
Friday, September 4, 2015

Tabek Tun!

When I was searching for reasons to understand what the Old Man is now doing I remember what I read in Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities.  

“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

To me those words explains what is driving a man four scores and ten years old to do the things he now does!  

Does the Old Man wants redemption for his "sins" in the past? Hell no! As far as he is concern what he did during his 22 years in power was good for us, good for Malaysia and good for Malaysia's future.

Contrite? Nahhhh not this Old Man. His does not regret what he has done. He is not ashamed nor is he affected by guilt that Eric Cheah, Tajuddin Ramili, Anwar Ibrahim, Pak Lah, Najib etc were all failures (in his mind!) that can be attributed directly to him - for he chose them!

Does the Old Man want anything for himself? Power, insane wealth and the love of all Malaysians. Hell no! the Old Man is 90...and any body who is over 60 (me included) knows that we no longer care about those things!

What about fame and fortune? Huh...the Old Man needs fame and fortune like he needs Rosmah Mansor for a wife! He is already famous...notoriously famous as some of you will mischievously insists!

The Old Man was never greedy nor was he corrupt...and he can not be faulted for feeling entitled. Any entitlement he asked for is what was his due as prime minister of Malaysia. 

So why is the Old Man singularly focused on taking Najib and Rosmah out?

The Old Man is doing so for the same reason that you and I want this Najib summarily dismissed and then prosecuted and persecuted....I did say persecuted because he deserves nothing less...we all want this Najib to answer for all that he did while in public office - from the time he was MB of Pahang until now! And not only that, I want him tarred, feathered and quartered!

The Old Man is doing all this because it has dawned upon him that Najib is now another one of his failures. The other mistakes the Old Man has done are all history but this one he can do something about it!

When the Old Man needed to put Malaysia on the world map with something spectacular - he built the Twin Towers. 

When the Old Man wanted to put Malaysia on the Formula One calender, he built Sepang. 

KLIA and Putrajaya he built for the same reasons - they were, in his opinion, needed to fulfill a pressing need. 

And now there is Najib! 

He put Najib there! Now he will have to take Najib out. The Old Man knows he has to, and, he knows he can do something about it. 

It  needed for him to expose the scams and shenanigans of 1MDB - he did. 

It needed for him to ridicule those in Umno who continued to turn a blind eye to what Najib is doing to Umno, Malaysia and its people. He did. 

It needed for him to turun padang at Bersih 4. He did. 

We are seeing the practical and pragmatic Mahathir doing what he does best - carrying out his duty for King, country and us!

It is the right thing for him to do. 

When the Old Man succeeds (not if, but when he succeeds!) it will give him peace of mind and  It will bring him peace of mind eternally - that in the end he did what he had to do for the people and his nation  - not for himself - but for the nation and the people he loved and tried to do so much for!

And here is the thing we all know about the Old Man...when he goes for the kill...the focus of his "everything" is "dead meat"! Najib is "dead meat". 

dead meat
phrase of dead
in serious trouble.

And if the Old Man is with us...then we are with him!

And...hahaha...I heard a good one this morning! That tweet of an IGP says that PDRM (not him but PDRM!) will be calling in Mahathir for questioning.

Who will be doing the questioning? 

Some masked UTK operatives? 

Or will the IGP himself ala Rahim Noor get involved and give the Old Man a black eye to boot! Huh! All the Old Man has to do is give him a stern look and that tweet of an IGP will surely wet his pants!

Let us all sit down to a roti canai and a drink at our favorite mamak stall with friends and talk about the birds and the bees and about how this Najib's circus will surely end.

How will it end you ask me?

Will this buffon of a Pekan boy be forced to leave without guarantees of not being prosecuted for his crimes before the end of his term? Most likely!

Will he voluntarily relinquish power to a democratically elected successor - whether that successor is chosen by Umno or by the people at a general election? Not bloody likely.

Will he be arrested ala Anwar Ibrahim by masked UTK operatives who will storm Seri Perdana and bundle him and his beloved Rosmah Mansor to some lock-up in Bukit Aman? Most bloody likely!

Or will he and Big Mama, ala Marcos, flee in the dead of the night to parts unknown in one of their beloved private / government jets loaded with the loot they have plundered and pillaged from our national coffers? Most very bloody likely!

Your guess is as good as mine....but as I have said will happen soon...very soon! In weeks if not months....and when it happens it can never be quick enough!

As for the Old Man....Tabek Tun!

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