
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Add another one to your "Ugly Malaysian" List!

Yes can add another one to your "Ugly Malaysian List" ...and this one is really ugly! Really really Ugly!

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16, 2015:
There is nothing wrong with the Malaysian Islamic Economic Development Foundation (Yapeim) organising wedding courses overseas, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.
Jamil said such courses benefited students abroad, without them needing to undergo the same exercise in Malaysia.
In fact, Jamil said, the course was well received by students and some applications also had to be rejected because there were too many applicants.
“What’s wrong if Yapeim organised or paid for wedding courses to students abroad?
“Is the course not beneficial if it enables students to get married abroad or in the country?
“Students know the benefits from the course that encompasses family and also explanations relating to Islam as the federal religion,” he said when met by The Rakyat Post in Parliament today.
WHY you wanna organise "Wedding Courses" for STUDENTS you stupid ass Motherfucker!
They are STUDENTS! Haven't even GRADUATED and have a Job which could Pay or raise a family, what more to AFFORD a wedding. They should be concentrating on finishing their studies and CAREER not thinking about getting married!


steadyaku47 comment : Maybe organizing "Wedding Course for Students" helps pay for your house kut?

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