
Friday, October 9, 2015

Now if Zeti decides to make a stand against the abuse of office by Najib...she has knowledge of and evidence of what has been done...documents, records and paper trials that can tell us and the world what Najib has really done and how 1MDB has been complicit in all these criminal activities. And more important, Zeti has credibility. The question now is simply this : Will Zeti do it?

steadyaku47 comment

PDRM, MACC the AG and any other damm government authority  can clear Najib and 1MDB of any wrong doing. 

Umno can declare their undivided support for Najib to remain as President of Umno and Prime Minister of Malaysia. 

And by playing Golf with Najib, Obama is telling the world that he thinks Najib is a friend of America and that he has the support of the most powerful nation in the world. 

Thousands may turn up to welcome Najib from his trip to Milan to attend a fashion show organized by his wife....all this and more can be achieved with good PR, a thick face to do what ever is needed to be done to promote one self and of course with the use of our money...plenty of our money. 

All it takes to unravel all the abuse and misuse of executive power by Najib Razak is for one person to stand up and tell us all what he or she knows about all these abuses. 

There have already been some from within Umno (Mahathir included) who have said "enough is enough" and dared to voice out their dissent. And there have been many outside Umno who too have done the same and paid for their courage with harassment by the powers that be and some have been jailed or are in the process of being jailed for their courage.

But all these people may have courage and right on their side...but they lack knowledge and credible evidence of what actually has been done by this lying and thieving prime minister of ours.

Now if Zeti decides to make a stand against the abuse of office by Najib...she has knowledge of and evidence of what has been done...documents, records and paper trials that can tell us and the world what Najib has really done and how 1MDB has been complicit in all these criminal activities. 

And more important, Zeti has credibility. 

That is all we can hope for...that someone of her stature, her position and her integrity will do what so many before her has been trying to do...force Najib to step down as prime minister because of his abuse of his executive Powers while prime minister of Malaysia.

Then someone else can start work on Rosmah!      

The question now is simply this : Will Zeti have the moral courage to do so?

BNM revokes approvals for 1MDB's RM7.5b fund transfers

Bank Negara Malaysia revoked three permissions granted to 1MDB under the Exchange Control Act 1953 (ECA) for investments abroad totalling US$1.83 billion (about RM7.5 billion at the current exchange rate).

The central bank said in a statement that it also issued a directive under the Financial Services Act 2013 to 1MDB to repatriate the amount of US$1.83 billion to Malaysia and to submit a plan to it for this purpose.

The statement was made in response to a statement by the attorney-general that 1MDB had done no wrong with respect to the investigation by Bank Negara into 1MDB.

The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) said in its statement yesterday that Bank Negara had investigated 1MDB under the ECA for knowingly or recklessly making a false statement.
The investigation papers were submitted on Aug 21.

However, deputy solicitor-general (I) Abd Majid Hamzah decided there was no offence committed by 1MDB and no further action should be taken, the statement said.

The investigation papers were returned to Bank Negara on Sept 11 and the decision was communicated to Bank Negara the same day.

However, on Oct 1 Bank Negara made a request to have the decision reviewed but after considering the request, the AGC decided to maintain its decision as no new evidence was given.

In its statement today, Bank Negara said the attorney-general’s decision with respect to the investigations into 1MDB relates to Bank Negara’s recommendation to initiate criminal prosecution against 1MDB for breaches under the ECA.

Bank Negara said: “It is to be noted that under the Federal Constitution, the decision to initiate criminal prosecution lies solely with the attorney-general.

“As an investigative authority, the bank is duty bound to conduct its investigations with the highest professional care and diligence. 

"The bank at all times expects full and accurate disclosure of information by applicants in considering any application under the ECA.

“On its part, the bank concluded that permissions required under the ECA for 1MDB’s investments abroad were obtained based on inaccurate or without complete disclosure of material information relevant to the bank’s assessment of 1MDB’s applications.

“The bank will continue to extend its full cooperation to ongoing investigations by the Royal Malaysia Police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.”


Business News

BNM directs 1MDB to bring back US$1.83b from overseas

Friday, 9 October 2015

KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has directed 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) to bring back the US$1.83bil from overseas.

Below is the full statement issued by BNM on Friday:

The Attorney General’s decision with respect to the investigations on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) relates to Bank Negara Malaysia’s recommendation to initiate criminal prosecution against 1MDB for breaches under the Exchange Control Act 1953 (ECA). It is to be noted that under the Federal Constitution, the decision to initiate criminal prosecution lies solely with the Attorney General.

As an investigative authority, the Bank is duty bound to conduct its investigations with the highest professional care and diligence. The Bank at all times expects full and accurate disclosure of information by applicants in considering any application under the ECA. On its part, the Bank concluded that permissions required under the ECA for 1MDB’s investments abroad were obtained based on inaccurate or without complete disclosure of material information relevant to the Bank’s assessment of 1MDB’s applications.

Therefore, the Bank has revoked three permissions granted to 1MDB under the ECA for investments abroad totalling USD1.83 billion and also issued a direction under the Financial Services Act 2013 to 1MDB to repatriate the amount of USD1.83 billion to Malaysia and submit a plan to the Bank for this purpose.

The Bank will continue to extend its full cooperation to ongoing investigations by the Royal Malaysia Police and the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission.

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