
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Let us fight our own battles .....

I think we should stop this practice of appealing to other nations to help us fight this dastardly oppressive BN government who continues to impose upon our people, our opposition leaders and anyone that seeks to unseat them from government, punishment that far exceeds their purported "crimes", with impunity.

Why should we do this?

Look around us at the injustice imposed by various governments  - the US and Russia included - upon their own people and others. If they can get away with doing so, they will continue to do so without regard to what others say. Prisoners kept without trail, hundreds nay even thousands kill in the name of keeping the peace and the injustice of refugees being shunted from one country to another...we see millions of human beings suffering such indignities, even death....nobody really cares or worry about them until it touches us personally. Until we are confronted by pictures such as these......a dead Syrian boy body washed up on the beaches of Turkey!

or the starving children of the Biafran War....

Yes the world understand pictures better than words......but do you think the World cares about what this BN government is doing to its own people? To the Chinese and the Christians? To the Orang Asli?  To Anwar Ibrahim?

At most they will give a perfunctory nod towards our direction as we appeal to them to assist us in our endeavors to protect our own against the injustice of this BN government - that and nothing more.

What we need to do is to move our own people to think about the injustice that is being meted out upon our own people with impunity by this Umno led BN government. Remember what that image of Anwar Ibrahim with a black eye did to you? Were you not incensed, angered and mad that such a beating could be done to someone who is an ex DPM? Yes we are all equal...but some are more equal than others. Anwar is one of them!

One of the images from the Vietnam War that has never left my mind is the execution of a Vietcong by the Chief of the South Vietnam National Police on a Saigon street in 1968.....

South Vietnamese Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the national police, shoots Vietcong officer Nguyen Van Lem, also known as Bay Lop, on a Saigon street on Feb. 1, 1968.

There have been other images but I digress.

I was talking about us taking care of our problems ourselves  - and not going to others to ask for their help to oust BN. It has become a habit for our opposition leaders to make trips overseas to meet with sympathetic parties to plead their case about being harassed and unfairly treated by this BN government. 

Come on is Najib's and BN's job to make your life miserable. When these BN leaders do go over the limit - as Najib has dome with 1MDB and that RM2.4 billion donation that he kept for himself....the world will make their feelings about these abuses of political power known to anybody who will listen tot hem. Their press will do their work and investigate these abuses and publish their finding for all to see.

Until then I suggest that those opposition leaders that insist on taking trips overseas ...better be careful with what you do overseas lest what you do or do not do there comes back to haunt you when the next election comes around.Remember today anyone with a mobile phone is a photographer and anyone with a computer can be a publisher. And if they are being "financed" bu you know who.....hmmmmm the consequences can be most embarrassing and even humiliating for you. Even the walls of in a Hotel in London or New York has ears and eyes that can see in the berjaga jaga.

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