
Saturday, March 12, 2016

University of Nottingham: Removing Dato' Seri Najib Razak's portrait at the University of Nottingham. UPDATE.

Petition update

Update #1: 9.50pm, 11/3/2016 (UK time)

Cassandra Chung
United Kingdom
11 Mar 2016 — To all those who have signed this petition,

Thank you so much for the overwhelming support! When this petition first started, we did not think we would even reach a 100 signatures required but within 50 hours, the petition has acquired over 3000 signatures!

So it is with great pleasure that we want to announce to all of you that the motion has been submitted for the AGM!

Right now, we are waiting on the Society to approve the motion for debate which will be during the AGM itself. So keep sharing and getting as many people to sign the petition; the more people who back up this cause, the more likely the Society is going to pay attention! As soon as the Society gets back to us we will let you know.

Some of you may not have noticed but the petition has appeared on various news portals such as;

Asian Correspondent-


The Malaysian Outsider-

Yahoo Singapore-

Do let me know if I've missed out any other websites.

There have also been threats issued to which I would like to emphasise to please leave anybody related to me out of this as they had no part in pushing me to form this petition.

As for the supporters of this petition, if you do come across any threat, I do strongly urge all of you to respond with rationality and compassion rather than retaliate with sharp words.

I would also like to thank Fahmi Zainol who has publicly spoken up in my defence concerning particular threats. For more on what he said, follow the link below;

I have also been asked to provide a picture of the said portrait so I have. It is approximately over a meter tall (apologies, my fault for overestimating).

One of the Nottingham seniors have also come up with this amazing picture with his Photoshop skills so perhaps you could spread that around as well ;)

That's all for now; remember to keep sharing and getting other people to sign the petition!

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