
Monday, March 3, 2014

Nurul should call a spade a spade!

Nurul: Internal feud is a norm

 | March 2, 2014
Party veep Nurul Izzah Anwar however said the leadership is doing their level best to overcome the problem.
nurul izzahKAJANG: PKR vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar welcomed senior DAP leader Lim Kit Siang’s concern that internal feuds can damage PKR and Pakatan Rakyat.
She however added that the rivalry within PKR and Pakatan is a norm in the dynamics of politics within a party.
“I welcome it positively. It is a good advice.  A house divided is problematic to ensure a win. It is, however, also part of the dynamics of politics in a party.
“There would be contests but it must not affect our work and service on the ground,” said Nurul Izzah who leads PKR’s polling district machinery in Taman Mesra for the Kajang by-election.
She spoke to FMT during a hi-tea session with the party’s women wing members and party workers.

steadyaku47 comment:

Nurul Izzah Anwar says that rivalry within PKR and Pakatan is a norm in the dynamics of politics within a party.

“I welcome it positively. It is a good advice.  A house divided is problematic to ensure a win. It is, however, also part of the dynamics of politics in a party. There would be contests but it must not affect our work and service on the ground,” said Nurul Izzah who leads PKR’s polling district machinery in Taman Mesra for the Kajang by-election.

You can call it whatever you like Nurul but I call PKR a political party that has yet to grow up and start acting like a responsible, credible and respectable political party that would be able to lead a federal government in Putrajaya! You are not talking about the state government of Selangor, Penang or Kelantan….no, this about taking charge of the whole damm country! This is about taking charge of the economy, the judiciary and the security and sovereignty of Malaysia and representing our country on the global stage.

And the fact that UMNO has pillaged and plunder this nation for the past 50 years until we are almost on our knees begging for mercy and asking them to cease and desists doing so does not mean that the majority of Malaysians are prepared to just vote for PKR or Pakatan Rakyat because that is the only alternative that we have to UMNO/Barisan Nasional.

Let me tell you and your political peers in PKR this truth. Yes we will agree that the country is now split 50/50 between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. We will also agree that in the last election that Pakatan Rakyat got the popular mandate to form government….but what we do not seem to agree is the readiness of PKR to be part of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition that should by now talk confidently about being the government in Putrajaya come the 14th general election.

By right PKR should be leading the Pakatan coalition from the front. Instead the only reason PKR is leading the Pakatan Rakyat coalition is because of Anwar Ibrahim and what he had done in the past – I repeat in the past – to put together Pakatan Rakyat and holding it together until now. Without Anwar Ibrahim PKR is a big fat zero! Yes you hold some promise for many of us for the future but one Nurul does not make a PKR.

Since the 12th general election PKR has been going downhill fast and there is nobody to blame but PKR itself.

If you are honest with yourself Nurul you will accept that too many once loyal and respectable PKR first tier leaders have left PKR in disgust and are now doing all they can to being PKR down.

If you are honest with yourself you will accept that too many people who have believed in PKR and have put in their time, effort and money to assist PKR have all been disgusted at the way PKR have treated them – not only have PKR failed to say thank you but instead hounded them to leave PKR simply because they wanted good governance, open and credible first tier leaders within PKR. Apart from Khalid and yourself none can put themselves to be considered for this honor – or maybe the right word is that they have disqualified themselves by the things they do in the name of PKR.

And if you are honest with yourself the jostling for positions within PKR is not healthy political dynamics.....the way your party elections are conducted speaks volumes of where PKR is heading - down the abyss of where political parties go when the rakyat hold that party in contempt and disgust. 

Let me remind you that when PKR asks for the votes of the Rakyat what goes with that is that PKR must then put itself to public scrutiny. In this age of the Internet and social media everything that happens in PKR and to the people in PKR – sooner if not later – will somehow find itself into the public domain as UMNO has fin out to their dismay! And when I say everything I mean everything – as you yourself have found out recently re your own marriage. And it seems that either your first tier leaders do not care a damm about what the Rakyat thinks about them or that they are so arrogant that they think they can get away with anything that they do and the people will still vote for them. By any measure you are to use, you will have to agree that within the Pakatan coalition, PKR is a distant third when in the 12th general election PKR led over Dap and PAS.

What happened?              

Do you think the rakyat are not fed up with the goings on in PKR? No Nurul what is going on in PKR is not political dynamics…it is opportunism at every level of leadership within PKR. How can PKR lead when it does not have the numbers…even in Selangor!

You guys in PKR have better sit down and sort these things out. A PKR without support from the Rakyat is a PKR that will not have the credibility to even form the state government in Selangor.

Start looking inwards Nurul and get your fellow PKR leaders to understand that there is no point in being President of PKR if PKR no longer have the respect and the votes of the Rakyat…and the way things are today in PKR…you all are heading down the road pretty fast.    

And also try to understand this...when I am critical about the way things are in PKR I am doing so not because I want to hantam PKR or because I want to give UMNO/Barisan Nasional an advantage. On the contrary...I want PKR to change. I want PKR to be the political entity that leads the opposition into Putrajaya come the next general election because at this point of time, PKR is the Malaysian party that best exemplify what we want 1Malaysia to be - sans race, sans religion -all for one and one for all! So please PKR give us reason to think that that is possible!     

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