
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ditch the Witch...errr Bitch...whatever lah!

Ahh Rosmah again! This time she uses the official government jet for a visit to Qatar to attend an international forum….and why not? According to that ex MB “who had impregnated a number of young Malay girls while he was MB and has a child out of wedlock” Shahidan Kassim, cabinet has approved use of same Jet to transport FLOM to Qatar…at least for this particular trip! Hmmmm Pak Najib is learning...he cannot say "NO" to his kitchen cabinet chaired by FLOM and now he will not say "NO" to cabinet….cabinet has approved….who is he to question a cabinet decision!

I think they all miss the most salient of point that needs to be asked first!

No it is not about whether the wife of the Prime Minister can represent the country to discuss bilateral matters or represent the country on official business.

No it is not about whether there is any conflict of interest for cabinet to decide on this matter when cabinet is headed by Mr Rosmah aka the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

The pertinent question to be asked first is this:

“Does Rosmah wants to use the Official Government Jet to go to Qatar?”

If she does, who will stop her? Not Mr Rosmah, not cabinet, hell not even Mahathir! And if she wants to take Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who is special advisor to the prime minister on women entrepreneurs and professionals; Datin Seri Siti Rubiah Datuk Abdul Samad, wife of the Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman; Datin Seri Khamarzan Ahmad Meah, wife of International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed; and Datin Seri Che Kamariah Zakaria, wife of Second Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh….she can bloody do so! Hell she can take anybody she wants and cabinet will approve!

I can only offer one solution to this conundrum…DITCH THE BITCH! 

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