
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The "I want and I do not want" list for anyone who wants to be my Prime Minister.

I am 67 years old. I am a Malaysian first, an MCKK old boy next and if anybody wants to know, yes I am a Malay of Bugis extraction. I have lived, worked and play under six Prime Ministers, countless Ministers, a number of Yang di-Pertuan Agong (none of which, in my estimation has even come close to the first one – Tuanku Abdul Rahamn of Negri Sembilan). Here is my "I want and I do not want" list of any one wanting to be Prime Minister of Malaysia if he or she is to have my respect, my loyalty and my support.

I want my Prime Minister to love, respect and care for every Malaysian equally and sincerely as our Tunku did.
I want a Prime Minister that cares for the rural poor as Tun Razak did.

I want an honest Prime Minister in the mould of Tun Hussein Onn who carried out his responsibilities as PM without fear or favor.

I want a Prime Minister with the work ethics of a Mahathir able to lead with firmness and who posses the absolute confident to do what he has said he will do but without Mahathir’s mistaken belief that in him resided all knowledge and all wisdom. And I want that Prime Minister -unlike Mahathir - to use his work ethics and absolute confidence in his abilities, for good rather than for evil!

I want a Prime Minister as God fearing as Tun Abdullah Badawi but without his mistaken belief that all those who wanted to assist him meant well.

I want a Prime Minister who will not resort to gutter politics for political and personal gain.

I want a Prime Minister who does not lie ever when it comes to matters that will affect the well being of the Rakyat.

I want a Prime Minister who has no fear to meet his  political opponents on a level playing field without resorting character assassination.

I do not want a Prime Minister who is for 1Malaysia (an affirmative action policy based on needs) while at the same time insisting that he is for the NEP (an affirmative action policy base on race). The two cannot exist together as they are contradictory.  

I do not want a Prime Minister who allows racial discrimination to be institutionalized by:

·     Allowing restrictive quota for the intake of non-Malays into higher education facilities including public universities.

·     Allowing the Malaysian Civil Service, The Armed Forces, PDRM and higher education facilities to be staffed overwhelmingly by one race – the Malays.

I do not want a Prime Minister who publicly makes a stand against corrupt politicians and yet choose to have someone convicted of corruption stand as a candidate for his party at the   Bagan Pinang by election,

I do not want a Prime Minister who offers Bersih 2.0 the option to hold its rally for electoral reform in a stadium and then reneged on his offer when Bersih 2.0 decided on Stadium Merdeka.

I do not want a Prime Minister who repealed the ISA only to have it replaced by more draconian acts where the government can still brand anyone a terrorists and lock them away.

I do not want a Prime Minister who scraps the PPPA (Printing Press and Publication Act) but  still requires the publication to obtain a license from the Home Ministry - and the Home Ministry still has the absolute power to suspend and revoke that licence at any time without giving any reason (and that decisions cannot be challenged in court).

I do not want a Prime  Minister who promises a democratic system under the September 15 reforms where he guarantees a democratic system based on the universal philosophy of  ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’ and yet announces that police permits would still be required for street demonstrations.

I do not want a Prime Minister who says that Malaysian can gather in public without having to apply for a police permit but that assembly can only proceed if there is no objection by the police. And you still have to give the Police 30 days advance notice of your assembly. No 30 days notice means a RM$10,000 fine. In the end the police and the government have more power over us all than before!

I do not want a Prime Minister who uses the Sultan, money, sex and threats to take over any state that has been won over by the opposition in a general election – as was the case in Perak.

I do not want a Prime Minister who, having lost a general election, later announces a take over of the sitting government through a mass defection of MPs over to his party - as was done by Anwar Ibrahim.

I do not want a Prime Minister who chooses for his deputy someone who insists that he is a Malay first and a Malaysian second.

I do not want any Prime Minister who is linked in any way to Altantuya, Rosmah, Sharizat, Nalla, Deepak, Saiful, and the Three Datuks.

I do not want a Prime Minister who calls upon the press to perform their duties “without fear of consequence” while addressing the Malaysian Press Institute and yet thinks nothing of sending out gag order to Media Prima TV to not report about the allegations that he and his wife have been linked to the Altantuya murder.

I want a Prime Minister that will ensure the independence of the Judiciary through the separation of power between the executive and the judiciary.

I want a Prime Minister who will do away with any NGO’s or organization that promotes and encourages racial polarization.

I do not want a Prime Minister to lead a government that favors one race and marginalize the other races.

I do not want a Prime Minister that denies anyone else the use of the word ALLAH except Muslim and I do not want his government to declare that Malaysia is an Islamic state and that Islam is the official religion.

I want a Prime Minister that can infuse amongst all Malaysian the passion for a united Malaysia sharing a common and shared destiny.

I do not want a Prime Minister who blurs the lines between negotiated contracts and cronyism.

I do not want a Prime Minister who brands the opposition as being dangerous, anti-national and a threat to national security.

I want a Prime Minister who considers that getting get rid of  BTN as a national priority.

I do not want a Prime Minister who allows the lowering of passing marks of SPM and even Universities to better reflect the ‘scholastic achievements’ of his Government.

I do not want a Prime Minister who thinks that the ETP and the GTP are of any consequence to better the lot of our nation – for these transformation programs are in reality to try and improve UMNO’s political standing with the voters - not to improve the lot of the Rakyat. And then there is the PTP…the political transformation program within UMNO……will it ever cease?

I want a Prime Minister who will repeal the ISA , the PPPA, the OSA and the UUCA in its entirety without replacing it with other draconian Acts.

I want a Prime Minister who will restore the independence of the judiciary.

I want a Prime Minister who will stop corruption.

I do not want a Prime Minister who appoints an ex head of MIC who have already profited handsomely from his time as its head, to be an envoy with ministerial status.

I do not want a Prime Minister who declares a public holiday when the national football team wins the AFF Suzuki Cup. It is just a tournament involving the Asean nations – and the highest ranking participants ranking is only 121 in FIFA.

I do not want a Prime Minister who accesses my personal details on the net so that he can send me season greetings.

I do not want a Prime Minister to set up a new division in his department for his wife......and then make it all vanish from the website of the PM’s department when public opinion was against it.

I do not want a Prime Minister that appoints a disgraced Wanita leader to his department after a scandal surrounding her family business.

I do not want a Prime Minister who uses Kangkong to measure the achievements of his tenure as Prime Minister.

I do not want a Prime Minister who allows his wife the use of the Government Jet for any reason what so ever – with or without cabinet approval.

I do not want a Prime Minister that makes stop overs in Milan for his wife to shop while using the government jet for official business.

I do not want a Prime Minister who meets with someone to discuss about anything when that someone is about to accuse his opponent of sexual misconduct.

I do not want a Prime Minister to use Islam to clear his name when accused of knowing a certain Mongolian women as his innocence would have been better served if he had agreed to have the judiciary decide on it.  

There are many many other “I do not want and I want” that can be added to this list but this will do for now. It would do Anwar Ibrahim good if he takes cognizance of all these “I want and I do not want ” list because I am sure it also reflects what a lot of other Malaysians also feel that they do not want their Prime Minister to be or do.  

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