
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sarawak Report : Malaysia Becomes A World Haven For Fugitives From Justice!

27 September 2016

According to The Times of India, the court yesterday said the arrests warrants were necessary because Malaysia had not provided assistance over the past two years.
“They (Marshall and Krishnan) could not be served with the summons through the normal course by resorting to mutual legal assistance treaty between the two countries.
“Malaysian authorities have categorically declined to effect the service. In such a situation, the only way left is to approach the Interpol and for that issue of warrant is necessary…
“In such a situation when further issuance of summons would be a futile exercise, it is rightful for the prosecution to ask for warrant of arrest against the accused,” the court was reported saying. 
In 2014, India’s Central Bureau of Investigation filed charges against the duo and South Indian politician and former Indian telecommunications minister Dayanidhi Maran over alleged corruption to help the Maxis group take control of an Indian mobile phone carrier in 2006.
Source: Malaysia Becomes A World Haven For Fugitives From Justice!, Malaysiakini


The frustration of the Indians is mirrored by that of the Swiss and United States and all other countries trying to bring to book criminals who have stolen billions from the Malaysian public.

This key crony Krishnan also played a pivotal role in 1MDB, of course, since he sold his power plants at what is agreed was a highly inflated price to the so-called ‘development fund’ in 2012 (part of the Abu Dhabi /Aabar Phase of 1MDB thefts, as described by the US Dept of Justice).

So, with Najib in charge it seems that Malaysia is to become known as a haven for international fugitives from justice – the sort of dubious honour generally reserved for tinpot republics willing to do anything to scrape a few bucks…. which is apparently the status towards which Najib is heading his once proud nation.

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