
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

cakap cakap....Wednesday morning.

10.11 am Wednesday : Let me share with you my morning so far.....

I was up and all ready to go by 6.15 am this morning because last night was an early night and my wife slept through the night like a baby! With a Nescafe in one hand I powered on my MAC and went first to the stats re my blog for the day before. All good. Any day my Pageviews go past 4000 clicks is a good day for me. 

For the past couple of weeks Pa Arshad (Brigidier General (Rtd) Mohd Arshad Raji's "An Old Soldier Speaks...more in Sorrow than in Anger") post have been the most popular post of my blog and deservedly so - over 5000 clicks and counting. He writes from his heart about his disappointment ....."my beloved country grasping for breath in the face eventual death, I flinch in fear that all the scarifices that we the members of the Armed Forces had contributed in the past to make this country safe" and worry that our country "is being mismanaged at the hands of unscrupulous, thieving, corrupt and lying politicians".  
Today I see that his piece is still up there as the most read article in this blog. Tabek Tuan!

Then on to Malaysiakita where I could, in a minute, see what was making news back in my beloved Malaysia and from there click to go to the relevant blog to read what it was all about. No need to surf the NET, no need to scan the media or other sites to see what was happening back in bolehland. It is all there in Malaysiakita. I must say thank you to whoever is administering this site. You are doing good work in keeping us informed.

Sometimes I comment on the articles I find in Malaysiakita - and this I do this morning with a "Quickies : You Know Who They Are" when I read about Sharir Samad trying to explain the RM1 million he got from Najib's donation cash pile. 

I remember a dinner I had with Sharir in Holiday Inn in KL (the one that had the train carriage parked in front) many many years ago when he was still in the cabinet. It was him, me and a few girls he invited...and I remembered him insisting on paying for the dinner with his credit card...and with a wink towards me mouthed the word OGS (On Government Service) ! As always with Sharir  - the good things in life that costs money matters. He has not changed! 

By then it was already 8.30 am and my wife was already wide awake. With my son Zack, we managed to get her organized and sitting down to breakfast by 9.30 am...and then it was an Ice Cold Soya Bean milk with a roast beef sandwich breakfast which I had sitting down in front of my MAC catching up with the rest of the news in Bolehland and the world.

The rest of the day awaits.           

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