
Monday, June 8, 2015

Berita Daily : What we see this BN government doing now is what unscrupulous businessmen 'legally' do when they flip companies, scam and swindle their way through PLC to make millions and billions from their manipulations of assets and 'business' opportunities. 'Flipping' our national assets for the financial gain of the politically powerful and their cronies.

Berita Daily

A tangled web of deceit and deception
'Flipping' our national assets for the financial gain of the politically powerful and their cronies must be stopped and where is Pakatan Rakyat when it is needed most?
Hussein Hamid

What we see this BN government doing now is what unscrupulous businessmen 'legally' do when they flip companies, scam and swindle their way through PLC to make millions and billions from their manipulations of assets and 'business' opportunities. They contrive, enhance and conjure out of thin air these assets and business opportunities  to raise the 'value' of their companies to heights that will net them insane financial gains. Then when the bubble bursts these unscrupulous businessmen take their gains and disappear to places unknown to live luxuriously on the proceeds of their questionable business 'acumen.

This is what those elected to government are now doing in Malaysia today. 'Flipping' our national assets for the financial gain of the politically powerful and their cronies. On the pretext of 'national interests and development' they use established entities or special purpose vehicles incorporated specifically for these insidious deeds.

Over the years we have seen this done time and time again. At each 'successful' flipping these politicians get more greedy and the sums involved gets more astronomical. Fittingly it takes the involvement of our Prime Minister as the Chairman of its Board of Advisors for the mother of all 'Flips' to happen - that of 1MDB. Fittingly in a grotesque way, the sums involved now runs into the billions - over RM40 billion and counting.    

Najib Razak has irresponsibly but 'legally' instructed his government to sell our national assets  - in this case land - for a pittance of their value to 1MDB. Within a period of four years 1MDB has a 'revalue' (rather than an added value) and these assets from the millions up to the billions and now will 'resell' or 'on sell' the same property back to the government at the revalued value... for whose gain? Not the rakyat. Not the Nation.

But certainly for the financial gain of cronies, favoured politicians and whoever else devious enough to get onto the gravy train. These financial gains now run into the billions. From just over RM2 billion when first sold to 1MDB to the over RM10 billion today. Surely this is madness. And while these devious schemers work hand in glove with Najib Razak to promote projects and business opportunities within 1MDB that will net them billions, the rakyat gets shafted with the GST!

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