagi kepada org yg sifat hipokrasi & tak mengenang jasa baik yg diberikan kepada dia. Patut biar dia mati kat situ.Manusia seperti ini memalukan kaum Melayu & agama Isl yg mengajar kita membalas budi baik dgn perbuatan yg baik.
