
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I hope that leader is a Malay for I am also a Malay and I do want one of my own to lead me. But that is merely a wish, it is not a want! What we must have is that the best and most able and capable person among us all must lead. Whether that person is Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Kadazan does not matter...but for now we wait!

You can hantam Najib Razak - prime minister of Malaysia who is a Malay.

You can question the wisdom of the three million Malay members of Umno in choosing Najib Razak as their president and in their wisdom in choosing the raft of ketua bahagians and their AJK's  who have made corruption and arrogance a byword for Umno and by default, also for the Malays.

You may even doubt the ability of the Malay dominated federal and state governments to do good governance.

And over the years you must have, time and time again, come across corruption in PDRM, the government departments and the Civil Service - again staffed predominantly by the Malays.  

But let me remind you that Najib Razak, the three million Malay rank and file members of Umno, those Malay politicians in government and cabinet and the corrupt PDRM rank and file and the corrupt civil servant may all be Malay but they are not in themselves, the entire Malay race.

Do not see the Malay race through the hue of these brigands, thieves, liars and corrupt public officials......for if you do you will be doing a disservice to yourself and to those who are Malays.

You will be doing a disservice to your self because the loathing you may then develop for the Malays because of the doings of these "Malays" will make you a lesser person that you deserved to be.

You will be doing a disservice to the Malays because among others, I am also a Malay, and I do not deserve to be tainted by the actions of others who are also Malays but do not share my aspirations, my hope and my dreams for the Malays to be what they are capable of being  - gracious and responsible Malaysian who will do unto others what they wants others to do unto them! For we know that hate beget hate, violence begets violence but love and respect of others begets love and respect for ourselves in return!

So enough of Malay bashing. 

By all means bash those Malays who are corrupt, arrogant and without compassion for other Malaysians as you would bash a Chinese, Indian, Kadazan and Dayak for same! But do not paint all Malays with the same brush!

There have been a Malay prime ministers - Tunku - who have have sold his properties to raise much needed cash for Umno needs and by so doing did a service to all Malaysians as Umno pursued Merdeka for all of us. 

There have been a Malay prime ministers -Tun Razak - who have died in the service of the nation and by so doing put the interest of all Malaysian and our nation before his.

There are Malay politicians who, even now, are serving the people tirelessly and under dire financial constrains because that is what they have been elected to do - Fauzi Rahman, Ahli Parlimen Indera Makhota - a schoolmate, a friend and the son of an Umno stalwart - is one.

And not all the Malays in Umno are complicit in the descent of Umno into what it is today - a political entity mired in corruption, money politics and self interests.

There are good Malays around. There are decent Malays in your neighborhood. And anywhere you care to look there will be Malays just like you trying to eke out a living in an nation increasingly conflicted by the deeds of Malay politicians.

Do not think that as Malays we are unaware of these Riff Raff's within our midst's. Do not think that we do not know what they have done to our good name, to our good standing among other Malaysian and what they have done to sullied the good name of our people.

We know who they are. We know what we will do to them when the opportunity and the occasion arises. For now we Malays will suffer them with the stoicism that you know we Malays are known for. Not because they are our own. Not because we Malays will always protect our own. Not even because we will rather have a Malay as our leader than any others. No! No! No!

We will all suffer these Riffs Raff's for now because the next generation of leaders for all of us - the Malays and the non-Malays are yet to make themselves known to us. I do not see anyone deserving of that honor today within the ranks of politicians on both side of the divide. 

Some pretenders to the thrones have already started to make their intentions known to us all. With respect I dismiss them all with the disdain of an old man of 67 who have seen it all.                                         

From Tunku to Najib. 

From Tan Siew Sin to Liow Tiong Lai. 

From Sambathan to Subramanium. 

From Tan Chee Khoon to Lim Kit Siang. 

From Ahmad Boestaman to Anwar Ibrahim.

None that I see today can hold a candle to the politicians that I have seen past and present.  NONE!

And so I wait...we wait!

But I know that while you and I wait, our nation is being raped, pillaged and plundered by these current leaders who call themselves our champions, our saviour...our hope for the future. Huh! Our "football" team would have a better chance of qualifying for the World Cup in Russia that these retards have of saving our people and our nation from the damnation of corruption, money politics and their misplaced arrogance that only masks their woeful inadequacy in understanding what they were elected by the people to do!

As they have done in the past, the Malays, by default, will lead in things political. Have confidence in their collective wisdom to do what is right for our people, our nation and our future. While we wait ponder what we will need to do as one people to unite behind that leader who will surely emerge in the not too distant future. 

I hope that leader is a Malay for I am also a Malay and I do want one of my own to lead me. But that is merely a wish, it is not a want! What we must have is that the best and most able and capable person among us all must lead. Whether that person is Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Kadazan does not matter...but for now we wait!

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