
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

anak anwar ibrahim.....

Guess which MP actually had a go walking blindfolded to understand what blind pedestrians face in Brickfields

steadyaku47 comment : When I see Nurrul walking blind to understand what it is that those who are blind have to go through in Life....I do not mind telling you that my heart is heavy with thoughts of her doing all this without her father by her side. 

It is not right that Anwar is inside Sungai Buloh because he presents a political threat to Najib Razak. It is not right that at almost 70 a father is deprived of what little time he still has left on this earth... deprived of the company of his wife and children. I am so comforted to have my wife and my children with and around me. Anwar has not for himself what comforts so many of us have in our old age - the physical presence and nearness of our loved ones. 

Saudara Anwar you know that with every day you spend inside Sungai Buloh you know that your days to freedom nears. You also know that with every day you spend inside Sungai Buloh, Najib days as prime ministers nears an let us comfort each other with that thought. 

Lawan mesti Lawan!    

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