
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Najib a Warrior? What ethical or moral cause has this warrior championed? Which evil-doer has this warrior claimed to have slayed?

Berita Daily

26/06/2015 08:26 AM
Do not underestimate Najib, he's a warrior.
It is no exaggeration to say that Najib, Umno, our nation and our future are all now engaged in the fight of our lives
Hussein Hamid

“Do not underestimate me. I will work harder. The blood in me is not any blood. Sometimes I might look very diplomatic. But I have warrior spirit.” Prime Minister Najib Razak at 'Sarawak for Najib' rally in Kuching on June 4.

Warrior spirit? Warrior blood? What tribe, what race and what nation will have him as their warrior? What ethical or moral cause has this warrior championed? Which evil-doer has this warrior claimed to have slayed?

Has Najib defeated his detractors who accused him of complicity in the murder of Altantuya? Not by a long shot. Again he failed to front up in court and instead took an oath before God professing his innocence!

Now this warrior is in the fight of his life! A fight against a 90-year-old retiree - Dr Mahathir Mohamad and yet at the first opportunity of open debate with Tun, Najib flees!

In all the stories that Najib tells us of his trials and tribulations, he sees himself as the Umno warrior. Huh!

click here to read more at Berita Daily

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